Julia Hadas

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Bestselling author of WitchCraft Cocktails, as well as Moon, Magic, Mixology and her latest book, The Modern Witchcraft Book of Astrology, Julia Halina Hadas is the leading mixologist in the witchcraft and spiritual spheres. Combining her professions in the witchcraft, healing, and alcoholic spirits industries with the magical power of herbs, she crafts potent and delicious drinkable potions. She is a certified reiki, crystal, and energy worker. You can learn more at JuliaHalinaHadas.com or WitchcraftCocktails.com.

May 28, 2024

Julia Halina Hadas on the Essence of Moon Magick and Celestial Insights

Send us a Text Message. I never thought the scent of beetroot would herald a magical discussion, but return guest, Julia Halina Hadas, author of "The Modern Witchcraft Book of Moon Magic," proved us wrong. A Witch, A Mystic &...
Guest: Julia Hadas
March 26, 2024

Conjuring Enchantment with The Modern Witchcraft Book of Moon Magic

In this episode of A Witch, A Mystic & A Feminist, Julia Halina Hadas returns to unveil the power of lunar magic from her newest book, "The Modern Witchcraft Book of Moon Magic." Whether you're a seasoned spell caster or just...
Guest: Julia Hadas
June 6, 2023

Bewitching Potions: Crafting Enchanting Cocktails with Julia Halina Hadas

In this episode of A Witch, A Mystic & A Feminist, the hosts, Marlena, Christy, and Jamie, sit down with the talented and enchanting Julia Halina Hadas. Julia is an accomplished author, magical mixologist, and energy worker, ...
Guest: Julia Hadas