In this episode of A Witch, A Mystic & A Feminist, Marlena, Christy and Jamie are joined by a certified spiritual hypnotherapist, Jennifer Schlueter. They delve into the topic of spiritual hypnosis and how it can help individuals connect with their higher selves and access past life experiences. Jennifer shares her expertise in the field, and the ladies discuss the benefits of past life regression therapy for healing and personal growth.
As a special treat, Jennifer guides the ladies through a future life self hypnosis exercise during the episode, giving listeners a glimpse into what this type of therapy can entail. Tune in to this enlightening discussion about the potential of hypnosis for spiritual and personal development.
To schedule a session or coaching with Jennifer Schleter, you can schedule directly through her website:
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Jennifer Schlueter
Marlena, Jennifer, Jamie, Christy
This podcast includes hypnosis and should not be listened to while driving or operating heavy machinery. For your safety, please find a quiet and comfortable place to sit or lie down, where you could fully relax and focus on the hypnotic experience
Welcome to a witch, a mystic Anna feminist, myself, along with Jamie and Marlena are very excited to welcome Jennifer Schluter. To the show. Jennifer joins us all the way from South Africa. She's a certified hypnotherapist and the host of the mind your subconscious podcast. In addition to teaching spiritual hypnosis, Jennifer works with individuals and groups in manifesting their dream life. Let's get to the episode. Jennifer, welcome to the podcast. We are so happy to have you here, guys. So let's hop right in to the good stuff. And we really want to know how you got started in spiritual hypnotherapy.
Yeah, absolutely. This was a hell of a story. So back in 2015, I was working as the managing editor of 22 newspapers in California. And I wasn't quite happy because the job was great. And I had amazing opportunities. And you know, my, my team was amazing, and all of that. But it didn't fulfill me. And it wasn't anything that I could see myself doing for a long time. And I couldn't move up anywhere else in the company. So I was like, went over into my personal life, where I made really terrible decisions with guys with alcohol. Maybe someone can relate.
That never happened. Never happened. I don't know what you're talking about?
My friend told me, Hey, Jenny, why don't you visit my Hypnotherapist? And I was like, Oh, what is that. And then I went to the hypnotherapist, and I really don't remember what really she did, except for putting all of my negative stuff into a hot air balloon. And then I went home, you know, everything was normal. I went to bed and at 5am I had made the decision to quit my job and travel the world. I woke up and I had made the decision. There was no going back there was no in between. I had no clue how I was going to do that. And pretty much I quit my job. Two weeks later, I told my bosses and then six months later, I was on the road. And while I was on the road, I was working for another hypnotherapists and she helped me really mend the relationship with my mom. She helped me figure out why I was in toxic relationships. She helped me figure out my money mindset. And then my first coach gave me the book journey of souls. And from there on, it went
that Michael Newton, I swear it's what he does.
Wow. So that was pretty immediate than that. I mean, you said 5am The next day, and you just made the decision. And there was no looking back. That is insane. Amazing.
Yeah. And a giant leap to was and I never looked back.
Yeah. Oh my gosh.
And your story I think so many people can relate to when it comes to the unfulfillment of jobs that we feel like we're just stuck in this rat race and trying to find that fulfillment, I give you so much credit for being able to find this therapy and make those decisions because even myself, I know so many people, we feel stuck. And you just like what's next? So that's, that's beautiful. It's beautiful that you found that.
Exactly. And you know, for me, I didn't have a boyfriend in LA. I didn't have like family. I had my friends. Yes. And I had my job and my car and my apartment. But I didn't have any children or like close family there because my family was in Germany and I wasn't close to them anyway. So it wasn't really that big of a decision because I can understand if people have kids if they have, you know, a family somewhere that's much harder, but for me, I was pretty free. So it's still a big decision, but it was also easier. Got it.
Could you explain to our audience? I'm pretty sure a lot of people know but can you explain what spiritual hypnosis is?
Yes, absolutely. So spiritual hypnosis has everything to do with angels guides, channeling angels guides, aliens, whoever you want to channel deceased loved ones. It has everything to do with also with inner child work. You can do magic journeys. You can go on to different planets you can do past life regressions, you can do future life regressions you can do literally everything that is spiritual. Everything that has to do with the soul, like it work with everything that has to do with the soul, where the soul is going wide has come to planet earth this time around how many times it's been here, all of these beautiful things.
So when you work with clients, do they tell you who they want to contact or do you guide that you just mentioned like aliens, angels, spirit guides, like is it just kind of who comes or are you guiding that drill?
It depends. Because sometimes when you're not prepared, and when you just think you're just gonna do a regular session, all of a sudden the Ascended Masters show up. And that happened to me when I channeled them for the first time with my clients. So she channeled them and I guided her to not even the Ascended Masters, but just to you know, whatever it wanted to come through today. And that's what ended up coming through. And then there's days when clients come to me, they're like, hey, I want to channel my deceased husband or my daughter or my mother, please help me. And then we channel the specific people. And then sometimes you have it that God's family members who don't really want to come through they come through. And also
in real life, too.
Yeah, they just show up. And a medium ran in media.
What do you do? They didn't expect? Yes, yeah. Well, I'm just curious, what's the difference between meditation and hypnosis? Because there's huge similarities. And I've found myself journeying through with meditations, what's the difference between the two?
That's a great question. So hypnosis is when you put someone into a deeper relaxation, like me as a hypnotherapist, I relaxed your body first, and I relax your mind, then I may give you another visualization. So you've really really truly deeply relaxed, you can get that deep in meditation, there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. But sometimes you need a guide, who brings you really deep and who just really makes you focus on relaxing, right? Okay. And then hypnosis has a purpose. For example, if people use hypnosis to quit smoking to get rid of the fear of flying, or quit nail biting, then it has a purpose, right. And sometimes meditation does not have a purpose at all, or hypnosis has the purpose of contacting whoever you want to contact.
And you have one of your hypnosis is I'm pulling it up right now, on YouTube, you were talking about the hot air balloon, and my mom had found that one and sent it over to me. And I'll tell you, my mom had said that had taken her deeper than she's been. And it did for me as well. And I found myself like putting everything in the hot air balloon and I was sobbing, I was sobbing and it was pretty powerful. So just wanted to throw that out there too.
Hot air balloon.
But I will never go on a hot air balloon. I'm just putting everything in there right now. I think if I were to actually see a hot air balloon right now, I'd be like, wait a minute, that's where all my negativity is.
go away? Well, and you do mention that sometimes past life regressions happen in these sessions, and have you experienced past life regressions yourself. And you know, what was that like for you or your clients? What does that do? What is it?
Yeah, so I definitely experienced past life regression right after reading about journey of souls and destiny of souls. And I went to YouTube, I was like, what is the life between lives regression, that's also possible life between lives brings you the possibility not only to go into a past life, but additionally get into the soul space where you ask your soul, why are you here? Why you chose your parents? Why did your parents choose View and so on and so forth? Right? And then there's a whole nother thing where you can really find out how many lives you've had, what would you what was your first life on Earth, what was your last life on Earth, and so on, and so forth. So it can give you clarity, it can give you certainty of what you're meant to do here of why you came to this earth, why you struggle with certain relationships or certain problems or certain things. It can release phobias, it can help mend relationships, it can do literally so many things. And what I do with clients is either I do it on purpose, we do a past life regression on purpose, because we feel there is something that's in a past life that goes back to past life. And that's usually like with relationships, like karmic relationships, or if there's a problem that you have tried to solve with, like psychotherapy, for example, or psychology with anything like that, right? You've tried to solve it, but you couldn't get down to the root cause. And then past life regression, sometimes that root cause comes through. And so either you have that, and you do that, and you know, that's going to happen, or what I do with clients also is I ask them, go back to the root cause of XYZ problem, whether it's in this life or past life, so maybe they go back to a past life.
That's amazing. I love it. I know I had, I did a guided meditation years and years ago and experienced a past life regression, which was amazing. I know Marlena has talked about her story before too. So we can you're it's beautiful because you can really find why, like you said, Why is this happening now? Or what do I need to see? And in that moment, for me, it was a moment of, okay, I needed to know this. So that's really interesting. I would love to do more past life regressions. To be honest, I just Haven't yet
I'm curious prior to your hypnosis and doing past life regressions, did you believe in reincarnation prior to that?
Um, yes, I believed in it. And I believed in a whole bunch of other stuff. But I was very careful with it. Because I had someone in my life who had done a lot of meditation and all that other stuff, who was very much also in the dark spaces and with dark entities, and that's why I kind of like wanted to go away from that. But then when I started doing this work on my own, I really realized okay, you know, there's there's light as well. I can go to that side as well. And then I know how to handle the dark. That's all good. So we go to both sides now.
It's so I kind of want to go into some of the mythbusting of hypnotherapy. So when you put people under a lot of people think that hypnotherapist can control someone's mind. Is that true? Like, can you make people cluck like a duck and quacks like a duck?
It, rhymed I just went with it.
Well, imagine politicians had found out that there was a way to control all of our minds. I mean, they have, but they would do it more and more often with hypnosis. However, what you need to do to control minds is brainwashing. That means doing something over and over again, depriving people of light of food and drink, like of water of you know, whatever it is, you need to deprive people of certain things. And that's what's called brain washing. hypnosis. And hypnotherapy is never depriving people of anything. It's always going into your subconscious mind because your subconscious mind wants you to thrive and it wants you to move forward and do better. However, you can also make people cluck like a chicken or eat an onion and have a taste like an apple or some really weird shit. But these people, they're getting tested of how suggestible they are before they even go on stage. The hypnotist is only looking for the people who are most suggestible, he already knows. And these people, they actually want to go on stage, they want to make a fool of themselves. And that's why they do that stuff. And they they're playing with it, they're having fun with it, and it's all good. But hypnotist does something that this person doesn't want to do. Like, for example, if he makes a guy kiss a guy who doesn't want to kiss a guy, then the guy wakes up and he's like, What the fuck are you doing? And he has to walk offstage. So now you can watch hypnosis shows with that in the back of your mind.
And the whole snapping out of it, do you snap people out of it,
you've done the hypnosis right on YouTube. So you know that you are aware of things at all times. Whether you are very aware of where you're like half aware of where you're like a little bit asleep, and a little bit more asleep could be too. But if there's anything that you don't like me doing, or if there's anything that you don't like, or if there's anywhere you don't go, you snap out of it by yourself. And I take people out of hypnosis at the end of every session. So they can connect their bodies to their souls to their minds again, and so they can be fully functional.
And can everybody be hypnotized? Are there some people that just it doesn't look? I don't know, have you encountered him and
it's very rare. So everybody could be hypnotized. However, some people either they have too much anxiety, maybe they don't trust a person enough to be hypnotized. But hypnosis is simply relaxation. So if someone wants to relax, they can relax.
Okay, have you found anybody fall asleep during your case, and
I've done it myself too, because sometimes it's freaking relaxing. So that's, that's normal. That's normal. That's
where I started going into a past life. And I saw glimpses and then when he started bringing us out, I woke up but I literally woke up like I fell asleep.
Yeah, same here. I had like a guided meditation. And I passed out.
Yeah, but the great thing is, it's easy to do. And the great thing is your subconscious mind though, will pick up still everything that has happened. So while you were even asleep, you will still have worked through that past life because your subconscious mind will still have picked up whatever the person was saying. That's the beauty of it. Awesome. I want
to do this and you discussed it a little bit the benefits of spiritual hypnosis because some people will come to you with a direct problem do people come to you just based off of curiosity and be like, Okay, I want to know stuff. Just give it all to
Yes. And I love these people. I love these people because they have the most open mind and they're like, oh, let's go into past life today. Oh, tomorrow let me tell some angels or spirit guides or you know, let's see what my subconscious has for me today. And I do this with or you know, let's say some a client comes to me for specific thing to alleviate depression or anxiety, whatever it is. And then there are days when they come to me where they have a specific topic and there are days when they say, Oh, I don't have a specific topic today. Let's see what my subconscious has been. Sometimes it happens that you still channel the Ascended Masters, when you don't have a specific idea where you want to go. It's beautiful. If you don't if you don't have a specific idea or problem, it can be very, very beautiful and very profound.
I think that would be to Marlena. Just tell you tell me, you tell me what I need to know today. All the things
in between so that my soul can tell me everything?
Yes, I love it.
I know. So when we had our talk prior to this podcast, one of the things you were talking about was future life regression. More with regression. Yeah, you were talking a little bit about that. Have you taken people there as well is that
so for me personally, that is something I haven't done too often to people, and also doesn't come up as often. Because future life is still always unsure your soul can change his or her their minds whenever they're in the soul space, if they go want to go back to another body or not. But since it's all parallel timezones on dimensions, who knows if it's really the future? I don't know. So but I haven't really had to do it. And so I also haven't really studied it a lot more.
I mean, that makes sense, right? And features can change.
Yeah, it's yet to be
Yeah, because I mean, we still have freewill. So our future is based off of our decisions that we make in in certain moments. So exactly. One of the things that I saw was, I am subscribed to your newsletter, you also talk about manifestation. And it's so interesting that you sent this newsletter out, it was just the other day, because I was doing some shadow work and channel writing. And one of the things that I recognized is, my manifestations are a version of me trying to control my future. And then the very next day, your newsletter came out, and I was like, What the fuck? What in the actual fuck just happened? It was just mind blowing to me. But can you go into that a little bit with the trying to control your future with manifestation?
Absolutely. And this is a perfect segue to from the future progression, right and for the, for the future, and manifestation. So I'm going to tell what it was in my letter, because I think this makes perfect sense. So in my newsletter, I had written about how I had gone on safari last year. And last year, I tried to manifest every single animal and I did like elephants, wild dogs, they're very hard to see very, very hard. While dogs, leopards very hard to see, we saw several, and I manifested every animal. And this year, I went to the bush and I was like, What happens if I don't manifest? And am I still gonna have fun? Is it still gonna be okay? And I did. And it was beautiful. And also our guide, he would always tell us, we just see what nature wants us to see. And there's no need to control, we're still going to have a good time. And we're still going to be out here in the bush and we can enjoy the bush. And so I was like, wow, this is amazing. And I'm wondering how much we actually try to control when we try to manifest. And then I'm wondering how much we're missing out on if we don't try to manage it. So what is the perfect balance, right? And I guess everyone has to decide it for themselves. And everyone can play with both. And there's no right or wrong way to do it as with everything. And so I also came to the conclusion, I was like, if I want to manifest, I'm damn well manifesting everything that I want. And if I don't, I'm just going to enjoy the moment.
And that's what I'm trying to focus on a little bit more is enjoying moments and try not to control things because I have very controlling I, I need to have control in my life and perfectionism. And so again, when I did my shadow work or my channeled writing, and then your newsletter came out the very next day, saying basically the same exact thing, but from your perspective, it was well it was a sign.
Totally agreed. Yeah,
sign I mean alright universe, I heard you try to have less control. Got it? Check,
check. But I think that's like a very valid point with manifestation is you can't Yes, you if you want to manifest certain things awesome. But you can't miss out on the art and the wonder of the moments, right? You can't just skip over those and like, just to get to the goal kind of and that's that is where I'm living. I'm not. I'm not really manifesting right now. Because I'm focusing on stayin and the curiosity and the wonder and the awe of everyday life and the everyday moments, which really center me Um, I am a controlling person, I have controlling tendencies just like Marlena. So it's challenging. But yeah, the universe definitely shows up when I'm in the moment. And when I'm really focused on just, we're gonna enjoy this, and we're gonna ride it out, and we're gonna see what happens. And it's gonna be beautiful. And it usually is.
Yeah. And I feel like the universe cures you, before you say, Okay, I'm going to start manifesting, it has already heard all of your wishes. So there's, there's no way that you're stopping because you manifest like every single every single time or every single day you're manifesting. And so just enjoying the journey is like, it's what we often forget,
yes, enjoying the ride and experiencing what we're supposed to see, we had a part in it, just it being the journey and the universe speaking to us. So that's beautiful. I love it. Yeah. And that kind of that kind of brings me to your thoughts on being mindful or mindfulness, I found a really great article when I was researching all the things you've done, and there was an article done that was on And you discuss mindfulness. And one of the quotes I really liked from you was that the more mindful we become, the better our intuition will be. And that resonated a bit with me, because you think if I'm present, if I'm here, if I'm experiencing the moments, it does really help develop your intuition, because you're listening to what's going on, if that makes sense. Could you touch a little bit on your your views with mindfulness and how that helps empower us?
Absolutely. And funnily enough, I'm writing an article on intuition right now. Also, I think that's also going to be on medium as well.
No, I
couldn't really talk about it. And I just not a coincidence. I just shot the video yesterday for it.
So thank you, universe. Thank you. Yeah.
So our intuition helps us to make the right decisions. And our intuition helps us get a little bit out of our comfort zone. And our intuition helps us know, things before we actually see them, hear them and believe them. So if we live life, while we listen to our intuition, that means we get to practice to trust ourselves. And when we trust ourselves a lot, well, I can not make any wrong decision, right? I can just trust myself in whatever happens is going to be right. It's going to work out for me and everything's always working out for me. Imagine you're going through life like that. It is so empowering, you're going to have so much confidence and you're literally not going to think oh, I'm going to fail. No, because you trust yourself. There's no failure. There's just moving forward. And there's just making the right decision. So this is how mindfulness and how intuition really, really empower us. And I, I believe so hard in that I believe so hard that everyone has to like practice with their intuition, because our gut tells us everything that we need about if it's about a person, that I'm sure everyone has been through that right when you see a person and you're like, oh my god, what is wrong with this person? I don't not want to have anything to do with them. And the opposite was true is true as well. Right? Hmm. Like oh, my God, this person, I want to be their their friend, they look so amazing. So this is our intuition. And yeah, if we just practice with that, life is so much better. You even
another one of your quotes that I wrote down that I just loved was the more self love, self trust and thus confidence we build. And in reading this article, it really made me connect the two, how intuition how being mindful does correlate back to your confidence. And I don't think ever related to that before in that manner. So it really, really opened my eyes to how important mindfulness is more than just being present. It's listening to your intuition, your own self, the universe. And I just, I thought that was great. It was a great article.
Thank you. Yeah, it's all connected. Yes, it really is.
So you also work with or some of the things that you do is breath work, which I've started to really dive into more recently. And I received one of your breath work audios, which I really enjoyed, and it was a lot easier. And while I don't want to say easier, I mean, I've done different types of breath work where you know, you're doing a lot of breathing and then holding your breath for like a minute and a half and then going back into deep breath work where yours was constant breathing. And I really enjoyed that. What are some of the benefits of breathwork itself? So breathwork
itself, I would say has the same benefits as hypnosis as well because you're also going into your subconscious mind, which also has the same benefits as mindfulness as intuition. Like with breath work. You get so deep sometimes even for some people, you get even deeper than in hypnosis because some people will start talking to Jesus it happened to me and other people will channel you know, their ancestors and their deceased loved ones and breathwork is just A way to be really, really super, super present. And when you're breathing, and when you have to pay attention in how you're breathing, you have no other choice than to be mindful and to be in the present moment. And so then when you are able to catch my breath, audios for like almost half an hour, you have to breathe, and you have to pay attention to your breathing. And then when you stop that the floodgates open, I call it the floodgates open, you get like, you get amazing downloads, you can connect with your ancestors, or Jesus or whoever you want to connect to, or whatever you want to release. breathwork is also an amazing way to release. So it's just a different modality with the same things that you can achieve, I would say and for some people breathwork works better. For other hypnosis works better. And then on some days, people do with me breathwork and on other days they do hypnosis with me and it works for them. And both of them work so
yeah, and what other modalities do you work with?
I work with asking for a friend. I work with EFT I really love tapping, same benefits, I do it in a different in a different way again, because it really helps you release from your body and it really helps you tap into your body literally. And then I right now I'm really getting deeper and deeper into channeling. And I'm studying spiritual healing. So I really want to be able to channel every kind of energy whether it is a person's energy and animals energy sources, energy and angels energy, like I really want to be the most incredible Channeler that I can be. And this is my word for the year actually is channel and magic channel.
I love that. Like it's I've been doing a lot of channel writing, and it really does help me figure out what I'm what I'm not seeing in my everyday life that I need to work on. Yeah.
Do you guys want to do a quick hypnosis?
Okay. I mean, oh, yes, please.
So what I'm gonna do is I'm going to end at 50 so we can wrap up. Cool. Okay, so for this hypnosis, please be in a space where you will be undisturbed for the next 12 minutes and get comfortable. You know, grab yourself a chair where you're comfortable or lie down somewhere, wherever you want to lie down. And just go ahead and close your eyes and start paying attention to your breathing, started paying attention to how the air feels as you're breathing in and out. Perhaps you can feel the temperature of the air. Perhaps you can follow the air into your body in a moment. Let's go ahead and take in three deep breaths. One for a body, one for mind, and one for spirits. Let's take in the first deep breath deep, deep deep into your body into your body into every single cell of your body. Hold it at the top and exhale and release everything that is no longer serving you. On the next breath in. Breathe in deeply into your mind. Deep into your mind into every single thought of your mind. Hold it at the top. And slowly exhale everything that is no longer serving you. And on the third breath in, breathe in deeply into your spirit connecting with your spirit opening your heart. Connecting with your soul, your heart and your spirit. Hold it's an exhale, everything that is no longer serving your spirits. And then allow yourself to breathe normally again. And if you find yourself ever drifting off, your mind goes in a million directions then what you can do is you can just come back to your breath. Come back to my voice and allow yourself to relax deeper and deeper with every breath you take. In a moment, imagine this beautiful, bright white light at the top of your head. That is going to come down and relax every single one of your muscles. Though have that light now at the top of your head. Come into your body come into your head and relax your forehead, all the muscles in your forehead as you see or imagine or as you feel that light coming down. It is also relaxing your eyelids making them feel heavy. It is relaxing your nose, your chin, your cheeks, your mouth, your jaw, everything on your face is relaxing. Every single muscle in your face is real. acts as you feel the light traveling down into your throat and your neck, feel all the muscles they're relaxing. And feel see or imagine that light traveling into your shoulders. So just drop your shoulders down, really dropped him down and feel how they're relaxed. let everything fall off your shoulders that you're usually carrying on. And allow the relaxation and the light to move into your arms, your hands and you and deeply relaxed further and further. As you allow the light to travel down into your chest, your stomach, and down every single vertebrae. Relaxing your whole torso. And then you can feel see or imagine the light traveling down into your bottom and your thighs. Relaxing all of the muscles in your bottom and your thigh. The light is traveling down into your knee, your shins and your calves relaxing all of the muscles in your knees, your shins and your calf. And finally, delight is moving into your ankles, your feet, and every single one of your toes. Relaxing your ankles, your feet, and every single muscle on your toes. Deep, deeply relaxing. And go ahead and feel where in your body you are the most relaxed. And from that send out another wave of relaxation throughout your whole entire body. And feel how comfortable this relaxation feels how good it feels a peaceful, and thank yourself for taking this time for yourself. And in a moment, when I count from one to five, you will find yourself at a staircase. That staircase is going up. And at the end of the staircase, there's actually your dream home in the future, whether that's one five or 10 years ahead of you will stand at the bottom of the staircase now. And in a moment when I count up and as you're going up the staircase, you're going to relax even more deeply. One, find yourself at the staircase feeling the material that you chose at the bottom of your feet as you're taking the first step up to relaxing deeper and deeper three, feeling how your conscious mind is going into the background and your subconscious is coming to the forefront. And for allowing yourself to relax even more by feeling wonderfully, peacefully relaxed. And you're now at the door to your dream home. I had an open that door and look inside, look around. Look at what it is that you're seeing the attentions to the sounds. Focus on the view outside of the windows. Perhaps you can hear your children playing somewhere or your partner watching TV or doing something else. Really be in that home and take it in with all of your senses. As you're now walking to a table in your home. And on the table, there are two chairs, one for you where you can sit down now and one across from you that is empty. And in a moment, we're going to invite your future self in. When I count from three to zero, your future self will be there sitting at the table with you. Three, you can now see or feel or imagine your future self from a bar to your future self is coming closer and closer and closer. It's becoming clearer and clearer. One your future self is there now. Zero it has its seat at the table. And your future self is looking at you and you're looking at them and you're observing their five energy facial expression, a close subserved and for a moment take them in and now go ahead and ask them What did you do to get here? How did you get here, and I'm going to give you a moment to listen to your future self and what they're saying. And just trust whatever is coming through best, whatever is coming through
whatever you're seeing, hearing or feeling can the whole experience
Beautiful. Now, in a moment, go ahead and ask them, what is it that I can release today? What is it that I can let go off today? And listen, and trust whatever is coming. Wonderful and now go ahead and ask, what else is it that I need to know today? Trust whatever is coming through. And now thank your future self, for being here today. And see yourself and see your future self getting up from the table and walking towards each other. Go ahead and give your future self a hug a really tight hug. And realize that you have the same pulse. You have the same heartbeats, you have the same rhythm of breath. And your future self is melting into you. Because your future self is already you. Everything that you need you already have within you. Everything that you need to know you already have within you. You can always connect to your future self. If you want to connect with them. They're always there for you. And now in a moment, I'm going to count from one to five. And at five, you will be wide awake again. But before that, just remember everything that happened during this hypnosis and know that you will always carry this within you. One, come back to this time and space come back into this room come back into your body to feeling the energy coming back into your body as you three wiggle your fingers and your toes and maybe shake your head yes and no. Four. Take a deep breath in. Breathe in and out all the love and the gratitude. And five eyes open wide awake. Eyes open wide awake. Sorry to go
that was amazing.
Yeah. Thank you. Oh
my gosh. Wow.
Okay, so what'd you guys get?
However, when you said to open the door to my dream home, I opened it to a giant field of flowers. And then I turned around and I was in my dream home. So that was true. I had to turn around though, that
you're trusting yourself. You're trusting yourself to do that. So it's all good
wow, thank you so much.
I was on a beach somewhere. Like my house was on a beach as I was walking through the home. And I'm giving my husband a kiss. The ocean is out there. It makes me happy. It's hopeful. That's but yeah, that was that was amazing. Yeah, I got a lot of insight. So
yeah, that was really good. I got the one that really stuck out was talking to my future self was you're on the right path. I just kept hearing you're on the right path just you right where you need to be He, trust your intuition. Listen to yourself. Listen, that's what I
was hearing too. Yeah, mine was release control going on in my life. But you know, to release control and once I start trusting that everything's gonna fall into place, and Christie, what
about you? What did it say?
It said, sometimes you have to jump. And wow. And then when I asked if there was anything else, she told me, I'm a force and I need to recognize that now. It's too late. Okay.
Wow, Christy.
Very powerful the word, the word jump. She just kept saying, sometimes you have to jump. Sometimes you have to jump. And I was like, okay. Oh my god. We'll figure out what that means.
And what does that mean? Exactly? Yeah, I know.
Spell it out. And like the steps what steps do I have to take to jump? I think maybe that's the point. Don't don't just forget John. Yeah, just do it.
Just do it. That was for thank
you so much for joining us. Thank you so much for that hypnosis. Huh? I will definitely be doing that again. Yeah, soon. Like, yeah.
I was thinking about doing some breath work. I'm like, Huh?
Yeah. Gotta
breath work. I'm telling you, it is frickin legit. And I've been dealing with a lot of anxiety lately. And so it's really helped with that as well. I've been able to release some of that anxiety I won't say all of it but I'm
I'm that's what it helps me with to like anxiety is like it breathwork is perfect for it's so good.
I find myself doing it at work during my lunches, closing my door and just starting to do some breath work so that I can just kind of release a lot of things it and stress and I'm feeling so. Yeah, definitely. Jay we try to it's legit.
That's awesome. Jennifer, is there any thing else that you want to promote? I mean, I know we'll have a bunch of things in the show notes for you, but that you want to plug that you want to talk about? Yeah, sure.
So I have my spiritual Hypnosis Training. So if anyone wants to become a spiritual hypnotherapist, and if you want to practice spiritual hypnotherapy, and if you want to get practice on, so you can heal and heal others at the same time. If you're you know, this is this is for everybody. This is for a beginner or an immediate coaches, or advanced coaches, or this is for just people who are curious about spiritual hypnosis. This is really built for everybody, because I freaking love it. So if you're gonna do that, that's my plug
here. Fantastic.
Again, thank you so much. We'll put it all in the show notes. And we will get that information out to our listeners. And we just appreciate you so much. And we hope you have a great rest of your day.
Thank you guys so much for having me. I appreciate all of you. It was so much fun.
Thank you so much for listening to this episode of a witch and mystic and a feminist for all things WMF visit w m f, where you can browse episodes learn more about your hosts and further engage with us. Thanks podcast LAN until next time,

Jennifer Schlueter
Certified Hypnotherapist
In 2015 after her first hypnosis session, Jennifer Schlueter quit her job as Managing Editor of 22 newspapers to travel the world while working from anywhere. During the course of her travels to dozens of countries, hypnosis has helped her in so many ways that she went on to become a certified hypnotherapist as well as teach Spiritual Hypnosis. She works with individuals and groups and supports them in manifesting their dream life.