Navigating Personal Transformation Through Earth Magic and Healing
July 23, 2024

Navigating Personal Transformation Through Earth Magic and Healing

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What happens when you step out of your comfort zone and embrace the unknown? Join us on a magical journey to Sedona, where Christy recounts her transformative experience at a women's retreat. Initially wrestling with skepticism and the desire for familiar faces, she soon discovered the joy of unexpected connections through carpooling with fellow participants. This episode highlights her drive into Sedona, where the stunning transition from cactus-filled landscapes to mesmerizing red rocks marked the beginning of an unforgettable adventure.

From setting intentions to forming deep connections with oneself and others, this retreat was a profound exploration of personal growth and self-acceptance. We discuss overcoming past hurts from female friendships and the courage it takes to engage with strangers. Highlights include my first sound bath, Reiki healing session, and drawing a tarot card that brought an unexpected toad into the picture. These experiences underscore the importance of embracing discomfort and pushing through old people-pleasing tendencies.

But the journey didn't stop there. Spiritual synchronicity played a significant role, from the symbolic significance of toads to a challenging hike up Cathedral Rock. Each step and struggle led to immense physical and spiritual rewards. Christy's session with the psychic Merryman provided deep insights through her astrological birth chart and vivid imagery from her Akashic records. This episode captures the essence of being present, pushing through challenges, and embracing the universe's messages, ultimately leading to a lighter, more connected self.

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00:26 - Solo Retreat in Magical Sedona

07:24 - Embracing Connection Through Spiritual Retreat

13:32 - Magical Synchronicity and Spiritual Journey

26:36 - Revealing Earth Magic in Sedona

36:39 - Transformative Earth Magic and Healing


00:00:09.148 --> 00:00:17.841
Welcome to A Witch, a Mystic and A Feminist, and this episode is me talking about my trip to Sedona.

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That was weird kind of introducing myself.

00:00:19.887 --> 00:00:20.708
But, yeah, welcome back.

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We're glad to be back and I'm very excited to share my trip to Sedona.

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Um, marlena has been to Sedona a couple of times and everyone that has been to Sedona ever has always told me that it's a magical place.

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So, yeah, so, so I went a couple of weeks ago, um, and I was skeptical because of everyone telling me it was magical, right, and I just really didn't know what to expect.

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The skepticism in me was telling and I guess, maybe just a little more like self-doubt, was telling me like it might not be magical for you, you might not experience anything, because, marlena, your experiences were so unique and so clearly magic Right, and so I'm like I don't know.

00:01:15.640 --> 00:01:16.262
Well, quick question.

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So you went to Sedona, but what was the purpose of going to Sedona.

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Did you go with your family, did you?

00:01:19.251 --> 00:01:21.296
So yeah, so I actually kind of a weird thing.

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So I recently connected with a woman from high school.

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We went to high school together and she was a year older than I, was Um, we knew of each other in high school.

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We were, you know, friendly, but we weren't friends, um, and so we had connected through like a writing circle that I was a part of Um and she did a retreat last year in Sedona, um for women, and last year I couldn't go and I was really devastated because I was like, oh, that'd be great and I just I couldn't go.

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There was, even at the last minute, like an opening, and that weekend that the retreat was was actually a memorial service for my Nana.

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So I was like, well, I can't go, like obviously.

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So I told her I'm like I am the first one Like you got to tell me right when you do this retreat again, if you do it.

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And she's like gotcha.

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So, sure enough, she did a retreat again this year and I was on it and signed up really quickly and then kind of not regretted my choice, but I was kind of the oh shit, what did I just do Right, because, because it was with you know, because she is the facilitator, she's the host and the rest of the women, you know, I don't know.

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So there was going to be 10 women and I'm like I I barely know the host, I don't know any of these other women, so I'm on my own and, um, I was starting to like, internally, go like you need to invite your best friend, you need to invite this person, invite this person I invited, I invited Tannen because they needed a yoga teacher at one point.

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I'm like good it would be someone I know Right Like.

00:02:51.187 --> 00:03:00.947
So I was like desperately trying to like find somebody that would come with me, that I knew that would make me comfortable, and the universe was like no it's not happening.

00:03:00.986 --> 00:03:06.635
I'm going to keep you uncomfortable, because this is what you need this is what you need to sit in Christy.

00:03:06.939 --> 00:03:07.701
Yeah so.

00:03:07.701 --> 00:03:11.632
So the universe was like, nah, not happening, you're going to go by yourself.

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And you know, a funny part, like and this is totally me is I'm like, oh, you know, okay, I'm going to rent a car and I'm going to drive.

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You know I'll be able to listen to my music and kind of center myself before I go.

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And then, as the dates were getting closer, our host said to us we had a group chat and she said you know, if anyone's flying in, I encourage you guys to carpool, you know from, if you're flying into Phoenix, sedona is about, you know, almost two hours away.

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And so, without even a thought, like I was just like I have a car, like I'm renting a car, if anyone wants to carpool with me.

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And I'm like what are you doing?

00:03:43.330 --> 00:03:45.013
You wanted to be alone.

00:03:45.013 --> 00:03:47.616
Like you wanted to like listen to your music and road trip alone.

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And now you're going to invite some strangers into your car for a two hour drive, or whatever it is to Sedona Exactly, yeah.

00:03:56.406 --> 00:03:57.868
So, um, so again.

00:03:57.868 --> 00:04:03.064
So you know, just like conflicting sides of me, um, but it was a great thing that I did.

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Um, having the extra time with the women that I carpooled with was awesome because we got to get to know each other, you know, within those those hours before we even reached the retreat, and so that kind of gave me a little sense of, like, you know, security, like a little safety, right, I kind of know these women.

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Now we've talked.

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It wasn't surface level when we were talking, it was all deep shit and good things and um, and so I was like, okay, I like it, it's good.

00:04:29.540 --> 00:04:32.507
So again, universe, great, great job, thank you.

00:04:33.108 --> 00:04:34.833
Okay, so I have another question.

00:04:34.833 --> 00:04:42.930
So you're getting into Sedona, um, because this was, like I know, for me the beginning of the magic and the awe.

00:04:42.930 --> 00:04:50.870
What side of Sedona did you stay on and what was it like for you, as you were like driving in and seeing everything?

00:04:52.175 --> 00:04:54.002
Oh gosh, and I knew you were going to ask me this.

00:04:54.002 --> 00:04:55.086
I'm like I don't know.

00:04:55.086 --> 00:04:56.591
Do you kind of like?

00:04:56.610 --> 00:04:58.899
drive in like down into Sedona.

00:04:59.060 --> 00:05:08.488
Yeah, Like you kind of, you have cactus and everything around and then all of a sudden it's like red rocks all over the place and it's gorgeous.

00:05:08.488 --> 00:05:16.076
But there's two sides of Sedona and there's the bell rock side and then the other side.

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The non-bell rock side because I had stayed uh, I had stayed on the other side initially and then, when I went with my mom, we stayed on the bell rock side, which I love both.

00:05:33.591 --> 00:05:35.095
Um, and that's not like Sedona is.

00:05:35.095 --> 00:05:37.622
I mean it's big, but it's not like huge.

00:05:37.622 --> 00:05:41.166
I mean you're you're able to go to either side and yeah.

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00:05:41.668 --> 00:05:55.490
In the middle, yeah, in the middle, yeah, um, I don't know I'm here, um, I was like, uh, I know they told me so, oh, I guess Bell Rock.

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So Bell Rock was five minutes away.

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So there we go.

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So we were on Bell Rock side, um, and so, like what we all noticed, cause I was driving, right, but coming from Phoenix, it's a lot of cacti and then a lot of like you know that scenery, and then you literally start driving into the red rocks, right, like you start, and that was pretty awesome because it's like it gets to be from Phoenix, it gets to be just kind of like it reminds me of like five, like there's nothing, there's no one and you're just you know and then all of a sudden, like you, you realize that the landscape is changing, like as you're driving towards it.

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And then you can see, and it's just, it's beautiful, it's gorgeous, and that was really cool driving into.

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And then it's such a little town so, and it has that like cool little town feel and so like.

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So that was, I love it, it's charming, it's quaint, you know, but it's bigger, you know.

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And so I'm like, oh, it's so cute, um, and we stayed in this amazing place that just had the most amazing views and was the perfect place for this retreat.

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So that was really amazing.

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And we did yoga in the mornings every day and right before our hikes, and ate together, um, lunches and dinners.

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So we communed together.

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And the first night we were there, our host had us go around and kind of give a word for why were we there, what was our intention for being there.

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And I had kind of given this a little bit of thought before I went because I thought she might ask us.

00:07:20.190 --> 00:07:28.598
You know, I'm like, um, and so my word was connection and it was connection to all the things.

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So it was connection to myself, my connection to the earth, connection to magic, connection to other women Right, and a big part of me really put myself out there with this retreat because I wanted to see if I could have a connection with other women in a short period of time, like other strange women not strange, but like strangers or strange women, I don't know.

00:07:52.862 --> 00:07:53.403
We love them.

00:07:53.442 --> 00:08:00.485
You can connect with strange women too, yeah, and so that was a big piece of it, because I have not been a part.

00:08:00.485 --> 00:08:03.012
I have never done this before, never put myself out there like this.

00:08:03.012 --> 00:08:09.333
We I know we've all been harmed by women like friendships with women, and so it was really like can this happen?

00:08:09.333 --> 00:08:12.326
I'm in a different place, I'm, parts of me are healed.

00:08:12.326 --> 00:08:15.552
Will it be as amazing as I hope it'll be?

00:08:15.552 --> 00:08:19.509
You know like, will I meet and like become friends with some of these women?

00:08:19.509 --> 00:08:19.790
We're not?

00:08:19.790 --> 00:08:20.180
You know like?

00:08:20.180 --> 00:08:21.862
Will I have commonalities?

00:08:21.862 --> 00:08:40.644
Will I be able to have conversations, and not just surface level like those, all those things, but more so, it was connection, and I know I've shared this connection to magic, like, and not just in the earth, and because, like, I have been questioning my connection to magic.

00:08:41.046 --> 00:08:48.868
So both of you have modalities that are very or gifts, I should say, that are very outwardly presenting.

00:08:48.868 --> 00:08:52.479
Okay, so, like Jamie, you have a connection with spirits.

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Both of you have connections with spirits, right, and your pendulum and all the things, and so it's very outwardly like, outward facing Right.

00:09:01.547 --> 00:09:09.248
And so the past couple of months I'm like, okay, well, maybe I'm too skeptical, maybe I'm closed off, maybe I'm not open.

00:09:09.248 --> 00:09:14.365
Um, I don't know, like where's the magic, like where's my magic?

00:09:14.365 --> 00:09:16.489
What is my magic.

00:09:17.171 --> 00:09:22.610
But it feels kind of silly to say that out loud, like where's my magic, like you're like feeling left out.

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But you know, it was just kind of like, well, maybe you know, maybe I am being too skeptical, maybe I am not allowing things in, and so this was a chance for me to really let go and allow what happened to happen.

00:09:35.356 --> 00:09:38.044
Okay, because I knew I was in a safe space.

00:09:38.044 --> 00:09:41.114
Um, I knew I was protected.

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I knew the women around me were there for the same reasons, right.

00:09:44.172 --> 00:09:44.730
So that was another big piece of it.

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And so I just I was protected.

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I knew the women around me were there for the same reasons, Right.

00:09:45.532 --> 00:09:46.660
So that was another big piece of it.

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And so I, just I was like I'm going to allow myself to be.

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And so, interestingly enough, I was fairly quiet the first day, right.

00:09:57.010 --> 00:10:02.404
Like I mean, I chatted and stuff, but like I was fairly I went and had to take a nap, like after a hike.

00:10:02.404 --> 00:10:04.226
You know that I almost killed me, but that's okay.

00:10:04.947 --> 00:10:07.371
We'll go into that in a few moments.

00:10:08.153 --> 00:10:11.864
And, like normally, I would feel awkward and kind of like, well, you're excluding yourself.

00:10:11.864 --> 00:10:13.006
And there was none of that.

00:10:13.006 --> 00:10:15.620
It was like you are doing what is best for you.

00:10:15.620 --> 00:10:17.043
You're doing what's right for you at this retreat.

00:10:17.043 --> 00:10:21.006
This retreat is for you, it's not for others, Right and um.

00:10:21.006 --> 00:10:25.192
And so I just kind of settled into that and that's kind of where all the magic started.

00:10:25.192 --> 00:10:28.556
So, um, we can get into that.

00:10:28.576 --> 00:10:30.378
Wait before you get into it.

00:10:30.378 --> 00:10:47.029
I love that because I think and I I'm just imagining myself in your situation I would and this has always been something I have always battled but people pleasing and not wanting to make people feel like I'm putting them off or you know, I don't want to talk to you.

00:10:47.029 --> 00:11:08.924
So I I'm so glad that you allowed yourself to be in your space and not allow the outside feelings, thoughts, whatever that might pop in Cause I could see myself doing that and I'm so glad you allowed yourself that acceptance, because it's not being rude, it's being I'm here for me.

00:11:08.924 --> 00:11:13.807
I'm here for me and in my space, and this is what I feel I need to do and how I need to proceed.

00:11:13.888 --> 00:11:23.241
So I'm very proud of you and now I can't wait to hear about that Well, thank you, yeah, and, like I said, all the women were there and kind of had the same mentality, right.

00:11:23.261 --> 00:11:24.484
Like they were there for them.

00:11:25.063 --> 00:11:30.172
And that really helped, because nobody was like, oh my gosh, she's not talking to anyone, like, no, like there was none of that.

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It was just like, yeah, we're doing our own thing, yeah, okay.

00:11:38.921 --> 00:11:43.653
So the first night we were there, we had a woman come in to do a sound bath and a Reiki healing.

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And so oh, and you had never had Reiki before.

00:11:47.640 --> 00:11:48.522
No, so like see.

00:11:48.522 --> 00:11:51.384
And so you had never had reiki, before.

00:11:51.384 --> 00:11:52.025
No, so like see.

00:11:52.046 --> 00:12:06.206
These are all new experiences for me okay, yeah, so, um, so she brought everything in and we were all laying on the grass in the and she makes tarot decks.

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So she actually has a shop in town and she makes tarot decks, and so this tarot deck was an animal tarot deck that she had illustrated.

00:12:12.607 --> 00:12:17.091
And so she went around and she had each one of us draw a card and not look at it yet.

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And then we looked at them and she went around and told us what they meant.

00:12:21.283 --> 00:12:31.152
Okay, so everyone's drawing these cards, right, and I don't remember what everyone had, but like a snow leopard and like whale and like all these like cool things, right?

00:12:38.027 --> 00:12:38.927
And I'm like.

00:12:39.990 --> 00:12:49.010
I turned my card over and it's a toad, okay, and I'm like, I'm like, okay, I'm like, well, fine, I'm like again, you get what you get.

00:12:49.010 --> 00:12:52.870
It's like this is the card and literally I felt chosen to pull that card.

00:12:52.870 --> 00:13:06.480
So I was like it's fine, but I laughed a little internally because I'm like can I never pull a card that like like I want, like I don't, I want zebra, I don't know, I want something like more majestic.

00:13:06.700 --> 00:13:07.802
I want zebra, I don't know.

00:13:07.802 --> 00:13:09.004
I want something like more majestic.

00:13:09.164 --> 00:13:10.427
You need an elephant, but actually a toad is.

00:13:10.427 --> 00:13:14.501
You know, it's got some great symbolism, so please continue.

00:13:15.664 --> 00:13:20.092
Yes, so what she told me is a toad represents a connection.

00:13:20.092 --> 00:13:21.461
So that was her first word.

00:13:21.461 --> 00:13:25.568
Okay, so, and I had just said that a few hours earlier.

00:13:25.568 --> 00:13:33.692
And she said it represents a connection to the earth, it represents a connection to magic and it represents a connection to the world.

00:13:33.692 --> 00:13:41.581
Okay, so it's all about connection, and so I'm looking around going, okay right Toad.

00:13:41.802 --> 00:13:45.360
that card just told you you were in the right place at the right time.

00:13:45.360 --> 00:13:45.889
You can't make this up.

00:13:45.889 --> 00:13:46.576
Welcome to your journey LG.

00:13:46.491 --> 00:13:46.500
you are in the right place at the right time.

00:13:46.500 --> 00:13:46.485
You can't make this up.

00:13:46.504 --> 00:13:47.788
Welcome to your journey.

00:13:47.788 --> 00:13:48.910
Welcome, welcome.

00:13:48.931 --> 00:13:50.173
Yep, welcome.

00:13:50.173 --> 00:13:55.428
So I'm like okay, cool, awesome, well, the synchronicity of that, I can't ignore that.

00:13:55.428 --> 00:14:13.604
So we get into the sound healing and the Reiki and again, with any sort of meditation and any sort of practice like that, I have a hard time letting myself completely go, especially in a different environment.

00:14:13.604 --> 00:14:18.823
So I had to really kind of get into like a deep space and be like again, you're safe, everybody else doing the same thing, no one's thinking you're weird, there's no judgment, we're all here to do this.

00:14:18.823 --> 00:14:24.600
And so I actually felt like it was an amazing, amazing experience.

00:14:24.600 --> 00:14:36.750
And I could feel the energy moving through my body and I got like your salvatory plans, right, I was like producing a ton of saliva, like, and it kind of like hurt.

00:14:36.750 --> 00:14:39.572
So I was like did the energy get stuck?

00:14:39.572 --> 00:14:40.974
You know like what is going on?

00:14:40.974 --> 00:14:41.894
I was like what is wrong?

00:14:41.894 --> 00:14:45.817
And I'm like, well, maybe nothing's wrong, maybe that's just how things are moving in my body.

00:14:45.817 --> 00:14:53.587
I could feel things twitching, I could feel things moving and I'm like, wow, and I really got into like this deep meditative state.

00:14:53.607 --> 00:15:02.744
And as I get into this meditative state, I hear a toad not joking, I hear a toad and I'm thinking and I'm trying to stay, not, I'm trying not to be in my brain, my logical brain.

00:15:02.744 --> 00:15:12.159
But my logical brain is like it's probably in the music, like.

00:15:12.159 --> 00:15:16.230
But my logical brain is like it's probably in the music, like you're probably hearing just like a little toe, that's in the music and I'm like, whatever I hear it, whatever it's fine Moving on.

00:15:16.230 --> 00:15:28.732
So, towards the end of this Reiki sound bath, I start having these visions and all I can explain to you is that it was like there was a glitch in the timeline because it was me, but I couldn't see if I was old or young.

00:15:28.732 --> 00:15:33.567
It was glitchy, but it was me somewhere else.

00:15:33.567 --> 00:15:41.647
Okay, and everything in me was like this is something that either it's a glitch in the timeline or it's a I don't know.

00:15:41.647 --> 00:15:45.988
Like it's something, a past life, like something Right and right.

00:15:45.988 --> 00:15:55.794
As I was getting into that, she brought us out and I was like so yeah, so anyway.

00:15:55.815 --> 00:16:00.866
So then we all sit up you know we're kind of waking up and we sit up and she says who drew the toad card?

00:16:00.866 --> 00:16:05.884
And I raised my hand and she goes there was a toad right next to me, did you hear it?

00:16:05.884 --> 00:16:08.270
I said I actually did hear it.

00:16:08.270 --> 00:16:10.566
And she goes yeah, it was right up here next to me.

00:16:10.566 --> 00:16:12.091
She's like it was the weirdest thing.

00:16:12.500 --> 00:16:24.261
Well, and when you were talking about your glands and the pain there, I was like but you drew the toad card, like you know and you know how they it extends their throat or whatever.

00:16:24.261 --> 00:16:26.149
I was like so okay, I just the toad was letting you know he's whatever.

00:16:26.169 --> 00:16:29.160
I was like yeah, so okay, I just the toad was letting you know he's present, I know.

00:16:29.160 --> 00:16:30.222
And then he made a noise.

00:16:30.423 --> 00:16:32.548
He made a noise, yeah, um.

00:16:32.548 --> 00:16:36.081
So that was all amazing, right, and I had to write about it.

00:16:36.081 --> 00:16:37.245
I had to go to bed.

00:16:37.245 --> 00:16:44.965
I did all the things, um, and went to bed, passed out, um, and the next day we did a pretty strenuous hike up.

00:16:45.024 --> 00:16:50.049
Cathedral rock did a pretty strenuous hike up cathedral rock Um.

00:16:50.049 --> 00:16:51.631
Marlene is already laughing Okay.

00:16:52.753 --> 00:16:53.094
She's like.

00:16:53.094 --> 00:16:55.535
I know it's not an easy hike.

00:17:01.400 --> 00:17:03.283
No, not from the beginning.

00:17:03.283 --> 00:17:06.509
Yeah, no, and I'm glad I didn't do any research on it because I might've chickened out.

00:17:06.509 --> 00:17:20.445
But it's not like a hike that I do on the weekends, okay, like it's like rock climbing and then, and then it's night and then there's like a trail and then you kind of got to go like straight up through like two rock crevices and then my brain the whole time was like thinking how are you going to get down?

00:17:20.445 --> 00:17:21.588
How are you going to get down?

00:17:21.588 --> 00:17:22.971
Yeah, you're going to get up there.

00:17:22.971 --> 00:17:24.414
How are you going to get down?

00:17:24.414 --> 00:17:39.067
So luckily, there was, like you know, some of us women were like everyone stuck together in different groups, but there was a couple of us that had, like were behind where the stragglers, I guess, and every time we stopped in the shade we'd be like should we just stay here?

00:17:39.067 --> 00:17:42.382
And then one of us would be like, well, let's go to the next place, you know, next shade spot.

00:17:42.382 --> 00:17:43.523
Okay, we'd get there.

00:17:43.523 --> 00:17:47.192
And then we both would be like, um, maybe we're done, are we done?

00:17:53.099 --> 00:17:57.607
And then, and then she's like I see the end of trail sign and I'm like, damn you, Now we have to finish.

00:17:58.107 --> 00:18:01.974
Yeah, so we get to the top and it was amazing, right, it was worth it.

00:18:01.974 --> 00:18:13.345
But my legs were shaking, like cause it was hot, right, but, but we set out early, knowing it was gonna be hot, and like my legs were shaking, I'm thinking to myself, god, I don't know how I'm supposed to get down, like I don't trust my legs at this point.

00:18:13.345 --> 00:18:17.961
Um, so we sat, we sat up there to pictures, we, you know, had snacks.

00:18:17.961 --> 00:18:19.103
We just really enjoyed it.

00:18:19.103 --> 00:18:27.933
Um, I didn't go as far as, like there's like a wind tunnel that you can experience, Like if you hike kind of behind one of the rocks, and I didn't go as far as that.

00:18:27.933 --> 00:18:29.596
Maybe next time, when I'm more prepared.

00:18:29.596 --> 00:18:33.847
Um, and then we went down the rock and pretty much slid.

00:18:33.847 --> 00:18:37.323
I slid on my butt or I did a crab walk the entire way down.

00:18:37.323 --> 00:18:41.290
I did not trust my legs enough to take me down safely.

00:18:41.290 --> 00:18:47.392
And then also, like sometimes I feel, cause I'm tall, so I don't feel close enough to the ground to feel secure.

00:18:47.819 --> 00:18:49.525
So, like, cause I'm tall so I don't feel close enough to the ground to feel secure.

00:18:49.525 --> 00:19:00.222
So like, so I'm sliding down right, I'm going down to people you know we're all going down and then we get back to, uh, the house and I go to take a shower and I take off my shorts and they are split down the back.

00:19:00.222 --> 00:19:05.871
So then I'm like who has seen my butt?

00:19:05.871 --> 00:19:06.352

00:19:06.451 --> 00:19:08.836
I was like did anyone notice, right?

00:19:08.855 --> 00:19:11.819
So I, after I take a, has seen my butt Like I was like, did anyone notice, right?

00:19:11.819 --> 00:19:13.969
So I, after I take a shower, I go downstairs and I'm like, so I don't know.

00:19:13.969 --> 00:19:18.165
Like, if you guys didn't tell me, like that my short, my shorts were split and then they're like no, we would have told you we didn't say it.

00:19:18.165 --> 00:19:25.251
I'm like okay, good, fine, so you know, so I threw those away, but I mean, but you enjoyed the experience.

00:19:25.712 --> 00:19:26.513
It was beautiful.

00:19:26.513 --> 00:19:27.694
It was a beautiful experience.

00:19:27.694 --> 00:19:34.126
And our host was smart she scheduled that hike the first day, knowing that it was hard, and then an easy hike the second day.

00:19:34.126 --> 00:19:36.306
So, oh good, kudos to her for that planning.

00:19:36.306 --> 00:19:46.625
And so that night, so actually the afternoon, we had free time and I really wanted to go out and explore Sedona, but I was exhausted and so I was like you know what I'm going to?

00:19:46.625 --> 00:19:49.030
Just I'm going to honor myself and I'm going to take a nap.

00:19:49.030 --> 00:19:54.547
Why I took a long ass nap and so which I kind of woke up and I regretted a little bit, but I was like you know what?

00:19:54.547 --> 00:19:55.348
There's a reason for it.

00:19:55.348 --> 00:19:56.461
There's a reason for this.

00:19:56.881 --> 00:19:57.662
It's okay, right.

00:19:57.662 --> 00:20:19.614
And so that night we went on a stargazing tour and our guides took us to this clearing and I don't have the name of it, I don't even know if they gave it to us, but they took us to this clearing where there was a vortex, where there was energy blowing, and you know, um spent some time with us kind of letting us feel the energies.

00:20:19.614 --> 00:20:35.224
What I felt in the energy was kind of a tingling in my fingers, almost like like a warm tingling, almost like you've touched a electrical outlet kind of right, and then like it zapped you a little bit and then the tingling spread into my hands and it was warm.

00:20:35.224 --> 00:20:37.531
There was just warmth up my hands and in my arms.

00:20:37.531 --> 00:20:47.118
The other thing that I felt is my feet were hot, like I'm not talking like you're standing too long and they kind of get warm and like you need to move them.

00:20:47.118 --> 00:20:48.261
I'm talking like you're standing too long and they kind of get warm and like you need to move them.

00:20:48.261 --> 00:20:54.285
I'm talking like you're standing barefoot on asphalt, hot, and I was wearing hiking boots and it was, you know, dust, wow.

00:20:54.285 --> 00:20:57.310
So I'm like, okay, well, this is cool, you know.

00:20:57.451 --> 00:21:07.049
So, um, we were at this clearing where there was said to be lady spirits protecting something, um.

00:21:07.049 --> 00:21:10.335
And so, you know, they encouraged us to.

00:21:10.335 --> 00:21:12.586
Well, we were going to do a drum circle and they just incurred.

00:21:12.586 --> 00:21:14.381
They said you're safe here, like you know.

00:21:14.381 --> 00:21:18.311
Just, these women are not going to hurt you, but they are protecting something.

00:21:18.311 --> 00:21:28.594
We don't know what they're protecting, but there's something up here that they won't leave, okay, and so he's like so you may feel their, their presence while we're doing this drum circle.

00:21:29.441 --> 00:21:37.047
And so he encouraged the, both the um tour guides encouraged us to kind of face whatever way we wanted, but we were going to stay kind of in a circle, esque.

00:21:37.047 --> 00:21:45.586
And so, you know, everyone's facing different directions and I decided to face North, the rocks, and for some reason I just felt called to face that way.

00:21:45.586 --> 00:21:56.012
And so the drum circle begins and I'm trying to get into a meditative state and stay there and my left arm starts to want to raise.

00:21:56.012 --> 00:22:01.285
Okay, not like, not me raising it, but just raise.

00:22:01.285 --> 00:22:05.790
And I'm like oh, that's weird, girl, I don't know if you want to happen and uh, and so stay focused.

00:22:11.621 --> 00:22:17.904
So I'm like just let it happen, like you're safe, like just let it happen, it's not a big deal, no one's looking at you, just let it happen, right.

00:22:17.904 --> 00:22:18.988
And I'm like right.

00:22:18.988 --> 00:22:34.546
So my arm starts to raise and it raises out to my left right At's my left arm and it keeps raising, keep raising almost to shoulder height, and then it begins to outstretch right Like I'm reaching for something.

00:22:34.546 --> 00:22:39.592
And as it's outstretching, it keeps going and something is tugging me.

00:22:39.592 --> 00:22:52.471
There is a tug at the end of my hand, there is something nudging me in that direction or pulling me in that direction, which was the direction of where the lady spirits were Okay or were said to be.

00:22:53.211 --> 00:22:54.835
And so I'm like well, do I turn?

00:22:54.835 --> 00:22:55.922
I was like no, I don't want to turn.

00:22:55.922 --> 00:22:57.246
Right, I don't want to turn.

00:22:57.246 --> 00:23:01.041
And so I try to close my hand because I'm like what am I holding?

00:23:01.041 --> 00:23:02.084
It felt like I was holding something.

00:23:02.084 --> 00:23:03.046
So I was like what am I holding?

00:23:03.046 --> 00:23:06.211
And I'm like I don't know, is it an object?

00:23:06.211 --> 00:23:06.811
What is it?

00:23:06.811 --> 00:23:16.416
And I couldn't close my, I couldn't make a fist, so I couldn't close my hand all the way, and I started concentrating too hard on like what, what was in my hand right.

00:23:16.436 --> 00:23:17.160
I was just like what was in my hand.

00:23:17.160 --> 00:23:17.440
What were?

00:23:17.480 --> 00:23:18.161
you holding, yeah, yeah.

00:23:18.161 --> 00:23:30.287
And so I finally was able to close my fist and as I closed my fist, the pulling on my arm stopped, okay, so like the nudging in that direction stopped and I'm like, well, shit, did I ruin that?

00:23:30.287 --> 00:23:31.049
Okay, whatever.

00:23:31.049 --> 00:23:33.238
But my arm stayed raised.

00:23:33.238 --> 00:23:37.106
Okay, there was like it was just there and I'm like, okay, weird.

00:23:37.106 --> 00:23:40.233
And then my right arm starts to raise.

00:23:40.599 --> 00:23:46.682
Okay, now, this is the time lapse I want to say that was probably 10 minutes of my whole left arm thing.

00:23:46.682 --> 00:23:49.089
Right, like it was a decent amount of time, maybe five.

00:23:49.089 --> 00:24:06.887
And so, like my right arm starts to raise and there was a split second of fear, and I don't know if it was because I was outside the circle, like my right arm was outside the circle or why, but split second, and then something was like you're good, okay, it's okay, it's okay If your hands outside, it's okay, it's okay If your hands outside, it's okay, right, you're safe.

00:24:06.887 --> 00:24:15.078
And so my right arm starts to raise and now both my arms are like up kind of in like a praise worship stance.

00:24:15.180 --> 00:24:32.373
Like you would see people like kind of like this right, like and I'm thinking to myself, god, like my muscles might hurt, like it's been a while Like there are just my arms are just suspended there, Like, but it was so weightless, there was no tension, there was no effort, no effort yeah.

00:24:32.993 --> 00:24:51.651
And the whole time that I'm in this drum circle, my feet are hot, so I'm having to bounce my feet back and forth because I'm like they feel like they're on fire, and so I was like able to say to myself, well, maybe that's just earth magic, maybe you're drawing earth magic up through your feet, right, like, maybe that's what's happening.

00:24:51.651 --> 00:24:56.829
And um, and I was like, but it's okay, like your, your feet aren't on fire, it's all right.

00:24:56.829 --> 00:25:12.962
So my arms stay there and the drum circle ends and they drop and I'm tired, my shoulders are tired, like, and I'm like, oh God, I was like, okay, well, that was painful, um, and I'm like I don't know what just happened and all the other women have had other experiences.

00:25:12.962 --> 00:25:15.148
And somebody says should we group hug?

00:25:15.148 --> 00:25:24.848
Right, and we all go in to the center of the circle and we group hug and I start crying and I'm like, why am I crying?

00:25:24.848 --> 00:25:26.872
And I'm like, oh, this is community.

00:25:26.872 --> 00:25:31.288
And I was like this is connection, this is the connection that you wanted.

00:25:31.288 --> 00:25:36.289
It exists, and it was so beautiful.

00:25:36.289 --> 00:25:43.874
And I was just like, okay, like, if that's all I get out of this, that that's it, that's fine, that's enough.

00:25:43.874 --> 00:25:51.032
And it was just such a purely like mystical experience.

00:25:51.032 --> 00:25:58.144
Right, like other women felt this lady spirits touch them on the back or touch their arm, or like you know, they had all these different experiences.

00:25:58.144 --> 00:26:13.367
And I'm fairly certain that one was holding my hand and trying to pull me in a direction and I was too stubborn to turn, you know like for whatever reason, and so so, yeah, so that night was just, it was.

00:26:13.367 --> 00:26:19.208
It was just pure, purely magical, and we were all kind of on a high and it was, it was gorgeous.

00:26:19.690 --> 00:26:27.881
So the next day I decided, okay, I got to do something in Sedona, right, like I've got to go explore, cause that was our last like full day.

00:26:27.881 --> 00:26:35.176
So we went on this easy hike and then we were in the car coming back and one of the women was like I'm going to make a psychic reading appointment.

00:26:35.176 --> 00:26:36.863
Does anyone want me to book you one too?

00:26:36.863 --> 00:26:39.067
And I'm like, yeah, do it Right.

00:26:39.067 --> 00:26:54.101
And so she's reading off the names, like she's like so.

00:26:54.121 --> 00:26:56.509
She's like okay, um, so she hands me her phone and like I'm reading off the names and it's like priscilla, jenny merriman.

00:26:56.509 --> 00:26:59.115
And I'm like, oh, merriman, I'm like I don't know if you're a boy or a girl, but whatever it's, I like your name, so we're gonna do it.

00:26:59.115 --> 00:27:02.083
Yep, so, um, so I book this psychic reading with merriman and we.

00:27:02.083 --> 00:27:11.884
So we go back to the house and we change, we headed out and we were early and we're like, let, well, let's just see if they can take us early Cause there's three of us that went in, so all three of our psychics were available, which was amazing.

00:27:12.724 --> 00:27:20.306
Um, and Maryman comes and gets me and she is an older white lady blondish white hair.

00:27:20.306 --> 00:27:23.472
She is exactly who I would have like imagined.

00:27:23.472 --> 00:27:29.152
I'm like immediately at ease and I like I know nothing about her.

00:27:29.152 --> 00:27:31.849
I don't know anything about her specialty, I know nothing.

00:27:31.849 --> 00:27:36.167
And she says to me do you know anything about astrology?

00:27:36.167 --> 00:27:37.795
And I said I do you know a little bit?

00:27:37.795 --> 00:27:38.538
And she's like okay.

00:27:38.538 --> 00:27:41.633
She's like do you just want to do your birth chart or do you want to do your Akashic record?

00:27:41.633 --> 00:27:45.868
And I said I started to say just my birth chart.

00:27:45.868 --> 00:27:48.919
And then I turned and I was like actually a mixture of both.

00:27:48.919 --> 00:27:51.085
And she goes okay, and I'm like what the fuck?

00:27:51.085 --> 00:27:56.042
She does a caution.

00:27:56.423 --> 00:27:57.926
So I had paid for 45 minutes.

00:27:57.926 --> 00:27:59.348
So let's just I'll put that out there.

00:27:59.348 --> 00:28:08.455
Um, and then another thing before I start the story I want to say, kind of just want to preface this so I left my corporate job in January and I had been there a decade.

00:28:08.455 --> 00:28:19.241
Um, I went back to an employer that I worked for previously and he does things very old fashioned, so I stepped back in time pretty much with him.

00:28:19.241 --> 00:28:30.099
Um, um, another piece of this I won't go into too much, but, like Brian, he started staying at home in February with the boys, right, so that was a transition for us.

00:28:30.099 --> 00:28:38.541
Um, so we sit down and you know my last psychic reading, if you recall, I gave her nothing.

00:28:38.541 --> 00:28:47.964
So she so, like I did not, I didn't, like I would tell her, yeah, that resonates, yeah, that resonates, but I was giving her absolutely nothing, right.

00:28:47.984 --> 00:28:50.189
So I feel really I'm sorry, I'm very sorry.

00:28:50.189 --> 00:29:02.700
So, but like this woman, like I was just at ease with I was like I wasn't giving her a ton, but I was, I was talking to her, I was actually having like having the reading, participating in the reading, right?

00:29:02.700 --> 00:29:09.980
Um, so she brings up my birth chart and the first thing she says to me and I'm like, oh, she says you have a nourishing career.

00:29:09.980 --> 00:29:15.522
And I said Nope, and she goes okay, she goes, all right, she goes you are a nourishing person.

00:29:15.522 --> 00:29:26.471
And I said nurturing, not nourishing, nurturing nurturing nurturing.

00:29:26.771 --> 00:29:29.317
So, um, I said, no, actually I don't.

00:29:29.317 --> 00:29:33.866
I have a very logical career Like it's, you know, very it's not creative.

00:29:33.866 --> 00:29:35.217
And she's like, okay, she goes, all right.

00:29:35.217 --> 00:29:51.095
But and she's like, well, like, as we read your birth chart, please like correct me, right, Because I want to be able to like connect to who you truly are, right.

00:29:51.115 --> 00:29:52.076
So she moves to um my relationships.

00:29:52.076 --> 00:29:55.324
And that's the second thing she says is you could be very happy with multiple partners.

00:29:55.324 --> 00:30:02.786
And I laughed and I said, yes, and she goes, but you're in a committed relationship.

00:30:02.786 --> 00:30:04.958
And she says you're married and I didn't have a ring on or anything.

00:30:04.958 --> 00:30:06.320
And she says you're married.

00:30:06.320 --> 00:30:12.701
And I said, yes, and she goes, and you would, she goes, yeah, you're married, you're committed, but he knows this about you.

00:30:12.701 --> 00:30:16.436
And I said he does, and she goes, okay, she goes great, so you know.

00:30:16.457 --> 00:30:17.778
So we're kind of laughing back and forth.

00:30:17.778 --> 00:30:26.207
And then, um, she kind of goes into um, she says to me it looks like your job deals with patterns.

00:30:26.207 --> 00:30:30.051
And I said, I said, yeah, I said it does.

00:30:30.051 --> 00:30:32.099
And she goes, you're really good with patterns.

00:30:32.099 --> 00:30:35.576
And I said, well, yeah, I feel like I am, you know.

00:30:35.576 --> 00:30:43.503
And she goes, yeah, but not she's like patterns, like like you're learning or you're taking patterns that you're learning and you're applying them to your life.

00:30:43.503 --> 00:30:52.680
And I said I am, that's just kind of what I was done.

00:30:52.680 --> 00:30:53.836
And she's like, yeah, okay, that's a big part of who you are.

00:30:53.836 --> 00:30:56.030
And I said, okay, cool, so we go through the rest of the birth chart and it's pretty, it's spot on.

00:30:56.030 --> 00:30:56.279
It's pretty spot on.

00:30:56.279 --> 00:30:57.028
There's a couple of little things.

00:30:57.028 --> 00:30:59.548
You know that like I had to crack her on, but pretty spot on.

00:30:59.548 --> 00:31:04.450
So at this point I think it's already been 30 minutes, right.

00:31:04.670 --> 00:31:06.891
And so she's like well, let's, do you want to do your Akashic records?

00:31:06.891 --> 00:31:29.096
And I said, yes, please, right, and um, and so we opened my Akashic records and the first thing that came through to her was me sitting at a old desk and she described it as like vintage old wooden desk in an old like wooden chair and I'm writing in a red ledger.

00:31:29.096 --> 00:31:30.883
She goes, you're obviously working.

00:31:30.883 --> 00:31:35.278
She goes, but but it's all, it's really vintage looking, it's very old.

00:31:35.278 --> 00:31:43.240
So immediately in my brain I'm like well, I've stepped back in time workplace, right.

00:31:43.240 --> 00:31:50.044
And and I so I say that to her I said, well, I've stuck back in time, like I feel like I sit back in time in my work place and she goes.

00:31:50.044 --> 00:31:50.726
Okay, she goes.

00:31:50.726 --> 00:31:55.296
I don't know if that's quite it, but it could be, you know, because all these things could be metaphors for other things.

00:31:55.296 --> 00:32:04.866
So, um, and I said, okay, she's like but just keep that in mind, cause it's a very strong image and I said, okay, so we didn't open my past lives.

00:32:04.866 --> 00:32:15.007
Um, we actually stayed in the present and we went where my guides took me and it was all about my present, which was really what I needed at the time.

00:32:15.667 --> 00:32:21.136
And so she starts taught, we start talking about you know my job and we start talking about my workplace.

00:32:21.136 --> 00:32:22.199
And she goes.

00:32:22.199 --> 00:32:23.482
She goes again.

00:32:23.482 --> 00:32:26.672
Patterns are coming up, like patterns are very strong, and she's like like they're gonna benefit you.

00:32:26.672 --> 00:32:30.888
Like patterns are very strong and she's like like they're gonna benefit you in the future.

00:32:30.888 --> 00:32:31.652
You know, she's like.

00:32:31.652 --> 00:32:32.596
She's like we're gonna have to see.

00:32:32.596 --> 00:32:36.607
And I'm like okay, cool, so we're talking.

00:32:36.607 --> 00:32:39.174
She's hitting, like all the key points.

00:32:39.174 --> 00:32:41.598
She hits things about Brian on the head.

00:32:41.598 --> 00:32:43.603
She hits things about the kids on the head.

00:32:43.603 --> 00:32:51.175
She is like scarily, eerily accurate, and I'm like oh my God, yeah Crazy.

00:32:51.195 --> 00:33:00.285
Yeah, and we talked about my work a little bit more and, um, she said your guides are telling you I want to make sure that you got an agreement in writing.

00:33:00.285 --> 00:33:01.587
And I said, oh, I did.

00:33:01.587 --> 00:33:04.838
And she's like, okay, she goes because that's going to come into play.

00:33:04.838 --> 00:33:08.484
And I said okay, I'm like, yeah, cool, got it.

00:33:08.484 --> 00:33:09.365
She's like all right, cool.

00:33:09.365 --> 00:33:13.877
So we reach a point where she says do you want to ask any questions?

00:33:13.877 --> 00:33:15.781
And I say I do.

00:33:15.781 --> 00:33:18.426
I said what magic do I have?

00:33:18.426 --> 00:33:21.415
Okay, and tell me.

00:33:21.415 --> 00:33:25.662
And she looks at me and she says earth magic.

00:33:25.662 --> 00:33:32.810
And I start crying, okay, and I'm like, and I'm like, but where is it?

00:33:35.476 --> 00:33:36.997
How do I use it?

00:33:36.997 --> 00:33:39.299
Why can't I be Dr Strange?

00:33:39.299 --> 00:33:41.722
What can?

00:33:42.002 --> 00:33:48.651
I do do Um and so, and she's, she kind of goes, oh, and she, you know, passes me some Kleenex.

00:33:48.651 --> 00:33:53.573
And at this point the timer is going off, like it's been 45 minutes already.

00:33:53.573 --> 00:33:57.676
She's like, don't worry, we'll keep going, don't worry, it's okay, I'm not going to charge you, it's fine, we're going to keep going with this.

00:33:57.676 --> 00:33:58.278
And I said okay.

00:33:58.278 --> 00:34:03.067
And she said to me she goes earth magic.

00:34:03.067 --> 00:34:16.936
I said first, I said where is it?

00:34:16.936 --> 00:34:17.960
I'm crying, I'm like because I kill everything, I go.

00:34:17.960 --> 00:34:18.442
She's kind of laughing.

00:34:18.442 --> 00:34:20.811
And she said, she says to me well, earth magic isn't just about, like, like, growing things, like plants and trees.

00:34:20.811 --> 00:34:22.315
She goes but do you feel better not wearing shoes?

00:34:22.315 --> 00:34:25.764
Like, do you feel better when your feet are connected to the ground?

00:34:25.764 --> 00:34:26.467
And I said I do.

00:34:26.467 --> 00:34:34.880
And she goes okay, there you go, right, right, that's a connection to the earth for you.

00:34:34.880 --> 00:34:41.646
And she said but it's not just physical connection to the earth, it's also connection to the patterns of the world and its connection to your community and its connection like.

00:34:41.646 --> 00:34:42.349
That is all.

00:34:42.349 --> 00:34:44.054
It all encompasses earth magic.

00:34:44.900 --> 00:34:47.576
And she's like so what you're thinking of is very narrow, right?

00:34:47.576 --> 00:34:49.340
You're thinking you should be a herbalist.

00:34:49.340 --> 00:34:51.655
You're like that's what you're thinking yeah.

00:34:51.655 --> 00:34:57.036
And I'm like yeah, that is what I'm thinking, um, and she goes that's not it at all, it's so broad.

00:34:57.036 --> 00:35:01.802
And she goes and I said okay, I'm like I got that perfect gray.

00:35:01.802 --> 00:35:03.045
It's broad, but where is it?

00:35:03.045 --> 00:35:04.567
And she goes what do you mean?

00:35:04.567 --> 00:35:04.987
Where is it?

00:35:04.987 --> 00:35:07.150
I said where is it in me, like I.

00:35:07.150 --> 00:35:09.246
And she goes, she goes, you're already.

00:35:09.246 --> 00:35:12.398
She's like your guides are saying you're already living it, you're already doing it.

00:35:12.398 --> 00:35:14.164
And I'm like what?

00:35:14.164 --> 00:35:16.476
And she's like yeah, you're, you're already doing it.

00:35:16.476 --> 00:35:18.056
And I'm like how?

00:35:20.320 --> 00:35:25.065
I need more, I know.

00:35:25.184 --> 00:35:28.829
I'm like so, um, come on, guys, yeah, so she.

00:35:28.829 --> 00:35:37.068
So she said, she said what's interesting is part of earth magic and part of your magic is patterns, the patterns of the universe.

00:35:37.068 --> 00:35:38.858
And she goes.

00:35:38.858 --> 00:35:43.697
And you we've already talked about you have a connection with patterns, that you have a mind for patterns.

00:35:43.697 --> 00:35:51.842
So you, she goes, you observe these patterns around you and then you make people's lives better, and she goes on.

00:35:51.882 --> 00:36:04.617
I'm not even talking about just in your job, because we've already talked about that, but she's like, but that is an important piece you will be observing patterns and utilizing patterns and your career is not going to be what it is today.

00:36:04.617 --> 00:36:21.746
You're going to innovate based on what you've learned, and she's like and you need the old fashioned way that your boss is doing things in order to learn what you need to know, to go this new, innovative way.

00:36:21.746 --> 00:36:24.596
And I, so I said, well, what do you see?

00:36:24.596 --> 00:36:33.898
I was like, like I said, I've always thought maybe I would use my career to help, you know, to specialize in minorities and women owned businesses and you know things like that.

00:36:33.898 --> 00:36:35.882
And she goes, she goes, yeah, she goes.

00:36:35.882 --> 00:36:49.536
I see it more of like seminars on the things that you've learned and observed and I'm like, huh, no, that doesn't sound fun.

00:36:49.556 --> 00:36:49.918
And she goes.

00:36:49.918 --> 00:36:50.460
She goes no, I do.

00:36:50.460 --> 00:36:57.264
She's like I see you talking in front of people and I'm like, yeah, you know, she's like she kind of laughed and she's like she's like I see it, like it's, it's there, and I'm like, okay, all right, whatever.

00:36:57.264 --> 00:37:05.121
Um, you know, she said, but again, not just in your career, in your relationships and she goes do you observe, are you an observer?

00:37:05.121 --> 00:37:07.063
And I said, absolutely Like that's what I do.

00:37:07.063 --> 00:37:25.333
I sit, I observe and then like I can see things in a way that people don't always see them Right, and so then, and she goes, your guides are also telling me that you have a way of speaking to people, to make them understand, just like help them see.

00:37:25.393 --> 00:37:26.315
And I said I don't know, and she goes.

00:37:26.315 --> 00:37:30.862
She was like, okay, you know, and I'm just like, but I'm, I'm still crying at this point and um, and she's like that's what they're telling me.

00:37:30.862 --> 00:37:42.143
So she's like what you are supposed to, what you are doing, is you are going to observe patterns in your relationships and other people in the universe, in business, and you are going to use those to transform the world.

00:37:42.143 --> 00:37:46.188
You're going to use those to transform your world and that's your magic.

00:37:46.188 --> 00:37:54.936
And I was just, I sat there and I was just like that all makes perfect sense, Like it all makes perfect sense to me, um.

00:37:55.177 --> 00:38:02.139
And then she went in and she said you know, the other thing is that earth magic is Venusian energy, so Venus's energy.

00:38:02.139 --> 00:38:10.646
And so she started talking about Venusian energy, which I don't know a lot about, right, so, again, like I was like, okay, well, now I need to go research all of this, um.

00:38:10.646 --> 00:38:17.556
But you know, like, like it can be a person's values, you know like, and she's like it's a very strong feminine energy, is what it is.

00:38:17.556 --> 00:38:20.079
So, yeah, so we go through all of that.

00:38:20.079 --> 00:38:25.688
And then, you know, I asked a couple more questions about the kids, which she gets spot on or not.

00:38:25.688 --> 00:38:28.311
She doesn't get spot on, but it was very informative.

00:38:28.311 --> 00:38:33.639
And I was like, yep, okay, I see that, I see that, I see that, um, we were in there.

00:38:33.739 --> 00:38:37.666
I would say probably an hour and a half, wow.

00:38:37.666 --> 00:38:45.864
And at the end of the session I can stand up and I'm like, can I just give you, like, a hug?

00:38:45.864 --> 00:38:49.329
She's like, yes, so I give her a giant hug.

00:38:49.329 --> 00:38:50.778
And she's like listen to me.

00:38:50.778 --> 00:38:53.967
She goes I actually want your advice when you're ready to give it.

00:38:53.967 --> 00:38:55.561
I have some financial questions.

00:38:55.561 --> 00:39:02.206
And she gives me her business card and I was like okay, I was like all right.

00:39:02.206 --> 00:39:11.237
So I left her office and the other two women were downstairs waiting for me and I walked over there like they were sitting on a table.

00:39:11.237 --> 00:39:17.208
I felt so light and so aligned and so full of energy.

00:39:17.208 --> 00:39:20.101
It was exactly what I needed to hear.

00:39:20.101 --> 00:39:23.860
And one of the women was like what happened in your reading?

00:39:23.860 --> 00:39:24.782
You just look different.

00:39:27.235 --> 00:39:38.784
And I just like spilled it all Like and you know, they don't again they don't know me, but I told them every little detail and then it was like the rest of the trip was just, it was.

00:39:38.784 --> 00:39:40.128
I was just aligned, I was.

00:39:40.128 --> 00:39:41.878
It was just fantastic and it was.

00:39:41.878 --> 00:39:51.242
I knew what I needed to do, I knew who I was, I wasn't missing anything, I wasn't being too skeptical, I wasn't closed off, I just.

00:39:51.242 --> 00:40:03.320
I just didn't realize that it could look so different, right, like I thought it had to look a certain way, um and so it was as magical, as everyone has said, and as healing, as people have said.

00:40:03.320 --> 00:40:06.206
Um, and I cannot wait to go back.

00:40:07.068 --> 00:40:23.204
So yeah Well, I think it was Morgan Stark who said that Sedona calls you, like when you're ready to go, when you need to go, it calls you in, it draws you in, so everybody gets out of it what they need in that moment.

00:40:23.204 --> 00:40:31.757
So I am so happy for you that moment.

00:40:31.777 --> 00:40:32.378
So I am so happy for you.

00:40:32.378 --> 00:40:33.782
Yes, yeah, thank you for sharing that with us.

00:40:33.802 --> 00:40:34.463
That was just beautiful.

00:40:34.463 --> 00:40:35.045
Yeah, it was amazing.

00:40:35.065 --> 00:40:36.469
I'm waiting for my invitation.

00:40:36.469 --> 00:40:38.918
Sedona Right, send your message.

00:40:38.918 --> 00:40:39.880
I'm due.

00:40:39.880 --> 00:40:40.563
I'm next.

00:40:40.563 --> 00:40:41.003
I'm next.

00:40:41.003 --> 00:40:45.021
Tell me when I'm supposed to go, but you know, I'm also preferably when it's not 120.

00:40:45.682 --> 00:40:57.085
I'm really proud of you, Christy, for stepping out of your comfort zone and like your comfort zone, with everything and just like yeah it was with everything.

00:40:57.085 --> 00:41:08.382
Yeah, you know, and you really just leaned into it, and so that is that is amazing, because when you do that, then you open it up to receive exactly what it is that you need.

00:41:09.034 --> 00:41:11.534
Yeah, I was going to say that, oh, go ahead, christy.

00:41:11.856 --> 00:41:21.228
I don't think I would have been able to do this a couple of years ago, like I don't think I was ready, you know, even a few years ago, to put myself out there like that.

00:41:21.228 --> 00:41:25.505
So again, it happened at the right time and you know, yeah.

00:41:26.235 --> 00:41:28.846
When we allow ourselves to be truly open and vulnerable.

00:41:28.846 --> 00:41:33.264
And we ask for those messages because we say this all the time right, we ask for messages.

00:41:33.264 --> 00:41:43.065
The universe is sending them to us when we need them, but we have to be willing to ask them and see them, yeah, and sometimes they're shoved in our faces and we still don't see it.

00:41:43.356 --> 00:41:44.922
And we're like where's the sign.

00:41:49.376 --> 00:41:49.797
I need a sign.

00:41:49.797 --> 00:41:51.541
Still don't see it and you're like where's the sign?

00:41:51.541 --> 00:41:55.393
And the universe is like jeez, it's like right here, here's a fucking billboard yeah, well, you just pay attention please.

00:41:55.414 --> 00:41:56.094
Here's a toad like just.

00:41:56.094 --> 00:42:01.045
I mean, there's a toad croaking in your ear like come on hard.

00:42:01.126 --> 00:42:06.362
And then there was a toad in the actual room like, come on, the signs don't get better than that.

00:42:06.362 --> 00:42:09.663
So and then the glands like that stuff.

00:42:09.663 --> 00:42:10.414
That was really cool.

00:42:10.534 --> 00:42:19.440
Oh, and so like I looked that up, because that also happened when we were doing the drum circle and the clearing like it was, it happened again and so I was like that's really weird.

00:42:19.440 --> 00:42:37.626
I looked it up and there's some theories that say that's when your body gets out of the flight or fight, okay, and like, actually like, truly like, releases energy, and so that's that's what I've had on the interwebs, so I'm not sure if that's right, Like when you drop your guard.

00:42:37.885 --> 00:42:40.588
you're just dropping your guard and you're just but.

00:42:41.427 --> 00:42:52.478
I could feel that too, like when we came out of the sound bath, like definitely I felt lighter, like I just felt better.

00:42:52.478 --> 00:42:53.902
So I wouldn't be surprised if that's part of it.

00:42:53.902 --> 00:42:55.108
Right, like just your body moving out of that.

00:42:55.108 --> 00:43:03.137
You know chaos, um, and I was like, well, I didn't think I was in fight or fight, but like, as women were, like we never know, we're just like we're constantly in it.

00:43:03.137 --> 00:43:04.539
Um, so do like, aren't?

00:43:04.579 --> 00:43:07.262
we always do this or that.

00:43:07.262 --> 00:43:08.103
It was one or the other.

00:43:08.103 --> 00:43:14.039
Yeah, yeah, amazing story, christy, thank you, thank, you Thank you so much.

00:43:14.079 --> 00:43:17.922
Yeah, well, and thank you to our listeners for listening.

00:43:17.922 --> 00:43:29.295
Um, we will be back next week, but in the meantime, you can go to WMF podcom and you can interact with us and search for past episodes, and we will see you next time.

00:43:29.295 --> 00:43:31.016
Bye, thank you.