In this episode of A Witch, A Mystic & A Feminist, as Marlena has been navigating the ripple effects of past emotional wounds, she has found unparalleled solace in the ancient Hawaiian practice of ho'oponopono and the modern technique of EFT tapping. Her personal healing narrative weaves through the heart of ho'oponopono's grace and the precise touch of EFT's acupressure, offering a testament to the transformation that awaits when one dares to confront and release their deepest pains. Through her own experiences of betrayal and loss, Marlena illuminates the path from resentment to forgiveness, inviting you to join her in harnessing these practices for your journey toward empowerment and emotional freedom.

This episode is steeped in the wisdom of guests like Jamie Della, who underscore the profound significance of personal responsibility and self-forgiveness in the healing arts. The marriage of EFT tapping and ho'oponopono's mantra—embracing sorrow, seeking forgiveness, expressing gratitude, and declaring love—unlocks a synergy that propels us beyond victimhood. Embrace the opportunity to explore these modalities, as we strive for emotional liberation and a balanced, empowered existence on today's episode of A Witch, a Mystic and a Feminist.

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00:25 - Healing Through Ho'oponopono and EFT

08:02 - Combining EFT Tapping and Ho-Pono-Pono


Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to A Witch, a Mystic and a Feminist. I'm your host, marlena, and today we are embarking on a journey of self-discovery and healing through ancient wisdom and modern techniques. In today's episode, I'm discussing two transformative practices po-pono-pono and EFT tapping. Together, we'll explore these incredible tools for personal growth and healing. So get comfortable and let's dive in. Since learning about ho-pono-pono four years ago, I've been on an incredible journey. It's been a journey of healing, personal growth and self-discovery. What I found along the way was a profound connection between ho-pono-pono and EFT tapping. Combining these two practices has made them even more powerful as tools for healing and transformation. So let's start by talking about ho-pono-pono. Ho-pono-pono is a Hawaiian practice known for its powerful approach to forgiveness. Ho-pono-pono roughly translates to cause things to move back into balance or to make things right. It's a practice that's had a profound impact on my life. It's about forgiveness, but it goes far deeper than that. Ho-pono-pono encourages us to take full responsibility for our experiences and our healing journey. At the heart of ho-pono-pono lies a simple mantra I'm sorry, please forgive me. Thank you, I love you. This mantra isn't just about repairing relationships with others, but it's also about the relationship we have with ourselves. Forgiveness is a powerful spiritual tool and it takes a lot for us to forgive ourselves and others. When I began working with the shamanic healer, I was extremely angry with my dad. My dad had died a few years prior and just after he died I kind of put him on this pedestal. The year or two after his passing, all of my feelings of resentment began resurfacing. One of the first things my shaman worked with me on was forgiveness, and this was where I was introduced to ho-pono-pono. I would say this mantra looking in the mirror, staring at myself, and I would say it over and over again until I cried and released all of the pain. And recently I found myself hiding things from my husband, whether it was how much I spent when I went shopping or how much we owed on our credit cards. I would say things to my kid like don't tell your dad I was being sneaky. Or if you're familiar with one of our past guests, jamie Della, in her book of spells she talks about trickster medicine, where one would cleverly come up with reasons to escape punishment or retribution and, as Jamie states in her book, eventually all tricksters fool themselves. One day you will find you have worn the coyote mask one too many times, and when you look in the mirror you cannot tell which part is really you and which part is pretend. This was me. So first I had to talk to my husband and be honest with him, and while he was easily able to forgive me, I've been having difficulty forgiving myself for hiding things from the one person who I know truly loves me unconditionally. And when you've been on a healing journey for a while and you find yourself knee-deep in your own shit and maybe past lessons that you didn't learn the first time around, or showing up again and you're back to those uncomfortable, painful feelings, sometimes it's hard to remember all the tools you've acquired to heal. So what I did was I brought myself back to basics. I turned to ho-opon-opono. So how can you integrate ho-opon-opono into your life? It starts by recognizing situations that need healing, then reciting the mantra while focusing on the intention of forgiveness and healing. While reconciliation may seem like a natural step, it's important to emphasize that, as previously discussed on the show, forgiveness doesn't always necessitate reconciliation. The practice of ho-opon-opono has a profound spiritual aspect to it. It's founded on the idea that we're all connected through a collective consciousness, and when something or someone triggers us. It's a sign that there's something within us that seeks healing. This practice of forgiveness serves as a reminder that we're not just mere victims of our own circumstances or how people treat us. Rather, we play an active role in co-creating our lives. In essence, ho-opon-opono empowers us to shift from a mindset of victimhood to one where we take full responsibility for our lives and our healing journey. So now let's shift our focus to another remarkable technique EFT tapping. Eft, or Emotional Freedom Technique, is like acupuncture without needles. It is based on the idea that there are energy pathways or meridians in the body which vital energy, or Qi, blows. When this energy is blocked or disrupted, it can lead to emotional or physical issues. Eft is a powerful method that combines elements of traditional Chinese medicine, psychology and acupressure. It's designed to elevate emotional and physical distress by addressing energy imbalances in the body. So let's dive into the EFT tapping process. It begins with a setup statement. This is a statement that acknowledges the problem and combines it with a self-acceptance affirmation. There are several acupressure points on the body, including the top of the head, eyebrow, side of the eye, under the eye, under the nose, chin collarbone, under the arm and the karate chop point, or the side of the hand. These points are tapped in a specific sequence to release energy blocks and reduce the intensity of the issue. To make this more practical, let's consider a real-life example. Let's say you're dealing with anxiety. You would start with a setup statement like even though I have this anxiety, I deeply and completely accept myself. Then you would tap the various points while repeating a reminder phrase like this anxiety. After a round of tapping, you would reassess the intensity of your anxiety. Eft tapping is all about releasing emotional and energetic blocks, and po-pono-pono is a Hawaiian practice of forgiveness. But what's the magic in combining them? Well, let's break it down. It all starts with identifying the emotional issue you'd like to address. It could be a grudge, a past hurt or any negative emotion that weighs you down. We start things off with EFT tapping. You start with a setup statement like even though I'm holding onto this grudge, I deeply and completely accept myself. After one round of EFT tapping, you're transitioned into ho-pono-pono, a practice that includes four simple phrases I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you. As you tap on the EFT points, you repeat the ho-pono-pono mantra. For instance, when tapping on the eyebrow point, you say I'm sorry. When you tap on the side of the eye point and say please forgive me. Keep moving through the tapping points, repeating each phrase. After this combined EFT and ho-pono-pono session, take a moment to check in with your emotions, see if you feel any relief or a shift in perspective, or even a sense of forgiveness. Depending on the depth of the issue, you may need to repeat this process several times. Keep at it until you feel a sense of resolution, emotional relief or forgiveness. Again, to put this into a real-life context, let's say you're trying to heal from a strained relationship, perhaps a friend or a family member. You identify the issue, use the EFT to address your feelings and then transition to ho-pono-pono with the four phrases. This combination can help you release past grudges and foster forgiveness. The beauty of combining EFT tapping and ho-pono-pono is that it empowers us to tackle emotional baggage and nurture healing. Remember, it's all about opening your heart and being willing to let go of past grievances. In the end, it's all about achieving emotional freedom and personal growth. As we wrap up today's episode, I hope you've gained valuable insight into the world of ho-pono-pono and EFT tapping. These practices offer remarkable tools for personal transformation and healing. Remember, it's all about embracing responsibility, forgiveness and emotional freedom. Thank you for joining me on this journey today. Feel free to explore these techniques further and discover the healing and transformation that resonates most with you. That's it for today's episode of A Witch, a Mystic and a Feminist. Stay tuned for more enlightening discussions on self-improvement and personal growth. Until next time, take care and be crunchy yourself.