On this episode of A Witch, A Mystic & A Feminist, we continue our conversation with Kristine Daizy Lemler, as we discuss spiritual healing. Spiritual healing is a form of therapy that aims to balance, harmonize and restore the energetic or spiritual aspects of an individual's health. Daizy uses a variety of techniques, including tarot, cosmic reiki, and theta talk therapy to help her clients achieve this balance.
A Witch, A Mystic & A Feminist also announced their first GIVEAWAY.
In order to win a 6 card/30 minute tarot reading from Daizy, you need to follow Daizy on both Instagram and TikTok, as well as follow A Witch, A Mystic & A Feminist on both Instagram and TikTok. Finally, you'll need to go to our website, https://www.wmfpod.com/contact/ and let us know what your handles and we will pick a winner at random on April 18.
To schedule a session with Kristine Daizy, you can schedule directly through her website at https://www.kristinedaizy.com/
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Kristine Daizy Part2
Mar 5, 2023 • 42:44
Marlena, Daizy, Christy
Some of the things that you do in addition to like Reiki, you do theta talk. And so as we talk about healing, as we talk about that, that's another form of healing modality that you use. Can you discuss that a little bit more? Yeah.
So unlike Reiki, which works in your alpha brainwaves, theta works in your theta beta brainwaves, and some people will refer to this when they're talking about hypnosis. So in theta in that modality, I've been trained, and that is working with your subconscious belief systems. So things that you even can't acknowledge within yourself, we have a lot of blind spots, we have a lot of places within us that do to whatever kernel and root that they have, that are deeply buried within us that feels so painful, especially connected to our inner child and the experiences of that child, we've buried it to the point where we just cannot look at it as an adult. And in theta, putting you in that relaxed kind of space, we start to work with reprogramming belief systems, identifying what they are clearing them from the body, and then replacing them with a healthier, more connected, more aware point of view belief system, acknowledging where you maybe have felt abandoned and disconnected from yourself. I, you know, went through a really tough couple of years. And then I did an advanced data training in November Yeah, of this last year. And I would say that before that previously, like I had come into this point where it was hard for me to even find any joy or to feel any sort of connection to my body or to be like, places anything close to happy. Because it was just like, what what I've been through with my family and trauma. And we had an especially like, if I relayed the whole story, it would sound like something from Unsolved Mysteries, what had happened to my family, because it was just really, really traumatic. And my stepdad ended up committing suicide. So everything that we went through and moving in with my mom and kind of exposure therapy of living with her, it was incredibly difficult to have to re confront what my inner child grew up in, what she had to live with the abuse that she was, you know, like just like, not being understood, and not being believed, not even being asked a lot of the time, no permission and consent. That's why permission and consent is really important to me, as an adult. And even I work with that a lot with other people, because so does data data works with, Okay, I've identified this thought, Do I have permission to reprogram it? And you're allowed to say, No, you're allowed to be like, that's a no for me, I'm not, I'm gonna hold on to that a little bit longer, I'm not ready to let go. Because again, if I pull something out, and you're not giving me permission, it's a violation. And your body's like, rejects that when someone is telling you about you, and you don't give them permission, then it feels like violation. So working in STATA, we work with permission and consent, we work with that theta brain state. So you were very like, in that space between awake and asleep, where you're allowing yourself to kind of come out of that mind that analytical always trying to figure it out, like, like you're saying, if you went to a therapist, and you've already, like pre processed, and you're like I'm giving you here's the finished product, here's how, here's how I've already deemed this is how you need to help me and they haven't been able to help you through the process of like, what the route is, then it's less impactful, you're not going to actually change anything that you believe because you've already you've already figured it all out. And whereas that's probably some sort of response and coping mechanism from your childhood because you had to do that to feel safe and comfortable in the environment you lived in. It's not going to help in this state where you're trying to change something about yourself, you already have are displaying resistance to it. And again, like data in that weekend that I went and I was able to like receive and kind of this is also kind of some of that like multi dimensionality work with reprogramming your DNA, like with your ancestry with the steps epigenetics that you've been kind of embedded it with, you know, due to the lineage Is that you live in from your humanity, you know, from the traumas of like, my grandmother. So we're Persian, my mom is a is an immigrant. I'm a first generation immigrant, born in this country, and my grandmother was married off at 15 years old to my 21 year old grandfather. And she had to move from where she lived, to a whole nother part, like a whole nother part of Iran that spoke a different dialect, even so it was a trauma for her, she and 65 would still be talking about how sad she was at 15 having to leave her mother and her family and move in. And essentially, she became a mother at 16 years old. And then by the age of 21, a mother to four. So she was living in her trauma her whole entire life. And she loved us, she loved us so much, you know, so did my grandfather, who was not a bad person. Right? But that it was even me like kind of rebelling against like, because they were Persian. So they're always like, what are you gonna get married and have kids, that's like your whole existence as a woman. And I would always be like, I'm never doing that I'm never doing. Because I'm, that little rebellious spirit within me was always like, I don't care what you want to tell me, I don't want to do it. And yesterday, I had my son. So you know, they, they I got, I actually wanted to have a child at that point. And it was funny because I got my IUD out. And then like, within two days, I got pregnant. So it was so many stories. It was just like, I'm supposed to have the show, the child is the star child, it's my he's my healing. So you know, that was part of my awakening. And also like, for me to come into a space of maturity, which also took me still a long time, I feel like, I think I remember in like 2020 being like, I'm an adult, I'm in my own apartment, I got a job, I got a kid, I feel like an adult. Finally, at 37 years old, even though like 20 years ago, I was technically an adult, you know, it took a lot of work for me to finally feel like, mature enough to not be in a space of reaction all the time, to how people were and to be able to communicate what I needed. And communication is so essential. On the planet right now I feel that we're needing like a renaissance and revolution when it comes to different forms of communication. And nonviolent communication nonviolent communication. Yeah. Not military asks, My dad was always be like, I own you. And I was like, oh, no, you don't. And you know, like, when we speak to people in authoritarian and violent ways, immediately, it's disconnecting, there's no intimacy there, there's no way of feeling safe with that person, because they're trying to exert their power over you. Patriarchy. And you know, because that's how my dad was talked to. That's how he was, he had a very, my grandfather on that side of the family was an very unkind man, an abusive, verbally abusive kind of person. So every generation almost gets to like, have its own healing. Like, our children, my child, our children get to be a different way in the world. He already identifies, although I can call him he, he already identifies as non binary. He doesn't care if someone calls him she because he has long hair. And so I was like, I am always checking in with him. And I'm like, do you need me to call you something different? He's like, Yeah, hairstyle. And I was like, Okay, if that changes, let me know. You know, because we want to give them space because we weren't given that space. My dad gave me more love than his dad ever gave him. You know, I was definitely a daddy's girl. But my dad was also like, my dad and my stepdad were very emotionally dysregulated they would yell, and the yelling was so assaulting to a sensitive person. Like, whenever I even get a little bit upset at my son. He like, shrinks, I could like see it and I'm like, Okay, I gotta go regulate myself. Like, I'm gonna go take, take a moment because obviously, this isn't comfortable for you. You're not okay with that. And I'm gonna have to go and come back when I feel better. And I think that's a huge leap from what also like being present in your body allows you to do that, right?
Yeah. 100% I know with my child before I started my healing journey and just recognizing what really doesn't actually work. You know very much. husband and I were yellers. We are always yelling, we're loud as it is, but then you know, you throw some anger in there and there's a lot of yelling and my child the same way. We'll just kind of go into there. Shall. So now when I speak to them, and, you know, my child's now a young adult, still very much a kid, but you know, a young adult. And so I do try and find different ways of communicating, because that's obviously not working. You know. And so one of the things again, when I first when I first met you, you had recommended a book to me regarding nonviolent communication, which I've read front and back back and fry it, you know, just to try and to try and assist me in communicating in a different manner in a different style.
Yeah, I feel that this revolution when it comes to the way that we communicate with each other, and my mentor, county Hanalei, he is of a Hawaiian lineage and one of the most Integritas person, people I've ever met and known. And I think that that is huge, and an engendered male. So like seeing a male energy that isn't harming other people. And that is really empowering other people. I think that's what I need to see in the world, for me specially like working with him has allowed me to find safety with men again, because again, with my dad, and my stepdad, I didn't feel safe with men. And I haven't had a lot of really positive partnerships with men, that have led to a lot of great communication. But my mentor is always, you know, reminding me and everyone else that you're teaching people by sharing who you are, how to love you. And if you're not even clear about that, how can you share with other people how to love you. And when we finally start to ask ourselves those questions and get curious about what it looks like to love us what it feels like to love us how we want to be spoken to the kind of environments and and interactions that we want to have, that information is essential to relay out into the world, because then again, is the feedback loop is, that's what you attract to you are people who are able to meet you in that space now, maybe not immediately, especially when you have kind of gone through, you're kind of going through like an awareness state where you're like, Oh, I haven't been paying attention to myself or learning to love myself. And so now this is, this is where I'm going to begin, you're going to have a lot of exit, you know, a lot of people are going to exit from you a lot of environments, maybe you have to change your job, maybe you have to change where you live. And then you're going to have a period of loneliness, and isolation. And that can feel really heavy and hard. But then you're going to start attracting to you people that can meet you in that space. And again, that's why I do like Moon circles and connection groups and things like that. Because if we want to be different in this world, and we never have an example of a healthy masculine relationship, or a healthy feminine relationship, or female to female or male to male, we're not going to ever have that experience that helps us to create more of it. So if I can be a facilitator, where people can have spaces where they come in, they feel seen, and they feel safe, and they feel heard, whether that's an individual or a group, especially group work, we have to remember again, let's go back to Earth practices. When we were ever in, in the evolution of humans, all of our shamanic work, all of our healing work was done in groups. It was not done individually, you weren't like a person sitting alone in a hut always like yes, some people did do that you would sometimes you would go up to Mount Kailash and you would go sit in the cave, and you'd become enlightened, yes. But also, it's so impactful when you have people around you to see you shift, see you change to watch that process, hold you in that process, and to also be going through the same thing themselves. That is revolutionary. That is so it's so like, people are like, Oh my god, I can have that and I'm like you can have that you can cultivate that you I think even this podcast is like an A great example of you kind of saying, hey, you know what, I'm not perfect, but I'm gonna put out what, who and who I am in order to create a resonance in the field with other people who are going to listen to this and maybe it's not their story, but they're interested in hearing what other people's stories are and what they say and what their information is, so that they can maybe take some part of that and that can become their story to like that I'm sharing how to love me and how to love me is, you know, be an open communicator, be brave and courageous to tell me if I've hurt your feelings. Like, tell me when you You need to have more hugs in and love because I'll tell you when I need that too. And sometimes asking for that is the hardest part. Absolutely. It's so hard sometimes it just be like, can you just give me a hug? I just really need you to stop talking. Like, right, hold me. But yeah, you know, we've forgotten how much touch is important to us. The pandemic and the isolation that we experienced, is really detrimental. Babies who are not held, will die. You know, it's literally in our fabric of humanity, that we need to be touched, right in safe ways.
So the pandemic was tough for me, because I'm definitely a hugger. Like, I have all my friends, I meet someone new, I mediately hug them, like, you know, I'm a hugger. And so to not be able to do that was kind of strange for me. At the same time, I really enjoyed the isolation. I needed to press pause in my life at that very moment. But you know, as we continued on, and I was like, Okay, I need some interaction, but I also, I need a hug.
Yeah, yeah, I think that, you know, part of CO regulation in your nervous system is just like, having a 32nd Hug, like, not just like a little peck, not just a little squeeze, but like really sitting with someone and being held. And a lot of what I do, like Reiki work, all work with compression, or like a weighted blanket on people. Because that weight, it's like, it reminds you that you have a body, and that your soul is supposed to inhabit that body. And that's how we do our work really well is when you're when you're in that body, even though it may be uncomfortable, like talking about sometimes resentment to my clients, because I had heal a lot of resentment that I had kind of been holding on to especially with that, that wound with my mother, that one mother wound resentment was really strong in that space, because it was like you could never meet me in the ways that I needed to be met. And instead of that being the continuous story that I wanted to hold on to forever, when I had that fatal weekend, I was finally able to access what true forgiveness was going to be, which was, I'm not going to let that experience be the only experience I refer to whenever I interact with you, right? I'm gonna let that story go. So that I can rewrite. And I can finally come to a place where we can love each other. And we can be connected. Now, does that mean that my mom always listens to me? Or acknowledges what my needs are? No, my mom chronically can. She's just like, it's almost impulsive within her that she can't do certain things. But she's like, at least listening to me. Like I've had to break down and be like, Mom, this literally hurts when you do this. And before, I never had an opportunity to say that to her and never had an opportunity to do those things. And for her to finally be like, I acknowledge I'm sorry, I hear that, that you don't like that. I'm working on it. Right. She's working on it. She's working on listening to me. And that is the healing right there. Now, it's not going to be flawless. I'm certainly not flawless. But that's how I have to share how to love me with my mom, or with my son, like, with anyone with everyone. And sometimes I'll I try to be friends with people sometimes. And I'm incredibly intense. And I'm like, you can tell me if this is too much for you. And I mean, but there's still, it's still hard for people to say that like because they don't want to be like impolite or I'm like,
Right, no, absolutely. You know, and I think that's where kind of the people pleasing comes into play as well, where it's just like, Okay, well, I'll just, I'm just going to stuff this a little bit. And, you know, let it go versus saying I'm bothered by this,
right. And I still have moments of that. I also feel that I don't have to always bring up to everyone, like every moment that I've ever been annoyed at them. Because, right, that would also be very tedious. Again, when it's starting to build resentment within me, then I know that I have to address it, right? Like where I'm like, Okay, so there's been these instances. And if we don't clean this up, then it's just going to fissure our relationship. And I and I don't want that. So can you meet me in this place where we really talk about it, and you hear me and you listen to me, and you're not telling me about me? You know that you're listening to what I have to say. So you know, and when we think we know something about someone, you're thinking you're coming from a place of like their goodness, but you're assuming that you know what that is. And again, being open to listening to someone where they're at. Maybe it's different than the last time you talk to them. Maybe they're in a different place. And so now you have to meet them in the now and I think constantly like a process of going, I have to let go of that previous experience and be like, Who are you now? How do you want me to support you? How can you share about what it is that you need today? And where are we today? Like, where are we right now?
You are absolutely amazing. I know. Yeah. And I do feel truly honored to be able to work with you, you know, and have you a part of my healing journey. I always want to bring people on the show that know a lot more than me. But your perspective is just been, you know, amazing. I just love speaking to you. Thank you. I appreciate that. Yeah. And thank you for sharing your knowledge with with our audience.
Oh, yeah, absolutely. I think that when people really resonate with me, and they find like an opening within their heart, it's like, you're actually falling more in love with yourself, and the parts of you that can have a new perspective to, and the parts of you that have maybe felt unheard or unseen, or even being opened up to a new paradigm, like that quantum leap is available for you as well. And the connection that we can have as people is essentially really important, if I want intimacy with my clients and my friends, right, I'm gonna have to be open to that. And sometimes that's going to feel incredibly uncomfortable, right? There's going to be moments where I'm just like, Okay, so some stuffs coming up, and I'm gonna have to bring it up, and we're gonna have to have a moment are we going to make it? Are we gonna make it on the side of this? Yeah, hopefully, we come out. And we're even more connected afterwards. You know, I had an experience with my last partner, where we had a really, there are some deep moments of really beautiful things, you know, really beautifully, being able to, like, hold each other intimacy and get to know each other, and then coming out on the other side of these disagreements, and still feeling really connected. And then it wasn't working anymore like that. And that was really hard on me, it was really hard to acknowledge that, for whatever reason, and for many reasons, we were still in our wounding and working from places that were harming each other. And that shadow aspect, right, and we weren't able, you know, we weren't able to be that healing space for each other anymore. Even though there had been previously a lot of healing that had happened. And that's, again, change. It's going to happen in your relationships, your partnerships, your friendships, and the more that we hold on to, like, I just have to be friends with them forever, I'm going to be married to them forever. They're gonna, you know, they're this forever. For me, the less we're living in the present, like, the less that we're living in, today, I'm deciding that we're going to share and talk to each other and meet each other and see where we're at today. And that's all we really have. But we're humans, you know, we we live by linear time, a lot of the time, and in linear time. We don't want things to end, it can feel really grief and sadness, pain. Oh, no, I don't want to feel those things. Oh, no, no, no. That's uncom don't want to feel that's really inconvenient for me. And I don't want to I don't want that. No, thank you. No, but when we love really deeply, on the other side of that the other side of the coin is the sadness, the pain and the loss. When it's whether they're leaving the earth plane, you know, they pass over, or whether a relationship ends in some way. There is a deep amount, like I had, I had to do a lot of grieving, and that grieving was on so many levels that I could and could not acknowledge, maybe understanding like my inner child was grieving these last few years from having to like recognize how harmful it had been in the environment that she grew up in. The pain and the grief of a relationship, ending the pain and the grief of a death, the pain and the grief of me having to move back in with my my mom. And like losing my autonomy in some ways, and my ability to control in an environment that was so rough on me like I was like, oh, like it was my dream when I left my husband at the time to have my own place. And I finally in the pandemic, like in 2020, the partner that I moved in with it didn't work out. And so he moved out and then the pandemic and then we had our own apartment Maverick and I my son and I had our own apartment for that whole year. And I was like, I love this. I never want to not have my own space. Nothing gets moved around. It's all my own stuff. I get to decorate. It's like my house gets to be in next like an extension of me. And that was the first time I had not had like A crazy roommate situation where I had been living with my parents previously before I moved in with my mom again this time. And, you know, I didn't want to give that up. So there was even a lot of grief of having to like, give that life up and really do what I had been called to do was like to go and do the healing by living with my mom. And she, honestly, if I hadn't moved in with my mom, after my stepdad committed suicide, it would have been so hard on her, it would have been so hard on her, it'll be like, Oh, well, now after 30 years, and never living by yourself, go for it, like figure it out. Like she needed us to be in the house. And honestly, I feel like I had to do a lot of clearing of the energy in that space in the house, because of the abuse and the trauma that was accumulated in that because anything can hold energies, it like just absorbs it houses crystals, like the environment, the air can get really heavy and dense. Like, for example, we went to Shasta, my son and I, there's a camp out there and we spent a week there. And the water there's fresh Shasta water from the mountain and we were like in this camp, no technology for a whole week we were like totally detoxed. Then I came back into like, I don't know, if it was reading or as close to Chico, it was something like that. And I literally felt sick. Like we were in to like the density of a city. And I was like, I feel like I'm gonna throw up. I can't even eat this food. What is happening right now, I don't like this. And I was like, take me back to Shasta right now. But we live in the Bay Area. And I almost have to like, remind myself, sometimes the density of living in such a populated area, and the density of how much exists in this space here. can feel it just heavy on me. That's why when you go on vacation, and you're out in a remote area, or you're out in nature, you feel so clear. And then when you come back home, you're kind of like, I mean, you're happy to be home, but you're also like, oh, yeah, this is here. All of this. Yes. Here. All this still is here. Yeah.
When I went to Sedona last year, and I came back, it was kind of the same thing, like, you know, and I went there with just a lot of releasing that needed to be done. And, and I was able to do that and feel clear about who I was and what I needed and everything. But I came back home and I was just like, you know, there was a heaviness in my chest. It was almost like an anxiety attack situation. So yeah, yeah, I totally understand what you're saying. Probably a little bit more. Now, as you've said it, I'm like, oh, yeah, that makes sense.
Yeah, when I went and did Ayahuasca last year, we did four ceremonies in Peru. And I had, I did that with a group of people that I'd already done a six month container with, so we were already connected, and knew each other pretty well, you know, relatively well after six months. And then we went and did Ayahuasca which Ayahuasca is this purging? Psychedelic, right? And so the intensity of that experience the like, it's almost as if when you have like a peak experience, you're like, Oh, my God, I never want to leave this. This is so beautiful. We're so connected. And then we had all go home and like, implement what Ayahuasca had shown us. Right? And it's almost like you come from two different worlds. And you're like, how do I go back into that I, I expanded so big. I was like, how do I go be back in a body? Like, how do I go be a mother and live at my mom's house again, you know, when I had this huge opening experience, and I was showing all of these, you know, things and had to endure a lot of purging, which was incredibly uncomfortable. And to also be in a room with like, 16 other people who are purging. The part of me that was a healer was like, I shut down. It was like, I'm going to sleep and I can't do it at night, like on your own, like your own little mat. And hearing people throw up or crying or wailing, people were laughing people were people were literally having their own healing experiences. But we're all in the room together. It was overwhelming to the part of me that's used to like fixing it or solving it for people. So I was like, I even had a healing in that part of myself where it was like, recognize that every you're gonna have to trust everyone. You're gonna have to trust and like the part of you that wants to go over there and thinks it knows what that person needs. It doesn't. You have to go back back to yourself and give yourself what you need, which is very difficult for me. I will I will extend myself out and I will Ignore myself way more often than I need to go do something for someone else. There's that people pleaser, right that people pleasers, like, Oh no, they need it more than I do. They, that thing over there, that person over there that that'll be my priority. I'll put all those things before me. And I think, again, that's kind of like that feminine wound a little bit is like, weave through the lineage like, through my grandmother, like, Oh, your only purpose is to take care of the family. And it's like, no, that's not my only purpose. And if they make that my only purpose, I'm going to be a very unhappy person. Right, right. So yeah, the healing there.
We've discussed many times, yeah, how we all want to do Ayahuasca. You do any? Kind of? Yeah, right. Exactly. Exactly. There's, there's certain things I'd like whoo, you know, what do you what's going to be brought up? And, you know,
it's, it's an incredible experience. Doing four ceremonies two is intense, in one week, and the data that you have to go through you have to, you know, you're essentially detoxing yourself before and afterwards. It was funny because like, you can't have sex, you can't merge your fields with people, you can't eat certain foods. And if you did, if you did, literally, because in the Ayahuasca ceremonies that I did, there was also they sing it grows the maestro's. So they would sing to you special songs to help clear your energy field and bring the plant medicines in for you. Okay, I it The Purge was so strong, those first couple of nights that it was like, all the things that I had eaten that were not on the diet, all the people that I had, you know, like all like, I was still with my partner at the time. So like, even though we had maybe not had sex, we were messing around in some space, his energy field, I remember his energy fields getting pulled out, because I'm sensitive. So I can almost feel all of that. And I even had like a healing. That first was the first night with my voice, like with singing. And that's been something that I've been really exploring and kind of healing to is the shame around my voice and the shame around singing and speaking up in that space. Because I, as you know, when I was a child, I was in church, and they had children's choir. But I was never like, good enough to be a soloist. Sorry, I wasn't like the person that was chosen for certain I was just supposed to be loud in the background. And I was like, Okay, I guess I'll do that. And, you know, it's not that people were like, actively trying to be like, Oh, we're gonna judge this person and harm them. But it was it was harmful to the part of me that was like, I'm not good enough to be like these other people. Oh, okay. Well, I guess I can't be a singer. And singing is essentially incredibly important to me. And that frequency when you feel comfortable with singing, that toning and it's like, you know, the whales and the in the songs and the end, like, when the my Astros saying, they don't care what their voice sounds like, they're that's not the point. It's healing. It's literally healing frequency, it's a language. And it's actually more important for us to feel the opening and the ability to express our heart, either that's through that poetry through song sometimes or, you know, bombing or whatever. And I'm still on this journey of, you know, still feeling that part of me and I took voice lessons recently, and I'm actually I met a new person. And I'm going to start incorporating, seeing into the moon circles. So that I can start to, like, bring that stuff in because it's like, we all are healing from the shame of expressing our voice when whatever capacity and the more that we can remember that it's part of the origin of humanity again, like singing and all of us are supposed to be in that space, where we feel free to express ourselves but not the conditioning doesn't want any of that isn't it hasn't been, you know, touting the freedom and our voice.
I know I've said it before I'll say it again. I love you. I love you.
I feel like we could talk forever I feel like we just let you talk forever
you know, one let's discuss with the audience some of the services that you provide both in person and via zoom. And so please get into it.
Okay, let me talk about me I'm great at that. Um, yeah Leo's have no shame in that space um, I offer all of my services both remote and in person if you're local to Livermore, Calif. Fornia remote work meaning on Zoom, or a phone call is just as powerful. And I've done work with people for years remotely. So you can schedule me on my, you know, if you go to my Instagram or my Calendly, you can always schedule me that way. I work locally at a space called Creative Healing Center in Livermore, California, which is a crystal shop as well, as an event center. And I teach both family yoga, I teach a an adult in yoga class, I've started a parent support group, and I'm still trying to gain some momentum around, because as parents, we need a lot of support. We need a lot of help with knowing that we aren't messing our kids up. Because we think we
are what about for those of us that have already messed up because they have a young adult? Okay, yeah, like, Can I join that group? Yeah, I mean, I'm just gonna go to all of your
everyday Let's hang out. And, you know, like, on Saturdays, I work at Creative healing healing center. So you can book me through that if you go to my Instagram, I offer weekly readings as well for free. Sometimes I'll pop on and do both a collective poll, and then I'll do individual card polls. So if you ever kind of catch me on alive, sometimes you can get your own card pulled for free. So that's always fun. I like to do that as well. But yeah, Moon circle is also something that I do on a monthly basis. And that's a community safe space that we create. And there's breathwork, and sound healing and meditation during those and then as well as my individual services, like Reiki theta, tarot card readings, I also do if you're in person, ear candling, which is clearing third eye, it's great for allergies, to kind of help clear them up. I do reflexology. So I'll do hands on footwork, which helps to kind of release tension and tightness in the body. Gosh, I'm an I'm a Jill of all trades.
Like you do every
doing a lot of different things. And I even have like special events that I've been collaborating with, like a local bakery in town that's coming up. And I'm really excited about that. So I'm just like a person who's trying to find my way into creating more community. And I consider myself a community leader and the fact that I want to also create a global community, and start to extend my platform out from just this local space that I'm in so that I'm able to, you know, be of service in the greatest way possible. That's part of my purpose. I feel like my part of my purpose is to be the most authentic me to remind others to be that as well. And then to be able to meet the community that resonates here and with me, so yeah, well,
absolutely amazing. I can attest to the work that Daisy does. As I have been working with her recently. I've worked with her in the past, I've gone to some of her ceremonies where we've done breath work and meditation, which was absolutely amazing. You know, Christy, you and I will have to go to her next.
Well, I might I'm like, is it too soon to look at some of my pay attention. Look at the moon circle. I'm like, Just stay away from your
there's a chart that's coming. So you can learn about the chakras as well. So like all the stuff that I learned about and teach and teach is all stuff that is important for me. So that's why I can feel like I can talk about it. I'm like, Oh, that was important for me. Yeah, so thanks. So
you're absolutely amazing. So amazing, is that we're gonna do a giveaway. This is going to be the first which mystic feminist giveaway. Daisy is gifting Christy once you go into it.
So a six card Tarot reading, which is about 30 minutes if I'm not mistaken. So here's what you have to do to qualify for this giveaway. You need to follow Daisy on Instagram and Tiktok you also need to follow us the podcasts that you're listening to which we hope you're already following us but on Instagram and Tiktok and then on our website in order to qualify fully you need to go to the Contact Us section and you need to subscribe, well subscribe first and then confirm your handles on Tiktok and Instagram so that we are aware you are actually entering the giveaway. So that is the final to close that loop make sure you do that. And yeah, and then we will draw a winner
two weeks. So two weeks. We will draw the winner let everybody know who won contact that person. And then you will have your free 30 minute reading with Daisy. We're really excited about that. And Daisy, thank you so much for offering that up. We appreciate you and like I said I can attest to Oh, this woman and her abilities. I mean, I trust her enough to send my family. So I have that's a big ad in itself. You know, I trust you enough to send my family. So I trust you with my child.
I'll marry you. Oh, yeah. And I'm so honored. Thank you guys so much for asking me to be on the podcast when you came to the Lions Gate, and you're like, I have a podcast, would you be on it? I was like, Yeah, that sounds like fun. So let's do it. And I really am so so like, honored. And you know, it's my honor to just like, be able to offer my services to this world. And that to be my job. Like, that's not something that everyone gets to do. Not everyone gets to just chat about what they think is important or interesting in the world and make a whole job out of it. But you know, it's been my healing. And so I extend that out to everyone else. So thank you guys so much for the opportunity, and I'm looking forward to whoever wins. Hopefully, it's not one of my
I love I know, do we need to have some exclusion?
Family, like my family gets three readings. You know, it's like Christmas gifts. I'm like, Come on, guys.
Well, I hope that maybe you'll come back and chat with us have another conversation at a different time. Because yeah, it's been an amazing conversation and a very awesome time this morning. So
yeah, I mean, you know, and learning from you, that you have this vast amount of knowledge and so to be able to learn from you and listen to you, and it just feels good. So yeah, this was this was a dope ass morning, man.
I think we're fangirling a little bit over here.
I love that. Let's go for it's all good. Thanks so much. I hope you guys have a wonderful rest of your day.
Wow. All right. Chris, do you want to take us out of here?
Absolutely. Thank you for joining us for this episode of a witch, a mystic and a feminist. We will be back next week. Please be sure to check out our Instagram and our Tik Tok and go to our website. Subscribe, ask questions, do all the things. We'll see you next week.

Kristine Daizy Lemler
CEO/Teacher/Cosmic Mama
I've been on my own healing journey my whole life, but not until the catalyst of living a very unfulfilling life, devoid of purpose brought me to the path of becoming a healer and Reiki Master. I have been actively practicing Reiki since 2018, however I have been energy healing intuitively my whole life. As a certified yoga teacher since 2014 and a teacher since 2000, I have always found value in being of service to my community. I have combined my gifts and what I have learned along my own path, as its own perfect combination to guide others to the path of Freedom and Choice that makes us remember that we are Alive and here to live a life beyond what we were always taught. A life that empowers our own healing in order for us to become the most Divinely lead version of ourselves we are destined to be. I work with not only Reiki but other modalities to help you decompress from stress and tightness in the body by listening on a deeper level to what wisdom lies for us in reading both your energy field and your body cues. What can be found when we slow down and listen is usually a lot of suppressed emotion, trauma and grief, which we haven't been able to process due to many reasons. I find this part of my work to be the most incredible because people allow me in to listen and speak to them that which has been so hard for them to process and hear, or to confirm their own understandings. Healing is our birthright and the way we come into right relations with the parts of us that have been in imbalance in order to have a quality of life built in longevity and freedom… Read More