Welcome to this week's episode of A Witch, A Mystic & A Feminist! Join our hosts as they embark on a captivating conversation with the talented Lisa Harrington, a Reiki Master and experienced tour guide based in the enchanting land of Sedona, Arizona. Lisa's unique expertise combines her deep understanding of Reiki healing with her passion for guiding visitors through the mystical energy of Sedona. 

Marlena shares her personal connection with Lisa, recounting a transformative guided tour she had with her in 2022. They recently reconnected when Marlena visited Sedona with her mom and child in May.


During the episode, the ladies of A Witch, A Mystic & A Feminist delve into Marlena's experiences in Sedona with Lisa, discussing Lisa's own journey and her decision to make Sedona her home. They explore Lisa's fascinating work as a tour guide, particularly her integration of Reiki into her tours. Listeners will discover what to expect when embarking on a tour with Lisa, including the unique blend of spiritual insight, natural beauty, and healing energy that Sedona offers.


Join us as we uncover the captivating world of Sedona's mystical energy alongside Lisa Harrington, as she seamlessly merges her skills as a Reiki Master and tour guide. Prepare to be inspired by the transformative experiences and profound connections that await those who choose to explore Sedona's sacred landscapes with Lisa's guidance.

To book a tour with Lisa Harrington, you can visit her website at https://www.healingwnature.com

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Lisa Harrington Sedona


Lisa H., Jamie, Christy, Marlena


Hello party people and welcome to a witch, a mystic and a feminist. Happy Tuesday, or whatever day you choose to listen to this. Today we have a special episode. I mean, all of our episodes are special, but this one is the third and final installment in our unofficial Sedona series. So please welcome Lisa Harrington to the show. And join us for a interesting twisty turny conversation through the vortexes and magic that Sedona has to offer. Enjoy.


Lisa, welcome to the show. I'm at Lisa, last year when I went to Sedona with Vince I had scheduled us for a tour through Viator. And Lisa was working for another company at that time doing these tours. And so I was able to meet her then. But as we started talking, we realized that we were more aligned to them basically thought

Lisa H.  

we connected, it's a Sedona thing,


we definitely connect. And so we started talking about Reiki and your past with Reiki or past and present I will say, because it just this past tour that my mom, bear and I had with you. You actually did Reiki on that tour, because you are doing your own tours now. Right?

Lisa H.  

Yes. So that's part of the experience to most people are curious about the vortex energy. So why not have the extra experience of Reiki energy added to the tour. So


love it, I was going to ask do you find that it's more powerful out there just being there would be amazing. And then you have Reiki on top of it?

Lisa H.  

Yes, it depends on the person's openness. So there's power in the person seeking the healing. And I always tell people that there's there's power, when you are reaching out to a healer and saying, I want to receive this, then you are calling it in and then your way open, you know, wide open. So when a person is like, Ooh, what is this and they're uptight and kind of know and closing down, then the energy, the person's not allowing it. So that is the big factor on what you can experience is where you're at. But once a person is open, yes, that landscape, the vortex energy. And I don't know if you noticed, I don't do it right at the source. Because it's a lot to handle, even for me opening up, because I feel the stuff too. So when the energy increases, I don't need to be sitting there feeling dizzy from it. So I step away, and we do it. But we're still in the ripple. We're still in that place where it's gentle or energy plus the energy that pours through me, right?


Yeah. Because when we were doing the tour, this last time with my mom and bear, I was able to feel like every time we went into a vortex I was able to feel it. And there is I mean, I would get a little lightheaded, I'd get a little dizzy, I'd start to feel like almost like an anxiety attack, because my chest started to feel heavy. And so I would seriously need to like move out of there just because I would get a slight headache as well.

Lisa H.  

Yep, that's very common for a person who's wide open.


So when you say you don't go to the source, so there's like a center point of main point you, you don't go there because it's just too intense. What is the source when you say that?

Lisa H.  

So there's a few locations on my tour, that one is a specific twisted tree, that we can actually touch the tree and feel that direct connection. And then there's other locations where we the source might be at the top of a you know, 1000 foot climb, where I'm not going? Not going? Going there. So there's some places where we feel the ripple effect. Just picture like throwing a pebble in a pond and seeing how that ripple that's the the energy ripples out. And the scientific theory behind that. Is that the Do you guys know what makes the red clay red in Sedona? I don't. every grain of sand is coated in iron. So iron is a conductor of energy. And this is you know, scientific theory. But this is the same facts that have popped across that TV show. Ancient Aliens on History Channel as long as you can get past them blaming everything on Aliens. You'll enjoy the show.


I actually believe in aliens, so I enjoy the show. Regardless. I watch it. Yeah, often.

Lisa H.  

I recently did a UFO tour with my friend. She does UFO tours, and it was awesome.


Oh, yes. Oh, oh, I've seen two UFOs while in Sedona. So each time I've seen one And each time, which was pretty awesome, so I totally believe in aliens and UFOs.

Lisa H.  

Yeah, at the end of 2018 When I came out for the first time in Sedona traveling solo, I think I had a half a dozen different. What the heck was that moment? That I was like, that was not a helicopter, what? Like a nighttime search light, no sound and it took a hard right, our crafts can't do that. So I was like, wow, I, that's what I just saw.


So it wouldn't make sense to me that they would be drawn to Sedona as well. So, totally, I think we all have that belief.

Lisa H.  

I feel like part of that awakening process that everybody experiences is that it opens you up to while we know very little. There's so much more out there. There's so much more. It's so vast. It's so amazingly incredibly vast. Yeah. Who says Big Foots not real anymore? Like, you know.


That's a whole nother that's a whole nother episode.


I've never personally seen him. But that doesn't mean that he's not out there. It just means he's super cool at you know, incognito?


Yeah, exactly. I actually have, I don't know if this person wants me to disclose their name, because then they might be considered crazy. But um, I have someone close to me that has and does firmly believe they saw Bigfoot and has a whole experience and freaked him out and firmly believes in it. It's like, hey, a to say that we know and have seen everything on this planet in this world in outer space. And all the universes is so naive. Like, I'm not calling you a liar. I believe that Bigfoot out there. There's going to be stuff we haven't seen yet.

Lisa H.  

No, that was the start of my journey in the US Forest Service in North Carolina. There was a scientist that showed up where I was volunteering. And he wanted to go study the mystery. They're called the brown lights. Do you guys want to dive into that one? The mystery brown lights of brown mountain. I believe I saw them. I saw them. I have no idea. It's like orbs of light. It's different sizes. They float out from a canyon area that is not populated. They used to use this Canyon area way back for some special forces training because you lose radio comms. So it's very deep canyon. Very deep forest. And so when you're in the overlook, you look down and you're like, What the heck am I looking at this as my experience? One look like a big giant bonfire. You know, hundreds of feet up. Yeah. So size is hard to figure. Then by the water. You could see what i My impression was people carrying torches. Like I had a glimpse into the past. And then there would be these orbs that floated out and above the mountains. And you're looking at it all going what? Yeah, you know, what am I watching? That's awesome. Yeah.


And so I'm looking it up as you're talking about this is Yeah, crazy. Cool. Yeah. I love though.

Lisa H.  

I've seen some things on my travels.


Yeah. I love that.


like, what other things


like fifth Wheeler.


I want to know,


like, what we kind of diverted?


I know, but I'm like, what else have you seen in Sedona? Yeah, like coming out there, though. Maybe would shock me?

Lisa H.  

Well, it's the only thing in Sedona that I've seen that would be that, you know, oh my gosh, what is that? Is those mysterious lights in the way they moved? Which were craft flying at night, and I was convinced by their movements. Yep. That's not us. You know. So now the first few times it happened. I was like, oh, okay, I'm going to bed. Like I'm going in and I'm not staying outside. Now I'm looking at it like hi, I wave like, hey, you know? Yeah,


thanks for visiting


for me. I would not mind seeing an alien and I discussed that episode with my mom. Where I told her I was like, I don't want to like be in our hotel room or you know, wherever we're staying open up the blinds and there's like a little alien that's like that would that would scare me by like if well, you know, with my fingers like the shit out of me,


my fingers because that's where we'd


like fingers. But if I were to see a UFO, and then the UFO lands, and it's because in that moment or in any moment, really, my brain turns logical like how is This made sense. And so if I were to see a craft, and then it land and then meet an alien that way, totally up to, you know, or I'm not. But I'm with you. All right? I mean, not to say I wouldn't be nervous. I'm like about


I still have the visual of you and your hotel room and alien. By


me, like, if you come in peace don't scare the shit out of me. Like, I'd be scared if I opened up the window and there was a cat there, you know. So an alien would definitely, you know, scare the crap. But like I said, if I saw the craft land that way, it just gives my brain a moment to process. I think I would be fun if


the alien knocked on the door, would you be okay? Like you just knocked on the door and you open it?


Up? Because again, my logical brain is like somebody is knocking on the door. It's a human. So, I mean, it's not in my brain that's like, oh, an alien. Maybe you knocking on my door or, you know, even if I opened the door, and it was a wild animal, like a bear or a monkey or something that could knock you open the door. I would like freak out a little bit. But if I see them coming in, my brain has time to process at it. Okay.

Lisa H.  

Oh, okay, that makes sense. I kind of said the same thing in North Carolina. When I would go to let my dog out. I'd be like, Hi Bigfoot. If you're out there. Please don't scare me. Because I was I was in like, thick Rhododendron forest. And there's a smell. Supposedly, when you have an encounter, it's similar to smell that a black bears near you, they really kind of have a feral skunky smell. And we definitely had black bear very close by so when I would open the door at say 910 o'clock pitch dark, pitch dark. I'd smell that smell. And I'm just like, I'm friendly. I'm letting my dog out. You know, don't do harm. So if you're a bear or big, but either way, you know. And I did say Please don't look at the windows because you know, the RV windows at all. So you'd go to close your blind and be like, Oh, that's big, but


that is like frightening. I mean, you know, there's been times where I scare my husband. Uh, yeah, it says, But I scare him or he'll scare me. And it's one of those things where we're in the window and it's like yeah, hi. I don't even need to say.

Lisa H.  

Did you see the new sitcom ghosts on CBS? Yes, yes. Oh my gosh, it's softened me. It's softened because I'm thinking if ghosts were like these characters, I'd want to see them. Absolutely. Yeah. It is hilarious. I know softens me to the bar. You know the strict super strict boundaries with spirit energy because yeah, I'm like, I want for fitness show up.


I am slowly opening the doors slowly. But Marlena will tell you and Christy, we've talked about this at length. Like I throw it out there like you can be here all day long. Yeah, don't scare me. Yeah, I don't want to see you either. Okay, I'm with you.


So Lisa, you do Reiki but do you connect with spirits as well or?

Lisa H.  

You I have intentionally I have connected with angels Archangels I believe I've had experiences with Jesus. And then I've also been in the realm of fighting evil, experiencing and feeling of deep, dark evil around me. And so I kind of had to learn to battle and win and not fear because I was seeing as a child, and I was like, ever since seeing I was like, ah, no way I don't ever want to see again. And I locked it down pretty hardcore. But I feel tremendously so I still had experiences I had to learn how to fight fear. And guess what love wins. So when you when you when you bring your vibration up, so say you feel you're in that thick of feeling something and you're like, This is not good. This is definitely not good. It's not just, you know, spirit or whatever. You elevate dance thing, profess who you love. Put a big smile on your face, get the energy so amped up. Guess what? They can't be around you does. So like setting boundaries. Yeah. And the incredible part about that is part of that first teaching that I received was you know, get your clearing stuff and battle that they want you to battle they want you to have the fear trigger. They want your adrenaline triggered because that's what they feed off of. So if you switch that energy into love and vibrating or you know higher and stronger and how Fire is absolutely amazing how fast the energy clears. They're like, Oh, we're out can handle all this light


around here, we're gonna

Lisa H.  

love this thing kill them with kindness. If you come across somebody and and they're having a very angry day, you know, road rage being one of the easiest triggers for everybody. And I mean everybody, including myself, sometimes you if that person is raging, I've thrown out the I Love You symbol, like you're having a bad day you need a hug, this is what you need. So it's a little hard to do the hard thing when you're driving. But it might make them think, you know, they got irate and crazy for what, you know, right? Yeah, no, exactly. When


did you start your training? Because you're a Reiki Master. And you've done a few other things as well. When did you start doing that? So

Lisa H.  

it was after an experience of my dad's bedside that my hands vibrated in the last moments with me and him and I had no idea where he was. So it would be 2009 When I first had a class 2005 is when my dad passed. It was a year later before anyone even told me what Reiki energy was Reiki healer was, and then I went on a journey to find my teacher. And I found my teacher. And so 2009 was my first official lesson, and class, and then she was pretty strict. She had requirements six months later, you can do Reiki two, and then a year later, you can do Reiki three. And I actually waited. Let's see 2009 I took my master class in 2011. So because I said When did when do I know that I need to do this. She goes, you'll know. So I took more time in my practice to become the master teacher. So I just got the confirmation I needed and then was like, Yep, it's time for the next lesson. And I have to say the the vortex is a bounce back to vortex is I believe the vortex attunes us to right kind of levels up, you'd level up through your journey. So I feel like the vortex definitely has done that a few times to me.


I know each time I've gone out there, there has been something going on in my life. And I always walk into Sedona with an intention. Last year it was to release there was just so much going on, that I needed to release to be able to heal. And then this time around, there were certain things that I wanted to release. But at the same time, I also wanted to be there for bear and my mom. But I always find that I find clarity when I'm there, you know, and that could be the energy itself that could also be just being in nature and hiking and really clearing my head because a six mile walk in the desert. Yeah. You'll either be clear headed or you're a little delusional.

Lisa H.  

They're passing out be hydration. Yes.


I know in May though, where the heat started to pick up a little bit, but not too bad to where you know, a 6am hike is right. Okay, right.


When is the best time weather wise because I need to make a trip and you're only like a four and a half hour drive. Not bad at all. Where

Lisa H.  

are you guys? You near the beach?


I'm in Las Vegas. Okay, we're up there in Northern California. Okay,

Lisa H.  

okay, because I was like, wait four hours. I thought you've California but then I forgot you're in Vegas. Okay,


so when's the best time

Lisa H.  

to go? So basically, there's a few months in the summer that you just say no to, you know, the hottest months of summer, so spring and fall in some parts of the winter. Because then winter can get unseasonably cold and unpleasant. But if you can deal with a cold weather, then it is gorgeous to see the snow on the red rocks. So it does snow. People don't


realize the desert gets snow. We get snow out here too. And people are like, no, no, no, no, you're 100 degrees all year round. Oh, yeah, no, we get cold.

Lisa H.  

So that's kind of I never chunk it up by seasons now because I'm like, there's some times in the winter. That's absolutely amazing. And if you like we just had a mild start to our summer before we're getting slammed now. Yes, we had this mild start to June and it was very beautiful and very nice. And I mean, the heats intense even when it's 80 degrees. The sun is right. Yeah. In the West. But yeah, the recent weeks. I don't think many people are traveling doing much. So


all winter spring.

Lisa H.  

Yeah. So the deep winter you want to avoid unless you don't care about the coolness. Right. That's considered part of our slow season too. But I do see more people that like to avoid the crowds. Right come at these times. So right. Do people


book tours during the wintertime?

Lisa H.  

Yes. So last year, I had a few moments where it was so brutally cold and raw and kind of snowing and windy. And remember, I don't like Sam, but Rachel's no up on the hill, that you're exposed to the wind, you're exposed to all that. And at one point, it was so cold. I couldn't do the sessions out there. We couldn't sit on a rock because it was raising, you know, so I kind of chuckled it was like Alright guys, welcome to spa Chevy. We did the session in my truck with the nice. So yeah, we finished some of the reading and the Reiki, sometimes you do the chakra clearing and recharge meditation. I did it in my truck, where it's really nice and warm, right when you're out of the wind. But the gas went with it. And that was still really beautiful. And it was, yeah, it was we had to make the best of it. So


I find most people when they go to Sedona, they are just kind of, okay, we're just going to flow and you know, go with whatever takes place. I mean, we had to do that with our tour just this past time with Alexis and my mom. But I think part of that was we needed. The angels were stalling us before we went to the Peace Park where Alexis actually met those people. And then they disappeared. Like, fucking disappeared.

Lisa H.  

And that happens a lot. Yeah.


So it's funny, because when we were out there, the following day, we went and did an oral reading. And so we had that psychic, Morgan Stark. She was on the show last week. And she was she had told Alexis, that's just a very Sedona thing. Like, people just show up and then magically disappear. And it was I mean, we noticed that they disappeared, because you and I looked at each other looked around. Alexis is like, where did they go? My mom's like, what's going on? So it was? Yeah, that was that was a very magical moment.

Lisa H.  

That's awesome. And I've had that happen just two weeks ago with another guest really, right. If I if the tour wasn't delayed, and we didn't have the delays, these people wouldn't have crossed paths. And they crossed paths that day before. So yeah, they ended up doing the same trail the day before. And then if I wasn't delayed, then they wouldn't have met at the same spot at the Peace Park. At the end of my tour. Oh, my goodness. Yeah. And I was like, what? So they ended up having a few minutes together and taking pictures and chatting. And, you know, it was it's like, wow, this is crazy. Our Awesome. That's happened so much. So


yeah, it's beautiful. And is it Sedona in general? Or could it be the Peace Park? Because you mentioned that it happened at the Peace Park a couple of weeks ago. And with Alexis, it happened at the peace park there. And I'll tell you that place is magical as well. There was a lot of releasing and healing my first trip to Sedona there were I just I remember, I was bawling, and just letting everything out and I'd never felt lighter after after that part of the tour.

Lisa H.  

Yeah, no, I do find that it does happen there more often. Yeah, definitely. So I like that you can read up on that, because there's a peace park thing. It's not just a Sedona thing, too. So, you know, some people believe that it's your past life like you've crossed paths before and you're crossing paths again of like, just crossing paths with your soul tribe. Right. So


and I was going to ask for those of us who haven't been to Sedona and experienced vortexes and these wonderful stories that you guys are talking about if one wants in like Marlena has said she's walked in with intention She has gone to Sedona with what she's hoping to release or receive you're going in with an open heart and open mind you say these the healing the energy from the vortex is what is what is someone experience I'm just trying to wrap my brain around like, you know, Marlena was saying she broke down and just lost it and others. They're crossing paths with possible angels or people from past lives or I don't know, they're supposed to cross paths like what what can one expect or hope for when they experienced the pure energy of a vortex? I guess is my question. If that can be answered.

Lisa H.  

Yeah, that's a that's a tough one. Um, some people come with just the slightest bit of curiousness, that that child wonderment and they'll have a mind blowing experience off of someone who's experienced in energy going, Oh, I feel this all the time. You know, like, you know what I mean? Like, so I have a particular guest. He came from Boston, and he just spontaneously just decided to do a tour and he ended up on tour and he had the most profound experiences that he couldn't even articulate when he sent me the email and he asked, Is this something that everybody experiences and I said sorta kinda Yeah, like, yeah, like, cuz it's dynamic. It's like some people break down in tears. I've watched a gentleman break down on the ground in front of the stupid just to the floor, just boom, sobbing. I've watched people break at the tree and release a ton. I've seen people get joyous and that you know, floaty, hyper. And I've seen them have profound visions or meditation experiences when they're at the tree. Some guests, I'm like, do not jump down into this portal and disappear on me on my door. Don't know how to respond to write


in a waiver, either. So we're just going to avoid all of that.


Jump into a portal disappearance control

Lisa H.  

EMT training.


Yeah, so beautiful.

Lisa H.  

It is in to be witness. There's times where as an empath, I'll get hit in the chest with the emotions, and now I'm in their emotions, right. And in order to regulate myself, I have to know. It's not mine. Yeah, send it back, you know, clear it through hold space for these people. And then as they walk away, or start to express, I'm like, Look, I want to know, I want you to know, I'm honored. And they're like, what I said, You don't understand people just don't get vulnerable around strangers. Right? Right. So the vulnerability is part of this process. And we all know, vulnerability sucks sometimes, you know, so, yeah. So to have that moment, I'll always acknowledge with them, like, you know, hey, I appreciate and I'm honored that you were able to reach this place in my presence, and just know, I held space for you. So it's like, it's the awareness. You know, we're bringing in a whole nother level of energy and the experience and that moment. Yeah. So it's pretty awesome.


It is. It's amazing. And so for me, like, yeah, last year, being the first time I had gone to Sedona I felt a tour, like a vortex tour was probably the best way for me to go versus me going and trying to find things myself, just because I was like, what is the vortex in the union? I needed someone to explain it to me. So can you explain like, what the vortex is in Sedona are for those who don't really understand it?

Lisa H.  

So, again, I'm going to reference that show if anybody's not watching the ancient aliens on History Channel is that does touch base with the scientific theory as well. This is really not a lot of information. But this is what I got is it has to do with the intersecting ley lines. A lot of people are familiar with fault lines. That's the way we think California fault lines, they're shifting, you have more earthquakes than the other locations. But there's other locations that have just as many it's just they're set and stable or more stable at for that time period. Like Utah had an earthquake when I was there, and it was like a trash can fell over. And yeah, that was their big earthquake, you know, and it was like, so everything is shifty, like shifting energy to create this planet. So the ley lines are what I call the veins and the fault lines are like the artery of the earth. Okay, so arteries for more blood through and veins. It's a smaller container. You know what I mean? So, still the same lifeforce energy going through but with Sedona, the ley lines are there, they're abundant, and they're connected. And I just say the Papa leak, you know, they kind of just leak through, you know, and then they're amplified by the Red Rock soil, the high soil. Okay, yep. Now that's part of the theory. Like I said, None of this has been scientifically proven. I think scientists are like, we're not going to go test whoo crap, you know, like, they don't you know, the last scientist from what I understand that was out was from MIT in the 1980s. Okay, what I think 1980s It's hairbands and Ghostbusters.


Yeah, they want to bust the ghosts we want to embrace


Oh, God You just said you wanted to embrace a ghost.


But I don't want to see putting it back out there universe.

Lisa H.  

Me I'm like nope, don't want to see it. I like seeing fairies and Angel energy. So you see Angel energy Yeah, I can see energy not technically an aura I can see when someone has energy pop around them. Okay.


Yeah. Oh, that was Alexis can actually see auras but doesn't know what they mean. The kid sees like colors surrounding somebody. Yes. Which is cool in itself as well. But

Lisa H.  

that is super cool. No, I've seen fairy energy before it just was smaller that my impression was that was smaller. Okay, that was a very and then angelic energy. I feel stronger than See, but I'll see sparks a light around someone and I'll be like, ooh, your angels write with you or your loved one. Oh, but then I have seen something that I call like, it's like a dark, it kind of goes and then disappears. And I don't like to automatically think dark is bad, but definitely a different type of energy. So whether I was seeing something negative, it didn't materialize fully. So probably me like Jamie lock in the door. No.


door is closed.


Yeah. Do you experience on often during your tours with your guests and clients? Just seeing energy surrounding depends

Lisa H.  

on the level of energy they're bringing to it? Okay. Yeah. I have a random that makes. Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah. Yes. Yeah. I


have a random question for you, though. Is the dingin. In your truck? Did that stop because there was a lot of energy flowing between the four of us? And that has

Lisa H.  

that is fixed? It was? It was? Okay. Yeah. Well, the one thing that we know about spirit energies, it could have been a combination because the device was loose. So with the loose, there was a loose connection that's easily manipulated, in a sense. So just saying yes, yeah. Because I wouldn't mind, I would find them in certain groups of people, or certain times, it would go bizarre anchors, and other times it wouldn't. And it wasn't like we were driving on a dirt road to make it looser. But that drove me nuts.


So can we discuss a little bit about your tours, your tours are amazing, I have been with you twice. And each time I go out to Sedona I plan on having a visit with you. So when we go into something, but your tours, now you have your standard tour, and then you have your custom tour, which is what we did. But what is the standard tour with you.

Lisa H.  

So the standard tour is anywhere from it's basically the average is two and a half hours to three, because everything is dynamic, we visit two locations. So those two locations have many opportunities to connect, and feel energy and have experiences. And I share the history, there's the Hopi story that connects to the Tibetan people, the prophecies. And if you remember that I dand I shared the history, I share the location dynamic that's there. And then I share the spiritual topics. And a lot of people that I've found, it really varies honestly, as I sit here reflect from really advanced people in their journey in their quest for learning and their awareness. They're up there. And then there's beginners, so, but they're all getting the same experience. As long as you're seeking, you're going to have a beautiful experience on the tour. Because I feel it's my purpose, to help you with that energy to help you understand that you are made energy, that you can feel other people's energy. And it's about spiritual, healthy boundaries. And when you feel the Earth's energy, it's like, wow, you know, for some people, it's just Wow, holy moly, you know, this is amazing. And that's that shift going forward in their journey, you don't all need a vortex to heal, you need nature. Hence, healing of nature. So when you find your face in nature, you can connect to all the different energies and it can be extremely powerful just like a vortex. And that's kind of what I try to do on the tour is encouraging open a person up to that ability to heal yourself. You know, de stress, you know, bring peace into your life and help you through things. You know, there's nothing better than crying in those places and releasing is there right you know, Marlena, you experienced it.


Like I said, I felt I felt so much lighter, and at peace. It's just amazing. And so I also know like, I would hike more after coming back from Sedona and just be out more trying to recreate it. You know, if I'm ever feeling stressed, or just the the grind of everyday life and corporate life and I've been a mom of a teenager who is a teenager, you know, it's like all things. It's like, okay, I need to ground myself, but I also find that that trip to Sedona when I'm feeling off and like you were saying that attunement from the vortexes really does something for you

Lisa H.  

know, and that's like, again, my tours. They're not as cookie cutter as you think. But I offer basic things that in the tour and then Whatever unfolds, it's so it's very dynamic. But I always make sure I share some of the most important history. Because it really does. I've had guests show up on my tour, who have already visited Peace Park. And I was like, Well, I'm gonna give you the option, do you want to go? I've got a ton of history to share with you. If we do go. And they think about it, they go, Yeah, let's go get the history. And when they get the history, and the actual background story, boom, they've had a whole different experience than they did the day before. Yeah. You know. So sometimes understanding or knowledge can add to what we're seeking and go, Oh, wow, this is even more powerful now that I know this. Yeah.


Right. And that's one of the things that I love about your tour as well. Because last year, you Vince and I, we did the private tour. And then Vince and I, we did, I can't remember what the name of the company, but we did another tour with them on the bus. And that was very cookie cutter. There was no history, there was no information when we drove up where the tree is, we would you know, we sat there. And we did some Reiki on my tour with you the first time. And when I went on this tour with this group tour, basically, it was drive up, circled around and went back down. And I was like, huh, so when getting a tour in Sedona, be mindful of what you want, so that you get what you need. And I think that that was in both tours, I got exactly what I needed in that moment, whether it was for me or for my kid or for my mom. And especially walking in with intention. Yeah, I think that's super important as well. I mean, even if it's just like, I'm curious, and I just want to know more. Because whatever it is that you want, you'll end up getting.

Lisa H.  

Mm hmm, that is true. And I, I want to make this point, it just popped in my head, any energies you bring to Sedona any good or bad is amplified massively. So I found that when I dealt with negative people at some of these powerful locations, the negativity was very strong, right. And I was just like, Whoa, this is getting difficult. So I want to mention the this came up when you asked the question about tour, you also experienced a remote healing session with me.


Yes. Oh, my gosh, yes. Oh, so after our first tour, and before our second tour, so basically, we've stayed in touch since the time that we've met, which I just love when I find a connection, and I know that it's definitely a soul connection. We were meant to meet. Yeah. And so I love that. But yes, we had a remote Reiki session. It was actually Oh my god. It was a day before we did the first recording of this podcast. Oh, really experienced? Yeah. Okay. It was the day before. Wow. So yes, I was in my backyard. And you were at the Peace Park. Yes. And we were able to during this remote session, I was actually able to see where she was. And she was able to see and feel where I was to the point where I she was moving around me remotely. She said, I feel like I'm gonna fall in a body of water. And I was actually laying outside by my pool, and where my feet were, if she were physically walking around me, she would have fallen in my pool. So by the fact that I was able to see oh my gosh, what was what the rock

Lisa H.  

chimney chimney? Chimney Rock? Yeah, it's remote viewing. Okay, we were definitely remote viewing each other's locations. Wow,


it was it was seriously crazy. And it was such an amazing experience. I mean, I was able to feel the vibrations throughout my body. And in Sedona for me, everything is so much more amplified. And being in California, and having Lisa in Sedona. While we're doing this, I was able to feel the energy that I felt from Sedona while here in California, it was fucking dope, man. Blood, not gonna lie. And yeah, that was the day before we recorded our very first episode. Wow. Wow.


That's very cool as we're


coming up on our one year anniversary,


so I was gonna ask like, do you find that your clients do get great results with remote Reiki because I just feel like sometimes Okay, is it really as good as being in person but it sounds like it was great for you to obviously

Lisa H.  

I definitely don't recommend remote healing for someone who is a skeptic. Yeah. So it's someone who already trust that it's going to happen kind of feeling that has strong faith in the process. Because the more open and willing to receive is again, the key to the healing process. So if my son texts me, Mum, feeling this blah, blah, blah, can you send me healing? And this is a text and I say, sent. Thanks, dun, dun, it's already released. It's already he's like, Thanks, Mom. I feel better. So that powerful connection, it could have started when he thought to reach out to me, right, you know, because for me, and my son is obviously it's a different connection. You know, like, my mom duty is probably like, my soul going, yep, we're sending before. So like,


I feel you already we got?

Lisa H.  

Yeah. But for a new person, my gut feeling in my core is to have them hands on. So that because there's physical sensations with Reiki, the heat, the tingle that you can feel, and then you ask the person, so what did you feel and they describe, and then you confirm those things, then it, then it cements it into them. And then it can be easier to do remote healing. So as long as you're open, and you're really in tune to that, and you know, you've already had sessions, and you believe it, boom, and it's very powerful. So with Marlena, but we also have that really cool connection, right? We just click so there's a that's an added boost, I believe, right? To having that experience, because I don't always remote view that, or how that I can do that. But I've never not always had my client or my guest do that. Because it was like, wow, you're seeing where I am to this.


And that was the first time and only time that I've ever actually been able to do that. We got to try that again. Because yeah, that's fun.

Lisa H.  

Well, that would be I don't know how old you guys are. Remember the cartoon? Wonder Twin powers? Yes. Yeah. So that's where power is to be. Always feel like that when like minded or souls or soul tribe, we get together and we're in that same levels of growth and expansion. It is powerful stuff. So Wonder Twin powers, your remote viewing and remote viewing, which I do technically, you know, with intention every time. Right. So, yeah, super cool.


Yeah, I just I remember contacting you being like, so I'm about to record this podcast, and we had discussed the podcast for Jamie Christie. And so we we were recording the podcast or about to record the podcast. But we had spent a couple of months of getting ourselves prepared. We recorded a bunch of like test runs or whatever. But I remember I was so nervous and I contacted you like we are about to record this podcast. I need a Reiki session like you know, I need all of this and but then I also felt like I was so vulnerable. And so open the that first episode that afterwards I was like I need to go through


tense, it was intense.


So what are some of the other offerings that you have, in addition to your tours, Reiki remote Reiki,

Lisa H.  

so I also am a certified intuitive coach under Colette Baron read. Okay, yes. So I don't know if everyone's familiar with Colette Baron read. But back in 2012, I took an intensive coaching course she intended it to be four modules a year in length, and it ended up just over a year, probably almost a year and a half. And I got a master's certificate for intuitive coaching and learned her trademarked envision process. And that's one of the trainings I received in order to see more when I'm connecting with a person. So I can do a lot of different healing exercises like soul retrieval and forgiveness and de stressing and releasing anger releasing sadness with the Envision process. It's just amazing amount of things I can apply it to and it's basically a guided visual journey. No. So it's pretty incredible. And it's supposed to be like narrowed down to like a quick 510 15 minute top visualization. But if you think about my own personal story of learning it back then in 2012, my study partner and I, who's also master coach in it to car At least we were like, oh, let's just get ahead of the game. The next module is relationship. And we just finished weight loss for people who feel too much, which by the way, that is a real thing. Weight loss for people who feel too much. Because we ground with food. So, the module the moment we practiced, I say, it might have been a three to five minute envision process. And I forgave my stepmother. In that process. It was incredible. And I lost three pounds overnight. Oh my god. Wow. So I forgave. And I mean, without getting into the, the that story. It was a lot of trauma from this person. And I forgave in that moment. And my son being chosen to be my son. I'm outdoors doing this session on the phone with my friend and he sage in the house. And I'm like, what? Why do I smell sage? So I moved where I was. And I looked in the house and there he is running around with sage and I go, What are you doing, buddy? Because I don't know, I just felt I needed to Sage the house. But think about the fact that I just released three pounds of physical weight and forgiveness exercise and all that energy that was in my heart. He had cleared the house for me to to reenter. to reenter full. Yeah. So the Envision process is very, very powerful, great tool to be, you know, many different things soul retrieval, trauma, healing, distressing.


And you use some of that within your sessions right within your Reiki sessions, both with me with the remote Reiki, and then during the tour when we had the Reiki session near the waterfall. Yes, yeah. I love that you incorporate. I know, that was that was such an amazing experience.

Lisa H.  

Yeah, the what I do feel is like, again, I don't have this cookie cutter approach, I have the trust my intuition and be guided for each person, for whatever whatever they're seeking, that I'm of purpose in that moment. Right? You know, within reason course, as healers, we need to keep those healthy boundaries, you know, right. But when I get strong intuition to go outside of the box right now, do this offer this. And, you know, I've had different guests that I've offered it to and they've met with their loved ones in the Envision process. They've met their spirit animals. So it can be it's like a helper for you to get into that visual space to trust that you're going to see what you are seeking to see. Not like Jamie and I, we don't want to see the random, the random Thorfinn character jump in our face.


I've never seen I've never seen that.

Lisa H.  

But Jamie, if you saw the show you'd love Yes, you would.


I'm gonna watch it. I heard it's really fun.

Lisa H.  

I loved it. And I can't wait for that. I hope the writers strike and the actor strike stops because they need to start writing the shows again.


Well, there's also it's also I think it was originally on BBC. So the original one, we went back and watch the original BBC version, which has a couple seasons. So that was that was fun, too.

Lisa H.  

Oh, I like the American version better because we relate to the historic


character for sure. Yeah. But I was like when it ended up like it's too short. I need more.

Lisa H.  

We need more. We need more.


What would you like to leave our listeners with?

Lisa H.  

I trust the people who were seeking me in the spiritual sense, not me in the physical sense, will find me though my tours are out there. And I've done. I've done all the legwork myself, and I still Google's definitely a tough one. But I've done all these things to put myself out there without the corporations because I'm not a fan of the corporations. I'm not working for them. I'm working for me, and I'm working for the divine. So when a person is thinking of coming to Sedona, it is about what are you seeking? What are you truly seeking, right just like Marlena, you said the intention? So they'll find me right. You know, if you want to tour you want to experience Reiki healing on your tour. Do you want to talk deeply about your personal things without a group? You know, because I don't do group tours. Right? I do. I do. I'll do a large group of family of friends. You know that way they are in the comfort of each other and they will open up because I have done group tours. I do Cover group tours for another company. And they still they're still perfect groupings. They're still but there's also a hold back, you can see from people. So if you want that private experience and you want to experience Reiki then find me, because I'm the only one out there offering it in a tour setting. So there are plenty of people in Sedona offering the specifics, and then they charge very large amounts to do so. Right. So yeah, I'm saying that is carefully with no karma.


But I and I completely understand what you're saying in that those that need to find you will find you. Yeah, because, you know, we found you. And I knew that I wanted to stay in contact, we had discussed it, you know, there was a lot of discussion. It was just an amazing tour. And, you know, amazing conversation. You had given me your card. And I lost it. I lost it. And I knew that Vince and I, we were going on this additional tour, this group tour, I think it was the following day or the day after, but I could not find your card. And I was like, how am I supposed to get in contact with her and Vince was like, Don't worry about it. We're going to run into her like, we were meant to find her we are going to run into her. And sure enough what happens we see each other at the Peace Park you're leaving as we're coming in. And I don't think I've ever like jumped out of out of a vehicle the way that I did this, like bunch. I mean, I liked and ran and I'm like I felt so bad for your for your guests before. I'm like, wait, I not a crazy person. I promise we had a tour. Yeah. And so we ran into each other and then we ended up speaking, I think then the following day, because that's when the changes were making being made where you are starting your own thing. And that

Lisa H.  

story popped in my head when you said about peace park, you know, reconnecting at Peace Park reconnecting at Peace Park and then that happened to


you just might have to be willing to jump out of a vehicle really quick. There she is. I gotta go.


Alright, Christie, take us out of here.


Thank you, Lisa. We talked about so many things. And we all really appreciate you being here and chatting with us and thank you to our listeners for listening of course feel free to connect with us on W MF pod.com Go ask this question drop a suggestion. I don't know if hook up with us on Instagram. But as always, thank you for listening and we will see you next week.


Reiki Master Healer , Local Guide