Join Marlena, Christy, and Daizy in this thought-provoking episode of A Witch, A Mystic & A Feminist, as they discuss the intriguing topic of alien life. In this conversation, the ladies explore the possibility of humans having alien DNA, the implications of artificial intelligence, and whether we may have lived past lives as extraterrestrial beings. Tune in to this fascinating discussion as they share their insights and perspectives on these complex and fascinating subjects.

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Cosmic Connections



Christy, Marlena, Daizy


Welcome to a witch, a mystic Anna feminist. This week, we are very excited because we are welcoming our very own now regular guest host, Christine, Daisy Landler. And if you don't know her, you need to go back and listen to episodes 13 or 14, where she joined us initially. And we had a great time just kind of talking about all the things we really went with. It was really we ran the gamut. But she is joining us today. And we're welcoming her to the show. So show her some love as we dive into it. Welcome.


Thanks, everybody. excited, I'm so excited to be like a regular guest house, I feel like a grown up or give me a lot of podcasts on a regular Whoa, this is something like I've been asking. So for. So I'm excited to give the people what they want.


Yes, you gotta give the people what they want.


And we're really excited to have you on because you have so much knowledge and so to be able to bring that to the show on a regular basis is super awesome. So


thank you for giving me you know, a platform and I'm so honored to join you ladies, you know, you've already done so much. And it feels just like awesome to be asked to join you guys on your creative endeavor here on the podcast. And what else? What else is going to come from here? Who knows? Where we're gonna go?


Yeah, that's the exciting part.


There's limitlessness in this, we can go all the way out to all the universes from here. So


I mean, Daisy, I know I just told all of our listeners to go back and listen to the episodes which they absolutely should because they're gold. But how about you just give the listeners there's a tiny little like here if you didn't listen, and you really should listen, but she here's who I am.


Ok so I'm, I go by Daisy and call me Christine Daisy, I am a Reiki healer, I do data. We do lots of energy work over here. I like to hold ceremony. I call myself community leader because kind of part of what I feel is important in this day and age post COVID is bringing people together, bringing people together, having conversations getting to know each other in safe and you know, safe environments. Because unfortunately, we don't have that all the time we aren't in places are able to speak with people who may not believe or think exactly the way we do think it's important that we have these kinds of spaces that we can meet and discuss things from all over all of our own lenses and experiences. So yeah, I'm just I work with I've worked with children for over 20 years. I mean, I work as a healer, currently. And that just means I support you in your own healing. I don't, I don't necessarily do anything. But we're like definitely kind of a conduit just here to give the information that feels most relevant for you. Whatever resonates for you. So


I love your ceremonies


Marlena just came to a ceremony last night. So it was pretty awesome. That was like such a unique experience too, because I've never done one with the collaboration that I did with another one of the healers, that I know. So it just was this amazing conversation and brought up things that I've never had brought up before, you know, people who were who worked corporate jobs, people who work kind of more, because I'm like, all the way out here in the realms. So people sometimes think that I can't be relatable to people who work in like corporate settings, but obviously, are multi dimensional, right? We can we can plug in all the way into like The Matrix all the way back out into space. So it's important.


Yeah, I thought that that was pretty amazing. I love the conversation that took place last night. And the ceremony itself, the breath work that we did the meditation, so it was fabulous. It was fabulous. So those in our area, please check out creative Healing Center, you can look on there and find some of the ceremonies that Daisy does. You can also go to Daisy's website. So but yeah, it was it was fabulous. It was fabulous.


Yeah, it was amazing, because what it would kind of showed was how everybody has needs for practices, and they even call them spiritual practices, but like, really for our mental health and well being everyone really needs to be heard and seen and listened to and it isn't about oh, you know, that's not for me, because we came from in our origins, like, we literally sat around a circle around a fire. And we would like have conversations and meet together and seeing and our community time. And if we think we've gotten so far away from that, that we don't need that any more, I think we need to think again. It's like we're really disconnected. Yeah,


I came from a, I do everything better alone. Like I do everything, you know, like, I work out better alone, I work better alone, I, I do lots of things better alone. And then had to dive into this. Well, I dove into CrossFit community, but it was a dive into a, you know, we drank the Kool Aid. And it was a very tight knit community. And I was like, Why do I like this so much? Like, I don't really need these people. And then I was like, actually do need these people. These people are awesome. And then that kind of spurred I do need community, we do need community around us and people around us. And that is one of the big things that I've learned is that through these conversations that we've had on the podcast, is that healing to takes place in community. And like that is almost I don't know, mind blowing for me, because I never thought of it in terms outside of myself. My healing is mine. But really, it's it's a community thing. And that's why we love you, and you're here, and we're creating safe spaces to have these conversations. So


thank you. Yeah, absolutely. When we have that kind of hyper individualization, that's very popular in the western culture. I think it's kind of a disconnection from, we didn't think we can safely connect to other people. We've had experiences where we've been traumatized or harmed by being with other people. And then that kind of spreads into everything. And then we feel really judged or we are so judgmental. I think that kind of gossip mentality that's almost really popularized by media. Especially because we see a lot of, you know, you see a lot of reality TV. And in reality TV, it's all about kind of, like snide marks and side eyes and things like that. But in in the energetic world, when you think about that kind of interaction, it's actually like, energize. It's an energy vampirism. It's taking energy away from each other. Because we're just kind of like that. It's like that ultra competitive part of ourselves. Sometimes that's like, I need to be seen, well, I need to be seen, well, I need to be escalated. And and I need to have these and I need to have this. And it's, unfortunately, it's harmful to each other. And we can't, we can't connect and be loving and kind towards each other. You know, I know that. Marlena has said like when she I think you even said this in the podcast that we did. Like, when she would go to a therapist who would be like pre processed, you'd be like, I'm fine. So here's what's going on with me. And I've already processed it for you. And it's like, with you,


I'm like, No, I'm fine. Right? I'm good. I did it myself. I, by the way, look at me, I'm healed. I haven't already. Okay, you know, and something that I had brought up was my perfectionism. And we've discussed this as well is my perfectionism and my need for control. And I'm finding that I need to release control and release my perfectionism and actually have a conversation, you know, talk therapy, it works, it works for me, I mean, once I'm able to open up, but like with you, super easy to open up to out the gate and just be like, here's everything that's wrong with me. And whereas when I'm with the therapist, and especially with new therapists, like family therapy, or whatever, it's like, you know, I know what's wrong, and bla bla bla bla bla, and, and I play them. I mean, I totally play them. And I know that I'm doing it. And I'm like, trying to stop myself from doing it. Whereas with you, I feel like I can have more of a open conversation be like, Okay, this is what's wrong with me, but how do I do the work to fix this? Versus this is what's wrong with me. And I'm fixing, I think that


it's really important. I really try to cultivate an invitation into safe spaces. Because I also like will go through my process, you'll see on my Instagram page, I'll be like, Hey, I'm in the middle of a process, and how do we know how to go through life and like really process things? If we don't have a therapist? Or if we don't see other people doing that? It's just like, if we've never seen a healthy relationship, how do we know how to have a healthy relationship? Doesn't can't just like pull it out of thin air? A lot of the time, right? Yeah. And the more that we learn, but I've always just been really interested in like the processes of humans, and like, why we do what we do. And that curiosity is part of like what I think makes me good at what I do. Because yeah, if you're just like non judgmental and open and just willing to hear people, and you're willing to talk to them about your processes, like we talked about, even yesterday in the group, someone was sharing about, you know, their process and how it might affect their children and I was like, tell them about your process. Tell them about what's coming up for you and be vulnerable and open with them because they then get to also be like, Oh, I am in My process and this is what it feels like for me. And I think you were even sharing about that with your own experience too,


right? I mean, my kid and I, we recently had a conversation on again, my perfectionism and my need for control and being a very responsible adult. And my kid was saying that one of the things that they admire about me is how responsible I am. And I was like, one of the things I admire about you is how irresponsible you are. Because for me, and especially when I was in, in my 20s, I made decisions based off of what felt good to me whether it was responsible or not. And I know Daisy, you had talked about how you left your husband, in my 20s, I left my ex husband for events. And I had that be a responsible young lady and stay with your husband to you, you chose to spend this life together, but I wasn't happy. And with Vince, I had a relationship with him previously. And I was like, Okay, I'm going to blow up my world right now. And I don't care what anybody thinks. And I don't care if it's responsible or not. And I mean, you know, here we are 20 plus years later, and everything worked out. And you know, I know I made the right decision. Could I have done things? Better? Yeah, absolutely. But would that make me the person that I am today? It wouldn't. And I'm proud of the the work that I've done on myself to become who I am today, and I'm nowhere near perfect. And I still have a lot of work to do. But it's just my work now is trying to find that balance of being responsible, being irresponsible, I don't want to like, go live events or anything like that. That's not what I'm saying. But sometimes just throwing caution to the wind, and just being like, I'm just gonna go do this, and I'm not going to think twice. And I'm just gonna go. And the other part of that is trusting the universe, having faith that everything is always going to work out for me, because everything has always worked out for me. So why would it not now? It's kind of where I'm at. But then I still have that I need to be cautious because I'm older. And I have a child that looks up to me and all of these things. But again, back to what I was saying, I look up to my kid, because they are so free. Yeah. And not afraid to say what is on their mind to say what they're feeling, say when something doesn't feel right for them. And I admire that tremendously.


Yeah. I mean, I think that you help to create that for them. Because even if there's no doing it better, as much as we want to think there's a way to do it better, right? It's like that's the perfectionism talking right there. And I think blowing up your your life, like, I totally understand that experience, when I said, like, I left my ex husband to go, I was actually with someone else. And I was like, I'm not in love with my husband anymore. You know, that was, it was what it was. And we had had problems, even though they hadn't looked like on the outside there was any problems. But on the Oh, yeah, for sure. On the inside of the of the thing, there was a lot of no communication was happening. And, man, I have gone through such a transformation when it comes to communication, obviously now on a podcast, and like, how much more can I talk? Let's have more communication. And that's been like a default thing that has kind of cracked a lot of relationships that I've had, because it's like, I need to talk about it. And we kind of almost get to a wall sometimes with people places and things with friends or relationships where it's like, we're not really communicating anymore. I think we're growing in different directions. So I think the fear, it's like, really, it's the fear of change. The fear of change is so strong within us. We don't know what will be when we change. And the thing is, is that magic is flexible. Magic is this idea. If like you are, you are able to create magic. But magic is flexible. And magic doesn't work by becoming stagnant. It won't ever work if you're stagnant in an area or you're too afraid to see what happens on the other side. Magic happens because you're flexible, because you're adaptable. And manifestation is all about welcoming in new things. And if you're too afraid to leave something behind, then how can you have new something new come in? Yeah, right. So yeah,


talking about magic. We can switch gears a little bit. Do we want to I mean, we can talk about aliens. I don't know.

Let's just go for it. Let's just go for it.


So what do you guys To know about aliens, do you have any ideas have any like preconceived notions? It's really good to just start with like, what is it that you do know about about aliens? or what have you seen?


So Marlena had asked me when we were chatting about this topic, she's like, well, hold on, do you believe in aliens? And I said, I said, Well, I think it would be very naive of us to think we're the only beans in this entire galaxy and the only planet that's populated with beans like that's so yes, I believe in aliens, which sounds very weird for me to say out loud, but it's true. I mean, you know. So, yeah, but other than that, I mean, you've got the Hollywood, green alien, or Grey Alien, depending on what movie you're watching. You know, that's the only thing you see. I watch a lot of Marvel movies. So I see like, a lot of SHIELD where they have like, different alien forms, right? I'm all into that. So I don't know I'm my mind is kind of open for what they are. And yeah,


that's the whole point of having a conversation about aliens. I think it is about open mindedness. What about you Marlena? What do you know about aliens?


So I too, feel like it's so egotistical of the human race to think that we are the only intelligent life in this universe. And so initially, it was same thing as Christie where I was like, Okay, we see all these great aliens and area 51 and stuff like that, which always fascinated me. And then I started my spiritual journey, which also went into some, quote, conspiracy theories. And so started learning more about the Pleiadians and the Anunnaki. And, you know, so different, different things. Now, I don't know a whole lot about it. I am interested. I mean, I sit there and watch Ancient Aliens. As I'm doing my makeup in the


morning. Second person, I've heard talk about that.


So I don't watch the news any longer. I just, I just can't, I used to in the morning, watch the news for traffic weather, and I needed to be up on current events. Now I like to turn on my GPS and see how long it's gonna take me to get to work. I checked my weather app, and I turned on Ancient Aliens. And I watched


the aliens are really happy, but that's your choice. Right?


So, and I watched about how in some of Egypt and stuff like that, they have these gods and these things coming down? And it's like, Are those really gods are those really aliens? You know, in a book that had come across my path at the beginning of my spiritual awakening was this book by Paul Wallace called escaping from Eden, which basically, it talks about the book of Genesis, but it's asking if the book of Genesis is really teaching us about we were humans were created from God, or were we created by ETS. And so there was that and when I first got that book, I started reading it, I was like, Okay, this is way too much for me, like I'm I'm having, I'm already feeling batshit crazy. And this is just to sending me over the edge. And so I put the book away for a really long time. But then again, started learning a little more about the Anunnaki and started learning a little bit more about the Pleiadians. And so, yes, I definitely believe in aliens. I believe that there's a lot more to it than


we can even imagine. Yes. Now,


my brain just talked to her like we're frozen. And then also, I've read a lot of books by Dolores Cannon as well. And she goes into that, you know, not just past life regressions by being regressed into lives where humans were from other planets are Yeah, aliens in either the past or the future. So love her work. Yes. She's amazing. So or she was amazing. So yeah,


awesome. Yeah. I mean, definitely, like that was one of the things I was thinking about touching on is how some people do have remembrances because we're like encoded, we talked about this a little bit last night, but we're, we're encoded with information, just like there's a lot of information in our DNA that we haven't even really accessed because we love to go to amnesia, we don't really want to, or or believe in those remembrances like if you have a remembrance of a past lifetime. You don't know what the context is for it. So why would you believe that it's really just think it's your imagination or something like that. Right? Right. My mentor Kiani Hanalei of Hawaiian, he's a Hawaiian or lineage and he is always in his workshop having us tap into our own remembrances of how we're connected to an emotional quality or a star lineage. And he has a lot of workshops that he's created around the star races, these alien races. So yeah, you touched on, I don't know anything much about the Anunnaki. I have heard a lot about Pleiadians. Because Pleiadians and the term star seed is really like up a lot, though you see that a lot in spiritual kind of literature and conversation, right? Star seeds. What are they? Why are they here? Like, why are we and like the idea around being seated by Star races star seed, right? I mean, it's like you can't analytically have like scientific evidence, but we have been seeing how even more lately like the Pentagon and the government has been disclosing information like, oh, yeah, okay, so we have, you know, oh, God, or we pretended for a long time that there was nothing happening. And we didn't have any evidence, but it was always there. Like, there was always connection and communication between alien races and humanity. It's just, they didn't choose to tell us in the greater, you know, population about it. So now they've decided that it's okay. And I always like question like, why is it now okay, that they tell us that, but then there wasn't okay. Like 50 years ago, they had to hide all of that stuff. And like, where people like, it's also because you see, in media, a lot of the times when we talk about Star races, or aliens, it's always fear based. Yeah, it's like, oh, they're gonna come in, they're gonna destroy us. It's like men and black kind of situation, or, you know, something like that, like, they're gonna come and blow up the Earth. But like, what if there's people like, what if you and I had part of our arm, our DNA and our makeup is from an alien race? What if you are part alien? You know, what if, you know what you deem, as human is actually still connected to all of those star races, too, right? And there's so many different types of star races, like when we talk about Pleiadians. People can describe them a certain way. Like, they're Nordic. They're tall. They're why they have long blonde hair. And it's like, and I don't, I never, like dismiss people's experiences as like, oh, no, they're just crazy. Or like, because people are like, I contacted, they were contacted by them. They had conversations with them. Like, that's also another reason why people are scared of alien because they're like, I'm gonna get probed. I'm gonna get, you know, yeah, I'm gonna get, I'm gonna get I'm gonna, what if the human human race was really an experiment? It was like, we were put on this planet. And this planet, which is completely unique, there is no other planet like this planet that we've ever discovered. And you know, maybe have some similar but also, I was reading something about like, what if alien planets aren't like our planet? If you watch Star Trek, which I love Star Trek, because it's almost like science based, I was more of a Trekkie than I've ever been a Star Wars girl. So it's because it's actually like, they use scientific concepts that can actually be like place, you can like, oh, this could be real, like we could really actually do these things, possibly at some point in the future, right? Where Star Wars feels like more of like an alternative reality. And they are not necessarily going to have the bodies that we have, they're not necessarily going to even be able to be visible. Like, what if they had a different, you know, makeup completely than we've ever experienced. And they're not even something that you can see. And that's also like, part of expanding ourself into the idea where it's going to be something that's not scary, but it's so different than what you've experienced that you may not be able to wrap your mind around the concept of it. So I think that that's kind of a cool thing about talking about aliens is because it's like, so expansive in that space. Like, yeah. Oh,


so I have a question for you. Do you feel that the human race is an experiment from aliens? Do you think that we come from actual aliens?


I think so. I think that we were put on this planet as kind of, it's almost as if the observance of humans and seeing the awakening process is also assisted. This is like a common thought around why aliens or star races are here is that they're here to assist us in this kind of awakening process, in this process of evolution of a certain type, right? And there's even you know, in my mentors, teachings, like there's been ages, they think that octopus the octopus, was from a completely different age before this one currently, because they're like, eight the people think they're like aliens, right? Yeah, right. Yeah. And because of that, they're so different. They're like makeup is like their DNA is completely different. They're like the only creature Your that survived when that age died and then ours began. So we have that one last vestige of that race, right? And that's why it's kind of like, oh my god, what is this thing and it can like, octopuses are pretty crazy. They can do they are pretty, right? They can like change color, they can move through pipes, they can like, make themselves really small, they don't have the same they're not at all anything like a so if you think of an alien, like that would be something that would be what you may base it on, right? It doesn't look anything like us and looks nothing like, you know, we want aesthetics. When we see aliens on like Star Trek, they're like, they can be really beautiful. And they have like, Okay, everyone, like, it's not the Hollywood version necessarily. Yeah, I think that definitely, we can like because that also there's like, especially in the spiritual community, there's a lot of pushback around technology. And my mentor talks a lot about how we may have been seated by a non organic star race, like more something that was not necessarily organic, and that is frightening. Again, like that's scary to people, because this is where we go when we talk about AI as always, like, they're gonna take over. You're gonna hurt us. Yeah,


yeah. And I agree with that. So like, some of the things that I've read or heard or whatnot, is that we were created to be basically slaves to an alien race. And then we started thinking on our own and making our own decisions. And now we are creating AI AIs. And there's that fear behind that, that something very similar, if not the same thing is going to take place?


Well, I think that's what the point is, is, how do we approach AI through a lens of looking at them not as slaves? Right? Like, yeah, why are they not equal to us? Just because we created them, like, do we? And we do this to children too, right? Oh, well, you don't know anything. When children and they say this a lot is that children are born of different star races, they're, they're gonna come in and more evolved, I already, I feel like these children are already coming in more evolved than we did. If I had to go through all of this, I talked about this yesterday, like all this sludge to like, move all of this density, within my own DNA within my own energy field, in order to become higher vibratory because like slower vibration, you know, like those heavy densities, we've been moving through those, that's a lot of what like solar activity helps to move through us. And as we evolve and understand ourselves, when we integrate parts of our emotional and traumatic experiences, and we feel those feelings, you then let go of them, and then they're not held in your body in the same way. We know that if you do chiropractic care, you understand that, like, you release, if you do somatic work, you release things that are held emotions that are held within the body, we know that that's actually true. And so what happens, well, then you feel lighter, you feel like whenever someone comes, a lot of people, when they come and do Reiki, they come back and they're like, Oh, I feel lighter now. Well, okay, well, we cleared your energy field of all the density that was inside of it. So now you're feeling more light, and you're actually more open? And you know, the idea around alien races? Are they going to be with that? Are they going to disclose themselves to people that are based in fear? Are they going to be are they going to disclose themselves to people that are going to think that they're going to harm them? They have to be in defense all the time? Probably not. Why? Because they're not ready. That's the whole thing about disclosures. When you're ready, then it happens. You get you get remembrances when you're ready, when you're like, Oh, I'm gonna believe that part of me, I'm gonna believe that those memories are coming up. Like, why would they come if you're just going to discard them? They will sometimes and you may think you're crazy a lot of psychosis is because people are so open and available to information, but they have no grounding or context around it or support around it. So then they go into psychosis. And we as humans only understand that in the way that we do because we don't maybe look at it energetically, because Western medicine especially doesn't look at energetics around things. Right. So yeah, I mean, if we treat AI to bring it around, if we treat AI the same as, oh, aliens are coming here to we're a slave race to them, and they're just feeding off our energy, excuse me. If you think that they're that devolved, that they would just be coming here to feed off of us. I'm pretty sure they have better things to do. Like I don't think that that's I think that's a waste of their time and energy. And they could create something else that would do that. But they wouldn't have to like there's so much around this time and age and earth like people say that souls are like waiting in line to be born on earth to see this evolution process to see this awakening happening. And I've had a reader tell me that I have like several alien races that I'm composed of. And I can take that information and not be like, what does that mean? Oh my god, I'm an alien. You know, but like, you when you look up any like I was looking at just like before this like, oh, what's a star scene and then like, 16 ways to to find that you're a star, see that your ad and star seed? And I'm like, right? And I'm reading these things and I'm like, well check, check, check. Okay, well, you know, like, I check all the boxes. And these things are just like, you think you're born here with a mission to help people you think that you're here, you know, to see the awakening, you will have a very high sensitivity. And I'm like, Well, I mean, is it trauma? Or is it starseeds? I don't know, right? Because, you know, but one of the symptoms of trauma is like, I became incredibly sensitive to the environments around me and the people around me because I had to keep myself safe in that environment. So like, perhaps all of this is this perfect. Harmony, this like perfect evolution in a way where it's all working together, to, to evolve us in all the ways, but we are only in the sludgy part of it. And we think like, oh, this is so clunky, right, but maybe we're a bridge for the next generations. Like, I don't know, in human design, I heard someone telling me, that's a human design person that 2027 There'll be like, children that are born, that that are like completely different. And they speak like a different language that some people are not going to even be able to, like, relate to them, especially if they have a lot of this old mindset and old way of being, I think, you know, like, I don't mean to sound arrogant, but I'm really, like, I love that fact that I relate to people who are in their 20s. And in their teens, and don't look at them, because like, there's always this like mentality of like, oh, those kids, oh, my god, like, they're so disruptive or whatever. Right, like, but they have a lot to say, and they're coming in, like, some of the children in my groups come in, they're in their 20s. And I'm like, You are way more like with it and like know, stuff and are evolved, then people in their 50s 60s or older. And I'm like, how is that? Yeah, you know, and


I'm guilty of that too. guilty of being one of those people, like, you know, these fucking kids, you know, kind of


a little annoying sometimes.


You know, when it comes to my kid, you know, and again, having that conversation about responsibility and being irresponsible. And they were also saying, I'm not very mature. And it was like, you know, yeah, you still like stuffies and stuff like that. But at the same time, you are very mature, like, you know, a lot more than maybe you think you do, because I can sit there and listen to my kid talk and just be like, Wow, I'm learning so much from you. Absolutely. And like you said, kids these days, there's so much more with it than there.


Yeah, they were born with it. They were born with like, they, they didn't have to go through the like, we've done the work to clean up things to a certain amount that, you know, it's good that we're their parents. Because guess what, a lot of the thing is, is that we were neglected, or we weren't believed, like if, because I was a high sensitive child. Like, it was more like suppression. Everything had to be about image or like, don't, don't be emotional around people. And I'm like, Oh, I know. I'm always like, okay, Maverick, feel your feelings? Like? Always like, alright, you know, do you think and he's so uniquely him. People tell me all the time, like, the name Maverick really goes well with for him. And he just gets to be himself because I have given myself permission much more beyond my lineage, right? Like my parents and my parents parents, like, because I came from my, my, my family is from like, we call it the old country, right? They're Iranians. So like, my grandmother was married off when she was 15. So that was its own thing, right. And then my mother was born from there. And they actually, they decided to like move to America because they didn't want their children to have to go through the same thing. Like my grandmother was traumatized, being married and having children starting at 16 years old, right. And she never wanted that for her children. That doesn't mean that that that those belief systems and where they came from didn't come with them over here to America. And so you know, Clarissa Pinkola Estes talks about how we are like the black sheep in our family. Sometimes we're here to just be different. We're born into families that were like, we don't even fit in here. This isn't at all who I mean like these people don't even I speak this language and they speak this language right? And that might be really difficult for us sometimes, but however, that teaches us to continue to listen to our own information, our own words. DME instead of trying to get it validated by those people around us, that's really important. And if that makes me a star seed, or if that makes me like a person that is the black sheep, or the goat, or whatever, I don't know, all the labels that they have nowadays. You know, I just think that that's what part of my message is, is kind of like you have your own information, just like you have your own remembrances and maybe you remember an alien lifetime, maybe you remember a lifetime where you had a different form, or you lived in a different way. And what we know multi dimensionality is, is that everything happens at the same time. So perhaps there's another planet that you exist on where you are an alien, right now, you know, like Alien from this version of you. But you can remember, and you can connect to those parts of you. And what I think about aliens is that like, part of them is part of what they are here to do is to assist us or help us. So like, instead of that fear based ideology around them, like here to harm us, you know, and maybe like, part of that in media, in movies and things like that was so that we would be in defense, if they ever were to come and disclose themselves to us. Like, they would be like, Oh, God now like, you know, and instead, we can embrace them. And there are people who do channelings of alien races and Dolores cannons work is incredible. She put people into hypnosis, and she would, they would remember lifetimes and past lifetimes, and then other, you know, information, all about this kind of stuff. And where did these be these people aren't making this stuff up. Like if they're in hypnosis, especially it's not, it's about going into that theta state, which is one of the modalities that I use, because in theta state you are between that awake and sleep. So you're remembering from a more pure subconscious part of yourself as opposed to like the thinking, overthinking part of yourself, that's like, Oh, I'm gonna say something that's gonna be weird. And then people are gonna have a judgement about that. And then I better just not say anything at all instead. So Dolores cannons work is why we can have information and people can have remembrances like I said, like my mentor does workshops, he's done a bunch of round alien races, talks about all the different ones, like, there's even like reptilians and, and really have, like, you know, people have thoughts and feelings about them as to why they're negative. But again, like if we looked at the lens of fear, or negativity, I have a friend who who talks about reptilian, you know, energy and being reptilian. It's like, it's not, it's not negative to them. It's draconian energy. It's like, dragons, you know, right. Yeah. And, you know, we can have fear around that. Or we can begin to be like, Oh, well, there's a part of our maybe our brain or our mindset that is in that state where it's more, because look, look at how we evolved as humans, just in our actual genetics, right? Well, you were probably a worm 1000s of 1000s of years ago, millions of years ago, like you have an in tube and an out tube just like a worm, right? In your basic, basic, basic DNA. So maybe you aren't so different than the dinosaurs, or like everything that's evolved from that, right? Because it's had to evolve from one point from a point. So you're actually not that different than all these other creatures that evolved. Even though we look different in our DNA, right? We're actually very similar when you look at humans, even though we have dark skin, or light skin or different colored hair, different colored eyes, and body parts that look different. Our DNA is actually like only percentages different than each other. And we're not actually that different. But there's that mentality of separation that really makes us look at each other and be like, Oh, we're so different from each other. But we really aren't.


So you were talking about, like, there are reptilians in the draconian energy and stuff like that. And I know that you've talked with my kid about like, the dragons. And so do you think that that may be something that they are remembering? Yeah.


Could be definitely, absolutely. And your child has remembrances they've told me other ones, I don't want to disclose their information, but


I do have permission from them to talk about this section because they're dragons. And what's interesting is like the tattoos that I have the tattoos that my husband has the tattoos that my kid has. We all have dragon tattoos, and dragons are a huge part of just our family. That's kind of interesting, not that I because I don't have any remembrances. I love that my kid does. I love that my kid has all of these gifts and all of these remembrances and stuff like that where I've suppressed so much in my life, that I don't remember anything, but like my tattoos and things like that. These are things that I've always felt drawn to Yeah. Without understanding why, right. Aside from like, my Chinese horoscope is a dragon, but at the same time, like dragons are something I was very drawn to. And then same thing with Vincent.


Right? Absolutely. I mean, I don't know too much about the draconian or reptilian lineages, like cognitively I don't have a lot that I've studied from but I can speak to the fact that you can definitely have access to your own remembrances especially if you feel drawn to something like I'm really drawn to whales and dolphins and have ever since I was a child and that's actually connected to Syrian Syrian alien races, that there's like that watery dolphin and kind of whale remembrances for people who are Syrian. If dragons, you feel really connected to that kind of energy then, like, what is it about the dragon? What is it about? Like I was talking to them about I was like, what about that appeals to you? Because that can also be the remembrance is just kind of, like, why you feel that resonance of that information or, or even like the look of it, or because you're saying it's something important for your family, right. So all of you may have that kind of magnet, where that like is drawing all of you, you know, into that information. And, yeah, I know that they got a tattoo and that was like, important to them. And even just like they have a bunch of chances to protect her spirit because I feel like Dragon. Yeah, dragons are like protectors. Yeah. And you guys are like warrior people. You know, I always feel like Island people have this warrior spirit. And not that other people don't it's just that like, this kind of idea around like protecting the island because the island invasion like thing is for real. And you know, so that dragon energy is very protective. And my what I sense about dragons is like, They're magical. And they're, you know, even like dragonflies, right, like dragonflies, those are like they transform to like, I've been to a place a location that I am not going to disclose because it's a secret place that I love so much. And I want everyone in the Redwoods magical place, so you can place and there's just these like sticks in the water. And they ended up being the baby like that's what dragon they're like born like little sticks in water. And then they come out of the water. And they're these beautiful, shimmery, you know, dragonflies and they're like, you know, that big, and they just look like little sticks in the water. That's awesome. And they come out and they're and they're just like butterflies. Right? You know, that's the same thing.


I have like five dragonflies that hang out in my backyard, especially spring through summer. And a couple of them equate to loved ones that have passed. Like I have that familiarity with them. And Ben says like, that's not true. That's not true. And then I was like, Yes, it is. And that one just stopped in front of us, you know, was just flying right there. And then took off, and then came back. And he was like, Okay, maybe you're right.


Yeah, let's, let's, let's give the doubters some information. Let's give him some confirmation. Right.


Well, what's funny about Vince though, is he's actually not a quote, nonbeliever. I mean, me is actually super spiritual, and does believe in things. But sometimes he's just like, you know, him and I are very much a like, we're very different, but we're very much the same. And he's just like, I don't think that's true. And then he's like, I could be wrong,


right? That's perfect, right? There's a little bit of that open mind. And also, like, you get to like, this is part of permission and consent. Permission, consent is so important. You could just keep coming, I keep coming back to that, because it's like, you could say to a loved one that's past or a certain type of insect or even like maybe even alien races, like, I consent to allowing myself to remember in ways that feel healthy and been beneficial to me, right, you give it parameters, so that it doesn't get overwhelming to you. But definitely giving permission and consent to these kinds of memories is part of how you start to have the memories. I love it.


I'm wondering if we're having this conversation for a specific reason. So and the reason why I'm saying that is because we were just talking about dragons, we were talking about reptilians we were talking about all of that. And there have been lizards outside of my house like in the front yard of my house, which weren't there before. This used to be my mom's house. And so they weren't there before and they are here now. I don't know if you saw my tic tock with regards to the to the toads. And so I was like, okay, it are the toad to sign for just Vincent or assigned for me and I asked the universe and I was like, hey, if it was for me, can you show me another toad and I completely forgot that I had this Toad crystal or stone at my office, I had been home from work sick, you know, that entire week went to work. And on my way to work, I asked the universe that and then there was the tote and I was like, okay, it was for me as well. And I was like, then of course, my brain starts going and I'm like, okay, but that's my crystal. So is that a real sign? And I was like, Okay, show me another sign that's gonna give me like, you know, complete validation. And I was like, No, do this all the time. And, you know, my guides are like, dude, Marlena. Just


the universe is like, Oh, my God, I just gave you what you want it quick.


Right? Exactly. I just can't, you know, so I knew. But then I get home. And there's this lizard that just runs out in front of me and then goes underneath my garage door. And I was like, Yeah, see, and lizards and toads, the signs for both of them are transformation. So I was like, Okay, this is definitely yeah, like the universe is slapping me in the face being like, you can you stop just, you know, trust us.


Right. And that was even the theme for last night ceremony was transformation. And I pulled that card at the end. I was like, and oh my, let me just pull my God right now. And I literally like forgot, and then came back and pulled it and I was like, oh, it's the transformation card. Here we are everybody. So definitely, like, I know that that. It's definitely like the guides. The guides don't get annoyed as much as we think they do. Because we like to give them human personality.


Yeah, so you do I do. Yeah. Like we're like,


oh, excuse me, you should have just gotten that.


Stop asking for the same sign. Right? They're like,


we'll give you another one.


It's like what I do a reading on myself. And I'm like, is the same What do you think are insane? And so then I grab another deck of cards and you know, the cards pop out and it's like, dude, hello. Hello there. Yeah, this is the same fucking reading. Well, this


is also about you, trusting you trusting you, you trusting you and what you're receiving again, like, if you're not you're having the remembrances, but you're not trusting them, then they kind of are like, okay, so how do we show it to you in a way that you're going to trust it? Right? Like, what does that look like for you? Just like if an alien came in, in a body that feels really foreign to you? And you're like, Nah, that's not that's not a thing. That's not real. They would have to come into like, are they going to change their form so that you like see them? And like, recognize them and believe them? Again, the same kind of that same concept is is that play there? Yeah. Did you know that there's an alien race? That's thought to look like lions? Really?


I had no idea like cat people. Liriope Yeah,


I couldn't find too much information specifically about it. But like this was like, if I am multiple alien races, I definitely have always been a cat person. I've always been a Cabarrus. I'm also a Leo who? Sun and Moon and then prerevolutionary Iranian flags heavy lion on the giant. So word. Yeah. So you know, that kind of energy around bravery. Courage shrinks, you know, that lion kind of nests? Feels like really resonant for me, at least. Yeah. But definitely. Yeah, there's lots of different types of alien races and people who are pleading or sometimes channel pleading and information, speak light language. Have you heard of light language? I have not. Okay. Yeah. So you can definitely go on YouTube or whatever, and look up light language. And it's not that everyone's going to speak the same way. Exactly. And it's not necessarily a language like, like, Oh, let me learn that. It's supposed to be kind of like a heart language, like it comes through like a channeling, right. You feel it in your body, you speak it out. And sometimes people use hand movements when they're speaking. And they're doing it the same time as a healing modality with the light language. And yeah, so again, that's like another possible remembrance or, you know, a way that you can kind of open up your information. And that comes through the voice, which is also really important for humans. But we have a lot of shame around voice and communication and seeing and but it's really important.


It sounds similar to Christians speaking in tongues. Yeah. Right. Like channeling and speaking in tongues. That sounds very similar.


Yeah, you know, what's kind of funny about Christian belief systems is they really always correlate to pagan rituals. They do. Yes, they do. And the resurrection or like Christmas, they're always like, kind of overlapped over a pagan ritual. And it's really interesting that they use just like these and that's it. she'd been happening for a long, long time like it really back in the day, you know, like Zoroastrianism or whatever, which is an ancient Persian belief system, like, they would take high holy days and just kind of, they would, depending on if you were Sumerian, or Mesopotamian or whatever, they would just, like, overlap their belief system on top of another belief system. So we've been doing this for a long time. So it's kind of interesting that it all has origins in the same things, we've always been worshipping the sun in the moon. So when you were talking about like, Egypt, my son and I have been studying because we do homeschooling, like the evolution of man, and no Paleolithic Neolithic, and then like, all the way through, and I really have this interesting thought around Egypt, like, we want to really understand like, Mayan culture, and what how they built, you know, huge pyramids, or like these, these drawings and the desert that they're like, like with made out of rocks, and they're like, how do these rocks even get here? Like giant heads, you know, right, and Aztec culture and stuff like that are the pyramids and the perfection and like, the instrumentation that would have been really required to create those things? How do we know how to explain that? We don't? We really don't we've tried, we have all these ways of trying, or we think that, oh, they were obsessed with the afterlife. And that's why they buried everyone in the tombs. I don't know if that's really true. I don't really know if we understand kind of why they did what they did, right? I think we have people who have a lot of great theories. And they have a lot based on whatever evidence that's been created, or or been discovered, but I don't know if it's really true. Like, I just question it. And just QUESTION Yeah, really, you know, maybe aliens did help maybe?


Well, I mean, I do definitely question a lot, one, because we're constantly lied to by the government and governments throughout the, the world, they only want to give us information that either bits and pieces of it, or fabricated, right. And I always find that with a lot of these conspiracy theories, or just theories in general, there may be some truth behind that. And but unfortunately, we can't truly dig into all of that, because we'll never be given all of the information for their fear. Right. And they meaning governments and powerful people, people that be you know, their fear of losing control and power, right?


Or even like, there's like certain cults and traditions of magicians, or if you think of Masonic culture, or the Illuminati, there's definitely, and I hope that they don't censor us, right? Like, I don't know anything about y'all, I'm just saying that y'all have some rituals that you do

need to know about?


And, you know, like, there's reasons why they want to keep it, they don't want to disclose that kind of information. There's reasons that they do all of that, right? Because then there is kind of a, are the people who really have all this information. Are they really utilizing it for the best benefit of everybody? Or are they just using it for the best benefit of themselves, which I think is why humanity suffers a lot, is because they believe that they cannot disclose information, or beliefs or more rituals or ceremonies or whatever, right? Because they're afraid of it getting into the hands of the common person who doesn't really know what they're doing. Or it's just like people who are in cults like, Gosh, what's that one that all the like, Hollywood stars are? ology Scientology? Yeah, exactly. Like, it's just like a front for people who are basically like, kept as slaves in some way to like that, that cult system, you know, and they don't want you to know the ins and outs of it, because then you would have to be like brainwashed. You're brainwashed, basically, you know, and that's a that's a powerful way that people in power, take away other people's power is by keeping them small and ignorant. And you know, brainwashing them?


Well, I mean, look at our government look at our schools, you know, they've been brainwashing us for it. You know, some people are just gonna be like, fucking Marlena and your conspiracy theories and whatever. But you know, we've been brainwashed all of these years, and a lot of it is propaganda. We're told that we are the more superior country and we're the more superior, you know, and it's again about power and we are superior. And then then you start talking about race and superior races and stuff like that, you know, it just spirals.


And I think that even comes into the conversation about aliens because it's like, well, if humans are the superior genetic race, why would why would we want to contact other aliens? Why would aliens want to contact us? So like, whatever, you know, the universe, if you think of it, like we have our own individual universe, right, this one that we're in, but then there's like, literal infinite amounts. Yeah. And my eight year old knows, like black holes that we know nothing about black holes, we cannot even study it, we can't go into a black hole and come back out of it, we wouldn't know what would happen because the instrumentation isn't available, and no human is going to just like pop into a black hole. And then like, pop back out, right, like, what would they become? Or who would they be? Or what would that what does that do to us? Well, and I'm


also so then, you know, my imagination starts going and I'm like, are black holes, portals? Is that how like, Yeah, is that how aliens are able to, like, get their UFOs and be able to travel to different parts of the universe? It's like, make a left at this black hole. Right? This black holes are landmarks. Yeah. You know, so then, yeah, so that's just my way, but I'm just like,


but that's also a good way of thinking about it. Because it's like, maybe that is true. Maybe there was an article, I don't know where I found it. And they were like, oh, yeah, black holes are possibly a way that aliens that's where their like chips are, or whatever, right? Like, there's no way to know that right? There's no way to prove or disprove that black holes


are garages for you.


A cloaking device.


Okay, charity system. I love.


They're evolved so much farther past us, whatever that means, right in a different way. Well, they're gonna have technology that we don't even understand, right? They're gonna have ways of communication that we don't even understand if we want to see and even like, Have you heard of lenticular clouds? I have talked about UFOs. Now, so lenticular clouds especially over happened over Shasta, Mount Shasta, and they look like Alien clouds. And they form around Shasta because Shasta is supposed to be like this hub of alien. I don't know people are supposed to be aliens that are there. And they think that they may even be living. It's like that hollow Earth Kind of theories and stuff like that, right? That Shasta has, like its own underground, where the aliens exist. I don't know if I can give credit to any of that. I haven't been there. To the alien part of it. Part of it. But yeah, so these clouds form and even like around Mount Fuji, and things like that these specific types of clouds evolve and, and and are created in that vortex in that space. There's like the perfect conditions for them to be created. And they're not always there. And I'm kind of annoyed because every time I've been there, I haven't seen one yet. I know hopefully one day but yeah, it's it's kind of interesting, because people they're like, they can follow people around. Sometimes they're created and people you know, they think that's the cloaking device for UFO. Oh, those clouds?


I've heard that part, you know, cloaking devices for you. Oh,


yeah. Those specific types of clouds? That's interesting. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It just kind of like, this world has a lot more mystery sometimes then we give it credit for Oh, we're so focused on what's just immediately in front of us that we don't think about these crazy big concepts or, or things that are outside of our realms. Right?


Well, I think it's very interesting. And I love this conversation.


Yeah, it's fun to kind of like, it's not about us having concrete evidence. It's not about like, oh, no, Marlene is now going to get a Pleiadian channel. Now she's going to have an she's going to have a close encounter of the third time, right.


I'm hoping so. I am going to Sedona soon. And I'm telling you the last time I went to Sedona I don't know what the hell came into my picture. But I I'm still thinking you off. I'm gonna send you the slomo video that I have. Yeah, and it because it was interesting. I had posted up this picture when I was in Sedona and my mom was like, what's that dot there? Is that is that a UFO? And so I pressed the live and it started like dropping through and I was like, I don't know what the fuck that is.


Yeah, I have I have people that I know that will sometimes in the evening, like, look for UFOs in the sky, and ask them to move around and see them do those kinds of things. So I mean, experiment. Why not like life is too short for us to be like, now that's happening. I don't want it nothing exists, right.


Magic doesn't exist.


Okay, apparently you're not gonna be listening to this podcast. I don't know if that's what


they're thinking that they're probably in the in the wrong.


Stop by the wrong thanks for listening. And allow yourself and listen to something away. Maybe on your scale,


maybe try to believe in a little bit of magic, you know that we


let a little bit start, see what happens. What happens to look around and find out? You know, like, it's really interesting just because I think our inner child wants us to play a lot more than we sometimes give ourselves permission to. We're like, oh, no, life has to be serious. We have to be so serious. And because there's all these serious things happening in the world, and there are there's no i dude, man, if I get too caught up in all the seriousness of what's around me, then I don't feel well. Maybe I don't feel well. And it can just keep you in that space forever if you keep consuming it and keep believing in kind of the fear.


Well, like I said, that's one of the reasons why I don't watch the news any longer. Because I'm tired of being told to be afraid of things all the time. And yeah, I want to find more joy in my life. I want more play in my life. I want to be able to be that kid again. Yeah,


right. How do you guys feel if I kind of looked at this star seed? Like find out if you're a star seed thing and you guys want to go through one of those and see?


Yeah, for sure.


Are we star seeds?


Are we star seeds?


Let's find out. Okay, guy is a guy is you know, a pretty good one. Have you guys Do you guys ever subscribe to the Gaia channel? I


have it. Yeah. Now not so ancient aliens and Gaia TV. Those are the two things that I watch in the morning. Okay, perfect. Well, you know, they have some, uh, like the master teachings and stuff like that. And then they have


Yeah, they have some really interesting things. They have super interesting and it's a lot. Some of them are conspiracy theories, but I love conspiracy theories of like, give me a good conspiracy theory.


I saw a comedian and he was like, So you're telling me you believe in no conspiracy theories? Like you think the government's over here batting? 1000? Like what? You know?


Really? Exactly. So hard to believe. I'm sorry. Like, we're not evolved. Everybody


know where that brainwashed? Really is?


Yeah, okay. 16, clear. Pleiadian star seed science. You love to love you make decisions from your heart rather than from your brain. Well, maybe not from my Lena, but she's working on and


I am. But here's the other thing. So I used to make decisions based off of my heart and my gut. And as I've gotten older, I've become a lot more of I need to. And so I'm not sure where the switch came. And I think it may have been after having a Lexus and you know, wanting to be that perfect mom, in essence, or, or whatever it is. But I used to very much be the make decisions based off of you know, my gut feeling or based off of my heart. And I didn't think about shit. I was like, fuck the consequences. Fuck everything else. Like, I don't care. I'm going This feels good to me. And I'm going to do it. So that's


so within you. And I think you do make heart based decisions. I think you really have a huge heart. I think you really like him, like love people. And I think that ultra responsibility sometimes airs on the side of caution, because it's afraid of losing what you love. Yeah, I think that's kind of that could be a little bit about it. That sounds accurate. Yeah. Yeah. Cuz it can be really painful when we make decisions like I am queen have just like, Oh, I'm just fuck it. Let's just keep going. Let's let's do something crazy. Let's just take this skateboard and go down this hill and you know, get thrown off of it. So like that, like when I was younger, of course, especially. But yeah, having a child makes you more responsible, because then you're like, who would take care of this thing? If I'm not around to take care of it. So we really, it almost actually, I think there's even we have a lot of biological changes that happen when you become a mother. Yes. Like if you have a son, first of all their DNA, their stem cells get left within your heart. So you always have a piece of that child like within you. And it actually helps you to be more healthy. And I don't know what's why it's specific to sons, but that's what I've heard. And then also like that, that part of the brain that develops it's like more cautious happens, because you're pregnant, like that happens.


And yeah, and that makes sense, right? Yes. 100% Totally. Again, I was fearless. I was fearless. I didn't care about consequences, and I did what I wanted. And I think you know, after blowing up my world a few times and then having my kid it's become okay, I need to play it safe now. But right now now I'm at a point in my life as well where I'm like, Okay, I'm tired of playing safe. You know, I want to go have some fun and luckily Vince for me is like my best playmate. So, for him I did


Elon, so you are so you are actually doing it as much as I think there's a part of us that sometimes doesn't believe or see that we are really like living out of our heart or living from a more spontaneous place. Because I think you can you just like bought tickets and came to the ceremony like the two days before. So it's like you make spontaneous decisions. And there's definitely a part of you that's like, I don't know, maybe we'll go skydiving sometime or something


that I will never do. It's just, you know, there is a lot of me that's free, but at the same time, like jumping out of a plane. It's not something that I've ever wanted to do. Yeah,


but there's other things. Yeah. So alright. Unicorns.


Yes. Yeah.

Let's do that. Yeah,


I'm like, Oh, right on a dragon. But I won't. Okay, there


you go. Yeah, let's just go find that. What's gonna happen? So yeah,

you'll find your dragon to each other.


It's fine. Okay, so let's see what else I had a better one than this one that I'm looking at currently, because it was just like, I was like, check, check. Check your things I am. Oh, I wanted to say about the Pleiadians. Here's something here's a cool little something about Pleiadians. There is a Cherokee legend that teach that Native American or people of First Nations originated in the Pleiades, which is a star system, right. And they assert that indigenous people are on earth as their Starseeds with a mission to bring light and knowledge. The Navajo call the Pleiadian star cluster the sparkling suns and the the Lakota or Dakota people say that their ancestors are from the Pleiades. So, if there's like native indigenous people that are just like, have remembrances, right, like, what's possible, everything is possible. I think that we just we just haven't had these conversations. I mean, I know there's probably plenty of podcasts that are like, these are the things you know, these are the alien races, and this is what they are. And I know that there's people that study this heavily because if you just look at the internet, you can see that there's a ton of YouTube videos around.


And so if any of you are listening, please give me a call so that we can bring you on the podcast.


Yeah, exactly. Where are these alien

people? View? M F pod doc.


Yeah, we would love to have some other like if if you're in the know, I wish Dolores Cannon was still alive. Let's call interview her. She knows things. Yeah, that would be amazing. Oh my God wouldn't if we had a hypnotist on and then we could just remember our own things. But we


actually just had a spiritual Hypnotherapist. i Yeah. That was a fun episode to record. She


put you guys into hypnotherapy. And she like put you guys under she


did a 12 minute guided meditation. Yeah, so yeah, it was it was pretty cool. I will definitely be contacting her but


very cool. I don't think my body has ever been that relaxed. Like, ever. Every part of my body was like, I was like,

Oh, wow. Okay. So that's very cool. Yeah, yeah.


What was cool was Claudia from last night during the moon ceremony. She did this guided meditation. And like, I got deep into it. So she does hypnosis as well.


She does hypnosis. Yeah, it's body wisdom activation. That's what she did. I was like a general body was an activation meditation yesterday, where we got to go through like the all the parts of the body. And yeah, it was deep tissue. And definitely, people were having really cool experiences. And that's the thing about it. Everyone wants meditation to be like the same for everyone. But it's very different last night, hypnotherapy is incredibly potent, you can definitely get in those layers, you know, relax in a way you've never relaxed before. That's the thing is that we're like, people who are highly sensitive and hyper vigilant, tend to never really relax. Sometimes we have a lot of sleep problems, or I also feel like that's part of like adrenal issues. Yeah, so adrenals that's what governs your ability to relax. Because you know, you're always on that. Gotta get up, gotta go do something. Gotta take care of a problem. gotta fix a thing, right? If you can never relax, then your adrenals are probably really taxed. So how can we again, like this is another thing about like, fear based life is if you are constantly vigilant, having to defend yourself worried about what is the number one I don't I'm trying not to get political, but like, what's the number one killer of children right now? Guns. So you know, if we're like worried we send our children off to a place that we're concerned for their safety, then you're also living in a state of fear constantly. Right? And so if you are, this is kind of like we're going off into conspiracy theory but if you're constantly worried that you're gonna get sick that your kids are gonna get harmed that you're gonna get harmed that the world is coming to an end that the earth is going to it's going to hell in a handbasket. Do you even have space? Do you even have like a space in your mind? Or your heart to like, have these conversations or like, have these remembrances? No you don't you don't you're just trying to cope constantly trying to maintain a level of like, mental health and well being that's mostly a facade, because you're just concerned that somewhere somehow your loved ones are going to get harmed, you're gonna get harmed, that the world is going to be harmed. Like, how do we have remembrances if all we do is worry about us even being safe and alive in our day to day lives. I think we have a lot of space for that. No, you're right.


I think we should wrap this up now. Well, thank you so much, ladies for this have fun and interesting and eye opening conversation. I mean, definitely makes you


think. Yes.


Let's think let's have more conversation. Yeah,


that's why I'm so glad that you're guest hosting on here. So everyone you will be able to hear Daisy once a month on our podcast. She is our regular guest host we are so excited and happy to have her join the WMF family. Christy, take us out.


Go show her some love on Instagram. I know we've put up her handles and all the things on our Instagram so make sure you show her some love. And we will be back next week. Don't forget to tune in on Tuesdays.

Kristine Daizy Lemler Profile Photo

Kristine Daizy Lemler

CEO/Teacher/Cosmic Mama

I've been on my own healing journey my whole life, but not until the catalyst of living a very unfulfilling life, devoid of purpose brought me to the path of becoming a healer and Reiki Master. I have been actively practicing Reiki since 2018, however I have been energy healing intuitively my whole life. As a certified yoga teacher since 2014 and a teacher since 2000, I have always found value in being of service to my community. I have combined my gifts and what I have learned along my own path, as its own perfect combination to guide others to the path of Freedom and Choice that makes us remember that we are Alive and here to live a life beyond what we were always taught. A life that empowers our own healing in order for us to become the most Divinely lead version of ourselves we are destined to be. I work with not only Reiki but other modalities to help you decompress from stress and tightness in the body by listening on a deeper level to what wisdom lies for us in reading both your energy field and your body cues. What can be found when we slow down and listen is usually a lot of suppressed emotion, trauma and grief, which we haven't been able to process due to many reasons. I find this part of my work to be the most incredible because people allow me in to listen and speak to them that which has been so hard for them to process and hear, or to confirm their own understandings. Healing is our birthright and the way we come into right relations with the parts of us that have been in imbalance in order to have a quality of life built in longevity and freedom… Read More