In this week’s episode, A Witch, A Mystic & A Feminist are joined by special guest, Meredyth Willits. Meredyth is an intuitive life coach, the host and creator of the podcast, Meredyth with a Why, the author of Mindset Master Mind - 10 Steps to Change your Life Forever, and a psychic medium. You may have also heard the ladies discuss  Meredyth Willits in the episode, Marlena's Most Recent Psychic Reading.

Listen in as A Witch, A Mystic & A Feminist discuss with Meredyth her life as a psychic medium, her process in reading energy, and so much more.

To schedule a reading or coaching session with Meredyth Willits, you can schedule directly through her website:

Also, be sure to check out her podcast, Meredyth with a Why at

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Meredyth Willits

Tue, Feb 21, 2023 SPEAKERS

Meredyth, Marlena, Jamie, Christy


Welcome to a witch, a mystic and a feminist. Christy Jamie and I are very excited to be joined by our next guest. I had mentioned I had found this guest on tick tock when her tattoo placement series came across my four year page. And then I ended up doing a reading with her back in November. She is an intuitive life coach, the host and creator of the podcast Meredith with a Y, the author of mindset, mastermind 10 steps to change your life forever, psychic medium, Meredith Willits.


Thank you so much for having me. I'm so excited to be here this morning. I'm so excited to like, hang out with you and talk about all things, all things, all things, all things, right. We're just going to kind of dive into all of it today. So thanks for having me, for sure.


Yeah, thank you so much for being here. I mentioned you're a psychic medium, and we've done a reading before. When did you recognize you were a psychic? 


So, I look at it like reading energy. So we all do it. We all know if we have that gut instinct, you know, I'm just going to turn the car right right now or I don't really like this person. And I have no idea why. So that in us is called intuition. And the way I describe it is I've just really honed in on paying attention to that intuition to another level. And so you know how, like, sometimes you're around someone and they're in a bad mood, and then you're starting to get in a bad mood. Well, that's kind of like sharing energy with the person. So I'm just taking it to another level. So if I had been practicing medicine for 12 years, I'd be a really great doctor right now. But instead, I've been practicing reading energy for 12 years. So I'm just better at it maybe than someone who has not really focused that's literally the difference between someone who's doing this and someone who's not.


And so when you read energy, like is it something that people talk about the Claire's Claire Cognizant clairvoyant? Is that something that comes to you


So I'm a visual learner, you know, which is fascinating, because now they're really starting to focus on learning styles in school. Yeah, and basically, all they're doing is focusing on kids, Claire's, if you if you think of it that way. Okay, so I'm very visual, and I sent so I like feel in my body. And also that's going to tie back to our conversation in a minute with tattoos. So Spirit uses my body because I have associated parts of my body with inflammation. So the breasts if they start firing up my breasts and not in a good way, that means like, you are either not allowing a nurturing from someone else, or you are not self nurturing, or you're blocking, nurturing, so kind of the breast area represents nurturing the lungs. area represents grief. So there's each part of my body spirit energy will use my body so that as I'm seeing stuff in my head, because I don't really hear your words like, so what's my dad's name that died? 30 years ago, I'm like, I don't really hear like, it takes too much effort, you already know the answer. We're not testing if I can do this or not, like, let's get to the meat and potatoes of why we're here, right. And so I usually am seeing things at the same time, I'm seeing stuff, they're using my body to generate either pain. Like with your reading, like you were saying, like I was having lots of throat clearing going on. So that is information. So they're kind of using all of my senses, or I might get emotional about something, I'm like, Oh my gosh, I'm starting to feel really sad or really angry all of a sudden. So they're using kind of all of my senses to deliver the most complete message that I can. And when I say they, it could be a person whose past it could be your spirit guides, it could be your higher self or whatever, I'm just picking up energy. I try to describe it as like, sometimes people speak two languages. And so there's like over here listening to Spanish, but then they're telling it over here in English, right? I'm just kind of listening to it and energy and then I'm trying to describe it in English. And sometimes there's no words in English, right? Like, there's just no words for some Yeah, Spanish words. And so a lot of times I'm like, Okay, how do I describe this? So usually, if I'm, quote unquote, wrong, it's just that I'm, I'm processing it wrong, or I'm taking the information and I haven't quite described it and then usually what I'll say is, okay, I'm just gonna tell you what I see. And then you figure it out. Like one time I had a lady and her dead husband had come and he kept showing me that he was inside of a like a whiskey bottle. And this is On Facebook when I used to do Facebook, and I'm like, I don't I don't know, I don't it was it was an alcoholic. She's like, No, you know, yada, yada. And then here they put his ashes in like a Jack Daniel's bottle that he's in the bottle. And I'm just like, this makes zero sense to me, because it's not of my experience. Right? So I was interpreting it wrong. So, so yeah, just kind of like they're using all different parts. Some people hear some people send some people see it just some people smell or taste, right. So those are those Claire's that you're talking about. But for me, it's kind of like a feeling or an emotion or a visual.


So you're also a medium, these people that have passed? Do they just like kind of pop up and be like, hey, you know, without the like,


right, you know, but like we see in the movies, I like, oh, there's they're all around. But


with you being visual, and you feeling that, like, is that something that you you feel like oh, there's an energy here or


so in the beginning that was happening. And as that shows up, it's it feels like an anxiety attack, it feels like you can't catch your breath. So they're kind of elevating your physical body with a higher frequency, like if you heard ringing in your ears. So there's like a few different ways. And because of that I actually ended up working with her name's Pat Longo, who is also the same helper for Theresa Caputo, the Long Island Medium. So I made an appointment with her and I'm like, Alright, I'm getting stuff that I don't know what to do with I'm smelling smoke, I'm having emotions that are not mine, I'm having anxiety attack at a you know, stores. And so she just kind of really taught me how to do an enter energy safely and still be able to be a human. So I have lots of kind of rules, if you will, like, spirits aren't allowed to visit me in the middle of the night and wake me up. They're not allowed to hang out with me at Target or Starbucks, I'm not giving messages to people who have not invited me in which proof. So there's a lot of different things. And I have a class on this on my website, because a lot of people and a lot of people's children actually have this. And they have no idea how to live a very normal life. Like I live in the suburbs, you know, I have a husband and four kids. I can't be sitting here getting messages. And I think it's really inappropriate from where I sit, to walk up to someone at Starbucks and say, your dead kids here, like just might not go over well, on a Saturday morning. And I feel really, really inappropriate. Because they haven't invited me in, you know, and just because their kid wants to give them a message, you might not be ready, or I might not be the best delivery person as I'm rushed between hither and thither. So I have a lot of kind of parameters. Again, I also don't want to have an anxiety attack at Starbucks, because dead people are trying to get in touch with me. It just doesn't work for me. It doesn't work for me. 


Yeah, that's so interesting. It's funny, I know, we've talked about this too, Marlena. We all feel like we probably have some kind of sense or you know that we can feel other, you know, spirits or energies or things that are present. And I've always like put it out in the universe, okay, you're not allowed to do this, you can only come to me in my dreams. And do not make yourself seen. I don't want to scare my children or myself. So it's funny Hearing you say that. I'm like, I'm not crazy. It's okay to put that out into the universe and say, you can be here, but don't scare the shit out of me. Because that's not okay. And don't scare my children. And I've had things happen in the house where it's like, okay, all right, that was a little creepy. No more of that, you know, don't do that again, or lights or whatever. And I love to hear that you say that? Because I'm like, oh my god, I do that all the time. I'm putting it out in the universe, like, okay, don't come and scare me. But you can be here


You have dominion, you know. And that's what's really important is understanding that, you know, and the other thing too, you kind of have to look at spirits, like children, like they only have the tools that they have to get the attention of you. And I did a reading recently. It was kind of interesting. And this lady's like, there's a spirit here. And I know that they want me out. And so I tapped into that energy. And I'm like, Yeah, because there's there's like a gas leak or something. Like, like they're trying to get you out because you're getting sick. And she goes, holy show we have been sick since we moved here. She had never put one and one together and realize that the spirit is actually trying to get them out of the house because the house is making them sick. She and she literally did not even put one and one together until I said that at that very moment. So they use light. They use quarters, they use bugs, they use noise. They use these things because they don't have a physical body. So all they can do is what they can do to get your attention. And so often like As I'm sitting here listening to you talk about that, Jimmy, it's what your energies are trying to tell you is, you're not crazy, we are here, trying to let you know that you're really doing it. Okay, you're really doing it, we really are here. So you know that that's what they use it. It's not it's not fake. If you exist, you always have existed and you always will exist. We are eternal, we are energy. This isn't woowoo. This is science. This is just, and that's how I started doing this. Like, I was tapping into people energetically by way of total body analysis, which is a whole nother story. And I'm like, How the hell am I doing this? Like, what am I doing, I'm tapping into people in California, and I'm in New Jersey, and then I'm like, wait a minute, if I could tap into people's energy in California, and we're neither created nor destroyed, then I should probably be able to talk into dead to dead people. And so it began it like, literally, I'm telling you this right now, you can all do this, you just have to believe that you can't, you have to believe that that a dead person. And I tell people that have lost people, they're on the other side of the window, you might not be able to touch them. But they're right there, you know. So I think as we start really owning the fact that I'm not talking to demons, that you know, like, nothing bad is happening here. I'm just tapping into protons, neutrons and electrons, we're moving at a frequency that is creating visions, or feelings, etc. It's not that serious. I do and PS, you're all doing it anyways. I'm just doing it at a different level. Yeah, literally, you are all doing this, right? Like the mothers, the mothers instinct, that something is wrong with her child. Is she dead? Speaking to the you know, demons? No, she's tapping into our kids energy. Right? Why is that? Okay? But this isn't. So it's kind of it's kind of wacky that way.


 I love your analogy there. Because that makes more sense for my very analytical mind. Where I'm like, oh, yeah, that does make sense. Because whenever I've gotten feelings, or Jamie has been around when something has has taken place, and I'm like, tapping into maybe the other side. And I'm just like, I'm crazy. I don't know how this is happening. But that makes sense. Especially when you talk about yeah, there's intuition as well. Because, like, if there's something wrong with my kid, and my kid is on the other side of town, or I'm at work, and they're home, and I immediately call and be like, what's wrong? Yeah, that just totally makes sense. 


It's the exact same thing, it's literally the exact you're picking up energy. And there's no time or space. So your child is energy is with you. Like, at the exact same time and your your, your body is reading energies all the time, you're always picking up on stuff. And you know, animals are better at this, because they don't have that crazy ego to tell you that you're wrong. So like, one of the first things I will tell people is, is you need to learn to quiet the bitch in your head that tells you that you're wrong. And that tells you that you're making this up in your head. And once you quiet that ego side, we're never going to get rid of it, it keeps us safe. But if we can kind of learn to walk around it or not care about it in these moments, then guess what, your Higher Self gets louder and louder. And intuition gets louder, and spirit gets louder. And so like who are you going to listen to? Right? Are you going to listen to your spirit self that knows all and end all be all right? The omnipotent spirit, right? Are we going to be dragged down by the ego, which is usually our parents voice society's voice, you know, that is trying to keep us safe and small. So it's kind of like where are you leaning into? Right?


That makes so much sense with children being so open? Yeah. And having that sixth sense, if you will, because their ego hasn't been destroyed? Or about? Yeah, they haven't they haven't been tainted yet with the ego that wants to shut us down. So that makes so much sense. Because you talked about kids who see things all the time.


So they know not to, they don't know to not know. 


Just like when with my child. From very, very small. They were able to see things or feel things hear things. But my husband and I, we never said no, that's not real or that's imaginary. That's just in your head. It was like, Oh, who's here? And Lolo, like oh, well tell my father in law said hi.


I love that. I love it.


But also so just recently, you gave my mom and emotional release reading. We won't go into her reading but


That would be weird. That would be very weird. I took notes Let's go. 


Our producer's gonna show up here shortly, I mean, like we're shutting down


The one thing about my mom is she can always edit that out. So that's true. But with the emotional release type reading, what is your process with identifying trauma or triggers or issues that need to be worked through?


So and this is going to go kind of, again, in line with the tattoo conversation and series. So when I'm talking to somebody, I'm getting information from them, like what's going on? What are you dealing with? I'm having a hard time with this. I'm feeling lost. I'm feeling confused. I'm feeling overwhelmed. I hate my husband. So I'm like taking notes and picking up certain words that they have going on. And I'm writing those notes out, right. And then I use what I call my handy dandy emotional release chart. And that is by Dr. Bradley. Dr. Bradley. I can't think of No, I think his last name is Bradley. Not sure. I was gonna say Bradley Cooper and dad is so wrong. I kept going there. I'm like, Bradley Cooper, like you're so you're wrong on what you're about to say. So you just need to not say it. That's the Paging Dr. Bradley. You know, we are on speed dial. So yeah, so there's the Emotion Code chart, which basically breaks down. So let's see that two times six. So like 32 different emotions, right? Anything from abandonment, and decisiveness, Dread, shock, overwhelm, lack of control, low self esteem. So like, those are just a few. So what I'm doing is, the first thing I do is I put in order of which thing that my client is bringing me in order of what I should start with, because a lot of times, if I release, let's say, I hate my husband, if I release, I hate my husband, it gets rid of a lot of other stuff that now I don't have to work on, because we've knocked it out with encompassing I hate my husband emotions. That makes sense. Yeah, can't send this one to my husband, he's gonna be like, What were you telling him? What, what is wrong with you? Both is your clothes right here. Let's just start there. So anyway, so I put that in order. And then what I'm actually doing is I am actually sharing energy with my client. Okay, so like, right from the get go to the beginning of the appointment, I write a person's name down on my notebook, I am immediately sharing energy with that person, I am picking up everything about them. So I will start with I hate my husband. And then I will say, what are the emotions that we can release today to help her with or him with I hate my husband. And then I use advanced Kinesiology. So what I'm doing is muscle testing from here on my client. But instead of using the push your arm down method, I'm using kind of like the short circuit method, I know this is very more than you need it. Anyways, I then released it using my hands, which are used as magnets down the main meridian line, and I release that emotion once it's been released. It's been released forever, but the body heals like an onion. So I might say abandonment over and over and over again. Why? Because you have an emotion of abandonment, let's say from childhood, okay. Your mom walked out of the room when you were six months old, you felt abandoned, she didn't do a damn thing. She had to go get a cup of coffee, but you felt abandoned in that moment, right? What happens is, is that acts like a magnet, that emotional energetic moment, acts like a magnet for other feelings of abandoned and creating other experiences of abandonment. Then when we get in our adulthood, what happens is, is that we start to attract the exact same things, but to undo those things, so to speak, you know, how are we here? She just kept dating the same guy over and over again. And then one day she finally learned, right? And so we create these experiences that we need healed. And the nice thing about the emotional release is it kind of is like I hate to use the word cheat code, but it's kind of undoing the energy. And that is why I'm talking to a client the whole time like this is coming from your mom. It's coming because it was inherited and because your dad left her at home all the time when she was pregnant, and she felt lonely. And so I'm talking to your subconscious while I'm doing the physical work on my end. To do like double whammy duty of undoing the prefrontal cortex of thought, but also the subconscious at the exact same time. And the energy, as we now know is stored in the body. So I'm like kind of doing all of that at once. And they do it super, super fast. And then we moved on to the next emotion and the next problem and the next problem. And I just keep going as fast as I can to try to release as many emotions as I can in 130 minute or hour setting. So that's the emotion No, really. In a nutshell, we just did all sorts of other shit on your podcast this morning. So your mom now glows red, blue, and green and limps a little it'll be fine. Everything's fine. Go go to Meredith they said, it'll be fine.


I do love how you use the analogy of an onion, because as you were talking about, and I say abandonment, abandonment, abandonment, if I have to say it a million times, it literally feels like you're undoing every abandonment Association, to get to back to that first one, to say, Okay, I'm done, I can release it. Now that I love that analogy, because that's what it felt like, as you were describing it, you're just peeling back each moment that has built over time to make you feel this sense of abandonment in your life.


You can do this yourself. So you can do it with tapping, you know, you can watch a million videos on YouTube about this, you can do it by way of kind of going inside and like, Okay, let's go to the first time that I felt overwhelmed by man that I can remember and use, like, I see a vision of my dad coming towards me wielding a nail file to file. But to me, it was terrifying. You know, and so you can kind of play with that and reprogram that. And I have I do have a playlist on my tic tac page about this, how instead of being that child that behaves and sits there and allows their dad to file their nails. And again, that's all he was doing. Instead, now I have this Meritus you know, 50.0 self to stand up and go, No, you're not filing my nails. My energy Self does not know if that happened in the past or the present or the future. And so I am literally changing a timeline because I am in my mind's eye going back because that only lives inside of my brain. So if I can change it by way of standing up to my dad, now can I stand up to the guy at work or now can I stand up my husband in a different way, because I just rewrote the story.


That's beautiful.


That is beautiful. And so you can do this with trauma experiences. And it might take a couple times before you actually start to feel the energetic shift. But you know, like, especially if you've gone through, you know, abuse, sexual abuse, physical abuse, and you were helpless, you were in a helpless state where you could not physically stand up for yourself, it wasn't safe to stand up for yourself, you maybe didn't even have the language to stand up for yourself to go back and empower yourself or at least take that child's hand, take that 16 year old self hand and say, Come on, let's get out of here, I got you let's run together. And like there's a shift that's going to go on inside of that, because we're rewriting that story. There's, this is a very positive way to kind of change that programming, which goes back to the kind of tapping and all these types of programming the brain you're broke. Your brain is programmed every single day by social media, and the news and your family and the world around you. You might as well take a hold of your programming and and say, You know what, no, we're gonna go back and we're going to change that. And I can stand up to men and I can stand up to women and, and all these other things.


That is fantastic.


I love this. I know I'm so good. I'm curious after you do like the energy release or the trauma release, how does it affect you? Does it like it does it not? You're good, you can just go to dinner with your family.


And so I had a I know I used to get so ready for an appointment, right? Knee to ground and he just been my child raw was like a need to do all the things where I drink my water and put a little oil on my throat. Like I would do the things right. And then I decided like okay, we're gonna switch this up because this is so ego driven, like, like, Who are you like, like, either they're going to show up or they're not like no offense, but no amount of oil or crystal was going to change that. Yeah. And so I started to recognize that I am just kind of Have the mouthpiece or the holder of the energy and space. And when I would filter again, I started doing this publicly on Facebook Live readings. I called it Monday might night medium. And it was like eight years ago, and I had all these people watching. And I wanted to be right. So painfully bad. I just wanted to be so good at it. So I would see stuff. And my ego would get in the way and go, there's no way they're talking about peach bridesmaids dresses, no one would wear a peach bridesmaids dress, except for my mom's whole wedding party, by the way. And so, so like, again, like what you know, like with the bottle, right, you know, and so I'm like, you know, I can't do this anymore. I can't, I can't, I can't. If I'm right, it's not because of me. If I'm wrong, it's not because of me. I'm just relaying information that I'm getting. And so if someone ends up on appointment with me, it is literally because God source has sent them, I can help them in some way. And it literally might be the last sentence that comes out of my mouth and a 60 minute appointment. I don't know when it's going to show up or how it's going to show up or how it's going to transform their life. But the fact of the matter is, is it's not about Meredith woods, it's never been about Meredith woods. I'm just dumb enough to actually crazily enough sign up to do this shit. And so the more I do it, they go, That asshole right there as well. So we're going to give her the information. And so literally, it's like I've signed up like, it's like if you sign up to be a racecar driver, you're wacky enough to get in a car willing to go 200 miles an hour. So guess what, you can drive fast, we're going to let you do that. And so it's kind of the same thing. So like when I'm I was actually just thinking about this the other day Christy, I'm like doing dishes, my appointments literally starting in a minute and a half. I'm like, finishing up the dishes, I'm like, wow, you're prepping the shit out of this appointment today. Like literally get out of this chair. Now that said, I do sit in this chair for 99.9% of all of my appointments. It allows my brain to check into what I'm here to do. I am focused, I'm not walking around doing dishes, I'm not doing laundry, I'm not talking to my kids, I am focused on my client. I'm focused on the energy I am here for it. I get my notebook, I write the person's name down, yada, yada, I am focused, but as soon as I put that down, you know, I do have some appointments that are caused me pause.


Okay, well, I would imagine with the energy, right, like, usually it's the story. Okay, the stories, okay,


usually it's this person's story. And I'm like, I don't I can't i Wow. Like, usually, it's my human self kind of trying to catch up with what just happened. But energetically, it's like, when I close that book, it's like, you know, back to being human, it's closed?


Yeah. Well,


I do love how you said, what brings a client to you is God or source and when I had my reading with you, and this will lead into the tattoo series at some point, right, but it was to actually discuss with you the tattoo placement series that you had on tick tock and, and my tattoos, the meaning of those and whatnot. I told you during our reading, at the very beginning, I called you because or I scheduled this appointment because of this. And it went totally sideways. And you know, just, and it was exactly what I needed when I needed it and everything. So yeah, that just kind of brings me back to my rating with you, where we, I had the intention of discussing one thing, but it totally went somewhere else. And you introduced me to a couple of my spirit guides my masculine side and my feminine side. And I had I never asked whenever I've had a reading, I never asked about my spirit guides. And I think that's just again, me and my ego, my selfishness. And I'm like, Just tell me what I need to do to fix this. It versus who's here helping me kind of thing. And so to get that information was was enlightening and life changing for me.


I love that so much. Thanks for the feedback. Thanks for the feedback. I usually don't get much feedback. I did. I did get a message the other day on tic tac, this person's like, I had a reading with you in August of 2019. And instantly I start Oh, and you told me to leave my husband. I was like, Oh, and this was a long message. I'm like, this can go south real fast right now. And I'm laying in bed. I'm like, this is gonna keep me up all night. So then I started reading and it was a very, very positive message but sometimes you do like, who were.


What did I tell you to do? I never


do that. Like I would never tell someone to leave their husband. But in this instant, it was like, paces like that I think it's time. Like, you don't get much feedback, you know, like the person just and you and your phone call and they just go back off into space on their own planet and you just, you just told him, so you're just praying to God, it's okay. But you know what, that's the ego piece. Because if I sat here and judge everything that came out of my mouth, it would be the least productive appointment ever. And that's why I call myself an intuitive life coach, because as I'm coaching with people, unless I say, well, in my opinion, or from where I sit, or what I've been through, that this is coming from your spirit guides, it's a psychic reading, it's a psychic life coach experience. That's very, very different from Oh, hey, I took a Tony Robbins class, which I've done that too. I took a Tony Robbins class, and this is what we're going to do. And this is how we're going to proceed, you know, because that's the thing with like, even a lot of times therapy, and I see a therapist, but usually I'm doing exactly what I'm doing in this chair right now, with my therapist, I am literally talking to myself, working through things that I don't take time for to talk about myself. And like 45 minutes goes by, and it was just like, I don't even know if she spoke, you know, so because I'm just taking time for myself to think about myself for a change, you know. And so, it the thing of it is, is it's just sometimes we're our own worst enemies of where our thoughts go and what we're trying to accomplish and when what we want from something and sometimes therapy doesn't give you the tools that you need, that maybe life coaching is just a little bit different. Like I'm like, Okay, put that shit in the garbage can buy your right foot and kick it. Okay, because that shit you don't want in your life anymore. And like if you have to still deal with stuff, like put them on a shelf, like you could take it down at stoplights. I'm really big on tools and like visualizations. And so So I think that like in intuitiveness and like tapping into energy and all that I think it expedites healing in a very different way.


I can totally see that and love that.


Thank you so much for listening to this episode of a witch, a mystic and a feminist. Tune in next week for part two with Meredith Willetts where she discusses tattoo placement meanings, as well as manifestation. Don't forget to go to our website WMF to rate and review us listen to past episodes, read our blogs and so much More.

Meredyth Wilits Profile Photo

Meredyth Wilits

Author/ Podcast Host/Intuitive Life Coach

Meredyth Willits, is an Intuitive Life Coach Author and Thought Leader whose podcast, Meredyth with a Why, is within the top 1.5% of the most listened to podcasts in the world. She has developed an impressive and loyal global following with over 850,000 followers on TikTok, Facebook & Instagram.

Willits works with 20-Somethings to CEOs and everyone in between to guide and help each person heal and find the life they dream about. She is married to her husband, Jim and is mother to four children, ages 11-26 and resides in Chicago.