In this episode of A Witch, A Mystic & A Feminist, hosts Marlena and Christy are joined by a special guest, Kris Ashley, who recently published a book titled "Change Your Mind to Change Your Reality." Kris Ashley is a coach, author, and speaker who has spent the past two decades immersed in the research, spiritual teachings, and practices she shares. Her book, Change Your Mind To Change Your Reality, has been endorsed by 3 experts from The Secret, Anita Moorjani, and many others in the spiritual and personal development space.
Kris shares her insights on changing your mindset, manifesting, the law of attraction, forgiveness, and her personal journey of transformation. Kris discusses the importance of addressing subconscious programming, belief systems, repressed emotions, and forgiveness as critical elements in manifesting the life you desire. These factors can either block or enhance the law of attraction's effectiveness. Kris highlights the role of forgiveness as a crucial aspect of her transformation. She explains that forgiveness is not for the other person but for the individual to release negative emotions and live a more fulfilled life. She shares techniques to turn perceived enemies into teachers and highlights the significance of soul contracts with challenging people in our lives. Kris elaborates on her approach to teaching clients how to manifest. She emphasizes the importance of clarity in one's vision, taking meaningful steps towards one's goals, and experiencing the emotions of already having achieved them.
For information on Kris's coaching, online courses, events, and more, visit
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Kris Ashley
Hello, hello. It's Tuesday or Friday, or Wednesday or whatever the heck you're listening to this episode. And we are back at it with a new episode of a witch, a mystic and a feminist with a new guest, Chris Ashley. Hello. Welcome to the show. So Chris, you are a coach, a speaker and author, a fellow podcaster. Anything else I missed? To your credentials?
Kris Ashley
I think you got it all. Yeah. Thank you so much for having me. I'm so excited to be here.
We're excited to have you. And I know that you just had a book published in June, right? Yeah. And yeah. Can you tell us a little bit about the new book?.
Kris Ashley
Yeah, absolutely, Thanks for asking. It's called change your mind, change your reality. And it helps people look at every single facet of their life from a different perspective, from their relationships to their health to adversities, they might have gone through to their belief system. Because if we can see things from a different point of view, rather than our own perception, it completely opens up brand new doors for you, and you can live a vastly different life. And it also helps people create the life that they want their dream life life, they would really love living using quantum physics using the law of attraction. And equally is important, it helps people remove the things that are blocking the law of attraction from working. So things like their subconscious programming, most of which happens before the age of seven, their belief systems, repressed emotions, not forgiving people holding on to grudges, because all of that is poison, and it can seep into your manifesting, it can filter the lens through which you view the world. And again, you're going to have a vastly different life, based on what lens do you see the world.
And I can attest to that. Because I know prior to my spiritual awakening, I was a very negative person, I held on to all kinds of anxiety and harboring hard feelings, things like that. And then I noticed that negative things continue to happen. And just as I started my spiritual awakening, that's when I was able to change my mindset. And it opened up just all kinds of new doors for me. And yeah, so just that change in perspective, just turning that diamond a little bit and looking at it from a different lens. Yeah, I can attest to that.
Have you always had this mindset? Or was there a catalyst for you that propelled this book and propelled you into a different life? A different mindset?,
Kris Ashley
Yeah thanks for asking. That's such an important question. So like, probably most people who have had a spiritual awakening and a spiritual awakening in 2002, are just people who want to reinvent themselves, they get to that point where they really need to change. I had a catalyst and it was my own trauma. And you know, that is so oftentimes people's stories. So my personal story is that when I was 12 years old, I was sexually abused by a family member for four years, and I had this really big tight knit extended Italian family. And when that family found out what happened, many of them disowned me. So to the point where holidays were divided, you know, my parents and I would take mornings on Christmas, while the family of my abuser would take afternoons, I wasn't permitted to see cousins who had been my best friends. And as you can imagine, this left me with a lot of what I call low vibration, emotions, like anger and guilt, that as a young adolescent, I didn't know how to cope with, you know, most adults don't know how to cope with those types of emotions. And so I started lashing out, I was getting in trouble in school, I was self harming, I was turning to drugs, and I was in a really dark place. And then my life completely changed when someone handed me a book. And this book opened my mind to the fact that there are other ways to view life and this human experience and the universe other than this little tunnel vision of what we're taught. And I like to say I was like a sleeper agent, right? Like something inside of me just woke up. And so when I finished that book, I started reaching for more, and I just became insatiable. I was devouring every metaphysical spiritual, New Age personal development book I could get my hands on. I started going to retreats, I found teachers to study under. And I didn't know it at the time, but I was doing all this like hard inner work, I was going and doing all these healing modalities. To me, I was just on this quest for hidden sacred knowledge that I was tapping into, right. It was just this fun adventure. But I was really healing myself and my life completely change. And then the other side of that story, is that as I changed my mind and started to get better, and my mother started to get worse, because her family had been ripped apart and she didn't have these teachers and bugs and healing modalities that I did. And it started to manifest as physical illness for her she got cancer, she got hepatitis. She got a bunch of serious illnesses, but also just Leave bizarre afflictions that her doctors at Northwestern hospital couldn't even explain. And so they did what they do, they gave her pills. And then they gave her pills for the side effects of those pills. She was on a fentanyl patch for years. And of course, as a result, she was sleeping for all but a few hours of daylight, she fell down all the time, she would forget conversations we had just the day prior. And that lasted almost 15 years. And I had this compounded guilt, that I had destroyed my family and broken my mother. But I like to say that everything happens for a reason, I really believe that and I realized it was my mother who was my biggest teacher. Because for every step that I watched her take deeper into depression and illness and victimization, I climbed in the other direction out of that tunnel, because I was seeing firsthand right in front of me, what happens to a human body and spirit when they go down that path when they make that choice, because we always have a choice. And then I was seeing what was happening to my own body and spirit as I was changing my mind about life and the nature of reality. And I made a promise to myself that I would do everything I could to heal physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and I have kept that promise to this day. And that that was over two decades ago. And eventually I decided I wanted to help others and the rest is history.
Okay, so how did you kind of compile? How did you decide what avenue you wanted to go at? Because there's so much information out there, right? There's so much spiritual and like, was there one person or one teaching or one healing modality that really spoke to you?
Kris Ashley
Yeah, that's a really good question. So what I loved about the book that totally brought about my awakening, and by the way, it's called the Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life by Drunvalo Melchizedek. Have either of you read it? I have not. No, you check it out. It's pretty amazing. Okay. Um, so what I loved about it, and what I actually tried to do with my book as well, is that he talked about so many different facets, and he brought in the teachings from so many different people because he had spent decades studying under all of these masters, and he kind of left breadcrumbs in a way where I had so many trails to follow after I finished that book. He sent me on a wormhole, a rabbit hole with Docker is Sitchin and then Delores cannon. And then Gregg Braden, and he kind of gave me so many starting points. And then once I was discovering those teachers and authors, I found more places to branch off. So I kind of went down different rabbit holes over the past two decades, and would just go deep. And you know, I wasn't cataloging anything in in any kind of way. Like I said, I didn't even realize that I was doing all this inner work. I just was on this quest. And it was wherever my curiosity took me, which was pretty much everywhere. Like you said, there's so much to learn. Although a couple of decades ago, it wasn't as easily accessible as it is now, you know, over what's it like a hashtag law of attraction where everyone's talking about it.,
Right right. And then, like, you mentioned, Dolores Cannon, she was a hypnotist, right? She's past life regressions. So was it just the past life part kind of captured you? Or?
Kris Ashley
Well, her favorite book of mine is between death and life? And do you want me to tell who Dolores Cannon is for listeners? Or do your listeners Oh my dear. Okay, so she was she was a hypnotist and her husband was in the Army or the Navy or something. And he was a hypnotist for them. And he taught her how to be a hypnotist. And one day like they were just helping people quit smoking and lose weight. Then one day, they accidentally regressed a patient into a past life. And they had no idea what they were doing. And they eventually developed the system doors developed the system called QHH T, which stands for quantum healing hypnosis technique, where she was able to regress people into past lives. And at first it was past lives on earth. But then it was past lives in other dimensions as stars as other beings. And she has a bunch of books on Jesus. She has a bunch of books on alien abductions, and she kind of goes into all of these different places. And I think what I've really liked, like I've always loved hidden sacred architecture and Ancient Astronaut Theory, and you know, all of these mysteries of the world. And that's a lot of what Drunvalo Melchizedek talks about an ancient secret of the flower of life. And Dolores talked about a lot of that as well. So I think it was just on that same around, but her favorite book of mine is between death and life where she regresses people into that place between lifetimes. And that was just really powerful to read. And I've gotten a couple of Q HHT sessions myself and they were incredibly
that is actually something that I would love to do. I am a big Delores cannon fan. as well as Michael Newton, and he would do some regressions to that in between as well, which I find fascinating. And because we also sometimes bring in trauma from our past lives into this life that we need to heal from.
Kris Ashley
Yeah, exactly. And that's, that's what I was just gonna say as well, like, I think the big draw for people getting QHHT sessions isn't like, Oh, let me just find out who I was in a past life. It's that, you know, the first half of each session, you get, you take into two past lives that are very relevant to what's going on in your current life. But then the second half that practitioner asks your conscious mind, your personality, to recede, and what the Lord has called your subconscious to come to the surface, and it's really your higher self, but she just didn't know what to call it at the time. And it's this all knowing entity, right? So you can ask it any questions about the universe, about life about what's going on with you? You know, a lot of people do body scans, and through this, they're able to heal so many different things. So I think most people go for the healings rather than just the kind of fun knowledge of saying, Oh, this is who I wasn't past life.
So back to your book, I really wanted to know, what were some hard truths that you came across the past two decades that you had to really face in order to change your mindset,
Kris Ashley
some hard truths that came up in my own life, or just that came up in or generally
like that you find people have a hard time swallowing?
Kris Ashley
Yeah, I mean, I think one of the biggest things that a lot of people have difficulty with, and that I had difficulty with at first was forgiveness. Because that's so important. And there's a lot I have a whole chapter dedicated to forgiveness, forgiving yourself forgiving others, and you know, if someone's listening right now rolling their eyes thinking, Oh, it's so and so did to me is unforgivable? You know, it's not, nothing is unforgivable, because forgiveness isn't for the other person, it's for you. Right, it's so that you can release your hurt your anger, your sadness, your guilts, your resentment, whatever it is, because again, that stuff is poison. And it's going to seep into your manifesting, it's going to color the lens through which you view the world. And it's going to, it's going to dictate all of your interactions with people, right? If your lens is one of anger, then that's how you're going to perceive everything around you. So I think that was one of the most difficult things for me. And for a lot of people that I meet. Yeah.
And like what you said was that, you know, it's hard for people to grasp that you're not doing forgiveness for the other person, you're doing it for you, right. And that's really difficult for a lot of people to comprehend and to practice. But I consider myself a pretty forgiving person, because I do believe that it's poison when you hold on to things like that. And you're only hurting yourself, you're not hurting the other person, the other person, probably in certain situations, probably not in your life anymore. So what do they care, you know, but you're holding on to this. And I did a guided meditation. And it was the most powerful one I've ever done. And this person showed up, who I haven't seen in probably 20 years. And apparently I had resentment I had hurt, I had anger attached to this person that I was still carrying around. And it wasn't until I did this meditation that I was actually really able to let go and forgive and move forward. And really, from that point, understood, like, you know, subconsciously, you can still hold on to things like that, like and not even really know. And it's so it's a very powerful thing that I agree. I think that's a hard truth for people. But we'd be a whole lot better off if people could really forgive for sure.
Kris Ashley
Yeah, absolutely. And then you're, you're talking about repressed emotions as well. That's another thing, right? releasing all of that stuff. Because yeah, it's just, it's just gonna end up hurting you in the long run. And, you know, most of the time when we have these grudges against other people, it's because of our own perception. Right? Most people aren't. They're out there trying to maliciously hurt you or create chaos in your life. They're so wrapped up in their own head and their own stuff, but all we're worried about is how it affects us. There's this amazing poem I love called on the day you read this by Elaine Thomas, but there's this line in there that says no one's really judging you when you walk into a room. And all they really want to know is if you're judging that, right, everyone is in their own head seeing things through their own lens. Yes, that is
a very powerful line. I love that. Yeah. But it's so true. And I think part of my quest is really like I really want people to understand that like you said, everyone's wrapped up in their own lives, their own drama, their own things, right. And they're not sitting there talking behind your back, right? That's usually is not what they're doing. And so, yeah, man, I wish we could all learn that a little bit sooner in our lives. Yeah,
Kris Ashley
it's really difficult to learn especially when you go through adversity with someone and challenges but you know, I say this in the book too, actually, there's a little teaching story I love to use, as well to highlight this. Like if you imagine you're just sitting on your living room sofa and all of a sudden you hear this yelling coming from outside. And you're like, Oh, what's that? I'm gonna go investigate, and you go out into your yard and way off in the far corner. There's this scrawny black and white cat. And you're like, I love kitties. I love animals. I'm gonna go pet that cat. Do you go to pet the cat and right when you get up to it, it arches back and it hisses at you and it swats you. And you immediately think, Wow, that's a mean cat. That's an evil cat. That's cats kind of an asshole. Right? Right. But if you stay, and you allow yourself to really see that cat, maybe you notice its leg is bleeding. And you start to go, Okay, this, this animal is in pain. And if you allow yourself to keep staying and keep seeing that cat, you might notice four tiny baby kittens with their eyes still closed, right behind it. And suddenly reception shifts to one of compassion, empathy, concern. And it's just changing your mind, right? That shift in perception that I was talking about. And you could do this with the people in your life too. Because when people are lashing out at you, they're coming from a place of their own pain and their own fear. And it has nothing to do with you. So learning that was a really big thing in my life as well and can just be a total game changer. Yeah,
yeah, I'm absorbing everything that you're saying. I have a lot. Well, I mean, and considering the trauma that you dealt with, I'm assuming that you had to deal with forgiveness in that situation as well. Absolutely. Which Yeah, I know, you and I had discussed this previously, but my child was sexually assaulted. And so to be able to forgive it, that's a tough thing.
Kris Ashley
Yeah, you know, the way I teach people to forgive is, you know, we tend to turn people who have hurt us in some kind of way into monsters, because it's easier for us to hate them that way. Right. So we run everything they've ever said and done through this imaginary filter, that just just turns them evil. But if you can change these monsters into other beings who you appreciate into teachers, you will completely change your life. Because when someone's your teacher, you are always learning and growing. And that's why we're here on this planet to learn and grow. So there's a couple of ways to turn monsters into teachers. The first way is to think about qualities that they have that you admire. What are some things about them that you like? How have they helped you? What are ways they've helped you? What are ways they've helped other people? What are ways they've helped the world? What good have they done in the world? There's probably people in their life who love them dearly. What do they see in them, there's probably a lot more facets to them than then being this purely evil entity that your lack of forgiveness wants you to see. And then if listeners are sitting there right now, like thinking about their person, like, whatever, like the person I'm thinking about is like worse than Hitler himself, right? There's no one likes them. They're the worst person on the planet, like, Okay, fine. The second way to turn a monster into a teacher is to think about ways that they've helped you grow, you know, you're in a soul contract with this person. And chances are, either you grew or you have the opportunity to grow, if you could just let go of your hate. So maybe that's as simple as you learn how you don't want to treat other people. Maybe you establish stronger boundaries, maybe you've stepped into your own power, but they've done something to help you. And then the other thing that's really helped me forgive is, you know, going back to that idea of soul contracts, all of our perceived enemies or villains in this lifetime, we have soul contracts with and they are probably our best friends on the other side of the veil. And they love us so much, that they are willing to play this part in our lives, even though they know it's going to make things difficult for us or we're going to be angry at them, because they're going to give us the opportunity to grow and learn the lessons that we need to in this lifetime. And then once we're both on the other side of the veil, the actors take off their costumes, they give you some version of a hug, whatever that means for two souls and they're going to tell you they're proud of you. And you know, if you can really just change your mind and think about life in this kind of way. Nothing here that happens can hurt the real you. It's like we've been dropped into this video game world where we choose our avatars we choose our parents that we're born to the ways that we're going to die. You know, the big life circumstances that are going to happen that can be the catalyst for growth, and all these things kind of ready the soul Elon plant the seeds, but then it's up to you. If you grow up, you always have a choice, you can forgive and get better. Or you can hold on to resentment and get bitter, you can fall deeper into unconsciousness.
That's powerful. Yeah, that is extremely powerful. So I want to switch gears a little bit and go still into your book, but more about manifestation. Now, as we've gone through some of our healing and stuff, how do you teach your clients how to manifest?
Kris Ashley
Yeah, I love that question. Because like we were saying earlier, law of attraction and manifesting have becoming buzzwords. Right. And my biggest issue with the law of attraction is how a lot of people teach it. You know, there's a lot of quote unquote, gurus out there who say that you can just tell the universe what you want, and then sit back, kick your feet up, and it just drops into your lap. And it's a little bit more complicated.
We've had this conversation before on this show, where it was like, it's not like just a magic genie with three wishes, you know, like, we've all said that we're like, okay, manifestation and Law of Attraction is not just saying, Yes, this is what I want, and it falls in your lap. So please, please explain to us
Kris Ashley
or see, yeah, no, totally. And, and, you know, there's, it's amazing, there's, we live in this age of information, where all of this is available, right. And I love books and movies, like the secret who brought all of this to the masses, but there's a little bit more to it, right. So, you know, the first step I have people do is get really, really clear on their vision. Because if you don't have that Northstar, you don't know where you're going, right. So there's a few exercises I do to help people get really clear on what they want. And then the next important thing to do is to take steps towards it. Because we live in this 3d earthly experience. And the way that we make things happen here is by taking action. So and this doesn't mean like you have to work hard for your dreams, I actually don't agree with that. But never underestimate the power of a small step. Right, from one small step, the right person might appear in your life to help you on your path, right tools might appear that you didn't have, doors can appear and then open that weren't even there. So you kind of have to meet the universe halfway and take those steps. And then it creates this momentum, and the universe kind of takes it from there. And then of course, the other part of it is you have to feel the emotions of what it would feel like to already have that. Because emotions are the key to unlocking this whole thing. So that's why so many teachers out there teach gratitude. Yeah, it's nice to be grateful for things but there's a little bit more to it. Like if you can feel gratitude for something that you don't have yet. It tricks your mind and the universe and the quantum field, or however you want to view it from whatever angle it tricks these things into believing that you have it already. And then it goes, Oh, they like that. I'm going to send a little bit more of that their way. So it puts you on that higher frequency.
Christy's thinking over there.
Well, yeah, I'm thinking like, Okay.
Kris Ashley
I'm curious what you came up with before, when you were having these conversations, what it takes for the law of attraction? Well,
for me, law of action, definitely. And like you were saying, your thoughts create your feelings. And so that is actually how I work with manifestation, my soul.
Yeah. And for me, like, I practice gratitude. I feel like all the time. So that's not, but that's just also in my everyday life. But when you said, you have to practice the emotions, of like, basically getting what you want, or like, the practice having those and feeling those. I don't think I've ever tried that. To be honest. I've tried the gratitude part. But I always get very scared of like, to dream when it hasn't happened. Like I've had situations where I'm like, Okay, this thing is on the horizon, it could change my life, but I'm not going to, I'm literally going to stop myself from hoping, dreaming, thinking about what it would do to my life if I got it. Because I don't want to be let down. And so I will literally stop myself. And then if I do move forward in feeling those emotions, and then it doesn't happen. I feel like a fool. So when you said that I was like, I obviously need to start practicing and not fear. If it doesn't work out exactly the way I think it should. Right? Because, again, manifestation I feel like for me in my life, it has to be more I don't want to say general, but a little more broad than I usually allow for. Very like, No, it has to be this exact thing. And if it's not, then I'm not happy kind of thing.
Kris Ashley
I love everything you just shared and thank you for bringing that up because it's you touched on something really, really important. And that is kind of the fourth step is letting go and trusting right and not worrying about how it's going to happen. Because as humans we tend to think like aI needs to happen then B then C but the universe can and bring things into your life in a way that's quick and simple and straightforward and jump you from A to Z. But if we get so caught up in the how, then we can almost be sabotaging ourselves. Right?
Yeah. And I've done that many times. And that's something that I had to learn, because that kind of goes into something new also discusses limiting beliefs. And so stopping yourself from getting these blessings from the universe.
Kris Ashley
Totally. It makes me think, too. So a lot of people ask me, you know, how do I manifest more money? More money? More money, right? And so you could you could do it one way, right? You could say, I want $1 million in my bank account, right? And you can get super fixated on that. But what actually works better, is if you can think about what it is money symbolizes for you, what do you really want, because it's not a bunch of paper. That's what is bullshit, right? It's not even backed by gold, it's a bunch of paper, that's not what you want, you don't want a million of those, right? Like, money is a symbol for freedom, right? Or maybe for you, it's a symbol of pride, or, you know, whatever it is to you. And those are the feelings you want, right, you want to be able to, you know, maybe you want to be able to travel and not have to worry about like a schedule, maybe you want to move to a better neighborhood for your kids, you know, whatever it is you want. Focus on that, right? Focus on the feeling of that, that feeling of freedom, that feeling of accomplishment, that feeling of pride, whatever it is. And that's how you bring that into your life. Because when we get so hung up on like, money is kind of the how right we get so hung up on like this dollar amount, this number, that's not what you really want. So that can really help. I don't know if that metaphor works for you. But it's just shifting your focus to again, bringing up the emotions. So one of my mentors is Mary Morrissey. And she always says, you know, like, you have to put yourself on the frequency of your dream life. And it's like changing the channel on the TV, right? Like, if you're watching Animal Planet, you can hope and pray all day for, you know, History Channel to come on. But until you actually pick up the remote control and change the channel, you're gonna keep having animal planet, and that's how you put yourself on a higher frequency is by feeling the emotions of having it already. And I do
that a lot actually, in the shower, when there's something that I really, really want. Because, you know, I end up feeling the emotions of joy or excitement to the point where it brings me to tears. And so you know, crying in the shower is always like the best place to cry for me. Also, like if my husband comes walking in, and he's like, why are you crying? I'm like, I'm just imagining what my life is like, you know? My crazy so. But yeah, I do a lot of it in the shower, but also for that element of water because water remembers. So yeah, that's where I do a lot of my manifestation and like the feeling of it is in the shower.
Kris Ashley
I love it. And the fact that you can make yourself so joyful that you're brought to tears is powerful. Another great place to do it is in meditation, right? If you can put yourself in that alpha or even better theta, brainwave state, you're tapping directly into your subconscious mind, right? That's the state that hypnotist put you in. And if you can allow yourself to visualize the life of your dreams there and feel the emotions of having it. So power, can you
go into the different states? You were just talking about data for audience just so that they can get some clarification on on what that is? Yeah, absolutely.
Kris Ashley
So there's four main state. So delta is when you're asleep. And then right above delta is theta. So theta is that place where you're just kind of drifting off to sleep. It's like your body's asleep, but your mind is kind of there a little bit. And then right above theta is alpha. And alpha is daydreaming. It's spacing out. Like if you've ever been listening to a lecture, and then you space out, and then 10 minutes have gone by, and you have no idea what the person talking said. You were an alpha or like, even scarier, if you're like, driving on the highway, and all of a sudden, 20 Miles have passed, and you don't even remember it. So that's when you slip into alpha. You're like, I know that one. Yeah, so we're actually in and out of beta and alpha all day. So then above alpha is beta and beta is awareness, you're awake, you're alert, you're reading, you're having a conversation, you're engaged. But you know, the caveat to that is there's there's three different levels of beta. So there's low beta, mid beta and high beta. Now, we don't want to be in high beta because high beta is panic, right? It is emergency mode, you're you're stressed out, you're frustrated, you're overwhelmed with your emotions. And we don't want to live in that place, right? So we want to be able to bring ourselves back down through meditation or through anything that kind of helps settle your nervous system. Just to get into it a little bit more. When we're in high beta for For a long period of time when we're in those emotions of stress, like, here's a good example of why, you know, forgiveness and overcoming all these things. And changing your perspective is so important. Let's say you had a past event that creates stress for you, maybe it's traumatic, maybe it's just something stressful. And you think about it, when you think about it, you start to feel the emotions as if it's actually happening. And then when you feel the emotions of it happening, you start to think about it, you get caught in this emotion, thought loop, right. And if you do that enough, your body believes that it's living that event 24/7, right, the same chemicals get released the same endorphins, the same adrenaline, the same cortisol, whatever it is, depending on if it's good or bad, right. And so your body doesn't know the difference between it, the events happening or your memory of it. And we start to drive ourselves into that high beta state that I was just talking about where you're in panic mode. And if you stay in that place too long, you're going to drive your brain into incoherence. So you can imagine it like a bunch of drummers all banging out different rhythms. So in coherence is chaos, it's disorder, it's groups of neurons not communicating with other groups of neurons, it's just absolute insanity happening. And when your brain is incoherent, your body becomes incoherent. So your brain sends that same chaotic signal down your nervous system. And then your central nervous system sends that same chaotic signal to your endocrine system, your immune system, your respiratory system, your digestive system, all the systems of your body, and you can quite literally make yourself sick. And remember, this all started with just thinking about it. Just thinking about the event, you know, changing your mind and healing. It's also important, and it's all connected to your health. Your emotions are so tied to your health.
Yeah, that's, it's crazy and fascinating and amazing how, like, again, just your thought process can cause illness. I mean, dis ease, you know, and people don't really think about that. That they do that to themselves.
Kris Ashley
Yeah. And I mean, there's so much proof of it with things like the placebo and no SIBO effect to right. Yeah, yeah. Like you can quite literally make yourself sick. And you can quite literally heal yourself. And it's, they say, a third of medical healings are actually attributed to the placebo effect. It's pretty fascinating, like you said,
so I was looking over your book a little bit, and I do I absolutely love your book. So in there you discuss raising your vibration. And so how would you go about doing so? How would you teach your clients about doing so? Yeah,
Kris Ashley
so that's exactly what we were just talking about a few moments ago with emotion, right? I love that you asked that actually, because it feels like this big mystery when you're on Instagram, and everyone's like, raise your vibration. And you're like, what does that mean? How do I do that? Right, but it's not so you know, mystical and crazy, it's bringing yourself to a higher elevated state, through your emotion. So I don't know if you've ever read, letting go the pathway to surrender by David Hawkins. But he, it's really fascinating, because he actually like gives a numerical value to all these different emotions. And there's really high frequency emotions, and they're what you think they are, right? They're things like, love, authenticity, joy, peace, things like that compassion, there's low frequency emotions, like anger and hatred, and guilt and sadness. And so raising your vibration is quite literally just moving on that scale, allowing yourself to feel those emotions of joy and gratitude and love and compassion and empathy and all of those things. And what's fun is, you know, life is such a game, people take it so seriously. But when you start to manifest and you start to create the life that you want, like, you realize that you can manifest anything you want. And the more you live in that state of joy, the more things are sent to you that keep you in that state of joy, right? It's like you you attract more of that into your life. Yeah, it's pretty wonderful.
I think we all need a little bit of, well, a lot, a bit of that. Oh, totally.
Kris Ashley
And you know, the coolest part is that quantum physics, science backs all this up. Like, it's amazing, right? And the quantum physics says that every possible future you can imagine exists out there in a state of rest, right? Just yeah. And this route, like everything you can imagine in everything you can't, it's available to you, you just have to choose it. Well, Chris,
thank you so much for coming on. I want everybody to go out and get her book right now. And that is change your mind to change your reality. Chris, we'll put all of your information, your website, your socials and everything in the show notes. But thank you so much for coming on and sharing your knowledge with us.
Kris Ashley
Thank you so much for having me. I love these kinds of conversations with other like minded people on the path because the learning and growth never stops, right. So I love connect Sing with other people and thank you for the work you do. It's so important. Thank you.
Thank you. Well, thank you for joining us for this episode of a witch, a mystic and a feminist. We will be back next week but between then and now go to W MF to engage with us to look at past episodes, and we will see you next week. Bye

Kris Ashley
Coach, Author, Speaker
Kris Ashley is a coach, author, and speaker who has spent the past two decades immersed in the research, spiritual teachings, and practices she shares. Her book, Change Your Mind To Change Your Reality, has been endorsed by 3 experts from The Secret, Anita Moorjani, and many others in the spiritual and personal development space. For information on Kris's coaching, online courses, events, and more, visit