In the mystical realm of A Witch, A Mystic & A Feminist, the hosts - Marlena, Jamie, and Christy - embark on a captivating journey in this mesmerizing episode, accompanied by a truly intriguing guest, Sitara Fe. In a momentous revelation, Sitara Fe, formerly known as Samantha Fe, shares her soul's true name, a revelation that sets the stage for profound transformations, heightened visions, and a newfound power in her meditative transmissions.
Sitara's own journey is a testament to the potential for rebirth and healing. It was nearly a decade ago when she found herself in her early twenties, yearning for deeper meaning and answers to life's seemingly unanswerable questions. This yearning sparked her path towards profound self-discovery and healing, ultimately saving her from a cycle of numbing coping mechanisms rooted in unresolved pain. Today, she stands tall, celebrating her newfound freedom in every aspect of her existence.

But Sitara's story isn't just a personal transformation; she has become a beacon of guidance and a teacher, offering others the keys to their own liberation.

Sitara has worn the hat of an intuitive entrepreneur, blending her metaphysical expertise with global crypto projects. Her unique fusion of metaphysics and digital innovation has gifted her with insights that are reshaping the very landscape of business. During her enlightening discourse, Sitara unravels the art of swiftly connecting with intuition in just three seconds. Her audience not only learns to unearth their long-dormant intuitive abilities but also discovers how to harness them for career advancement. By embracing their inner guidance, attendees gain unwavering confidence in their decision-making abilities, thereby forging a path to success and fulfillment.

As the conversation unfolds, Sitara delves into the art of manifestation, emphasizing the importance of not holding on too tightly and cultivating patience as we navigate life's intricate tapestry. But the journey also takes an intriguing turn as they  discuss spiritual psychosis, delving into the complexities of the mystical world.

Join Marlena, Jamie, Christy, and the enigmatic Sitara Fe on this enchanting episode as they plunge into the depths of transformation, intuition, and the profound freedom that emanates from embracing one's true self. It's a narrative of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment that will leave you inspired and poised to embark on your own journey toward liberation, all while exploring the fascinating intricacies of the spiritual realm.

You can learn more about Sitara Fe on her website:

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Sitara Fe


Hello, hello, hello. It's another week with another episode of a witch, a mystic and a feminist. Today we are very excited to have on our show. So Tara fey So Tara was ranked the top five female psychic and medium in the US by the American Federation of psychics and mediums by the age of 28. Sitara was able to merge her metaphysical experience with global crypto projects. So, Tara, welcome to the show. We're very excited to have you.


Thank you for having me. I'm so excited to be here.


How are you today?


You know, I'm feeling so much. Yeah. Okay. I feel like there's so much happening. Collective. I haven't been sleeping. Well, thanks, writing a bit wonky, but I'm excited to be here. And I'm excited to chat with you ladies to hear what's going on in your world and what your reality is, as well. Like my sense on the pulse is that we're all feeling alive, that it's not just me in that space, everything's figured out.


It's like, everything's out of source. It's all like a big jumble of shit. Excuse me. It's just like, it's everywhere. I feel like Mercury's always retrograde. Does it ever go back? I mean, it's always always what's going on today's Mercury again? Must be because it feels like it's every day. I don't know. That's just me. Yeah. But okay.


All right. So I actually I wanted to ask you, you are a quantum business coach, and inter-dimensional explorer. I saw that, and I wanted you to explain a little bit of what that means. Can you go into that.


My favorite topic? Absolutely. Well, for one, I want to say I started on this journey in my early 20s, I got my degree in psychology and psychology did not satisfy my questions for the quantum realm. They I found that psychology, I was going to a very liberal school top psychology, one of the top psychology schools in California, and they still work calling things associated with spirituality and the human experience. Whoo, it did not satisfy me at all. Like it helped me understand personality helped me understand mind body a little bit. But the my curiosity was for so much more there was like this inner churning in my heart that was, there's gotta be something else I was on the Dean's List straight A also partying just as hard. And I was like, I broke the system, like as far as told you're not supposed to be able to do both of these things as intensely as I was doing them. And I started taking a class at the Berkeley psychic Institute. And so that's where I started to get my psychic training wheels. And I started to learn that I experienced the world differently than most other people. Well, that basically caught me 14 years ago, and I haven't stopped talking about it, which is why I get so excited, it's still my favorite thing to talk about. So fast forward to where we are now, the quantum business coach, I guess element of what I do here is, I believe that we are conscious co creators as multi dimensional beings. So I believe that when we use our mind to tap into the greater aspect of our being our infinite presence, our soul, the part of us that existed before incarnation and the part of us that will continue to exist after this body expires. So that is what I absolutely love to help people tap into, to be able to have that more clear understanding that there's so much more to this world than what meets the eye. There's so much more in this world than what we can see here taste and touch. It's it's that exploration, that for me, I think it was part of my own curiosity and part of my own encoding to explore that. Right. I think that was just kind of an imminent part of my own destiny or sole purpose. It's like I was guided to that anyway. And so to pair that in with business, to me is like the ultimate because with business we get to create. So we're conscious co creators. It's not that we're just exploring and exploring and gathering data and information and all of that is fun and beautiful. And there's so much healing and trauma recovery and like beauty and grace in that as well. But when we get beyond that, and we get beyond our emotional hiccups in our trauma, reconciliation, because we all have that journey to go through. It's like that part where we shift into ascension and we shift into that conscious co creation of this is what I want to build. This is what my soul gets excited about. This is what is like the driving engine behind my experience of fulfillment, which for me goes beyond happiness. You know, we can choose to be happy. But can we choose to be fulfilled? Well, there's like a thing that has to there's action behind fulfillment that for me is like, that's the most exciting thing that I like to wake up and people that is the action oriented to soul alignment, the action oriented to Why did your soul choose to incarnate in this super dense, chaotic, like tumultuous human experience? For me, I was like, there's gotta be a reason, like, what are we doing here? You know, it was the my exploration to answer those questions, is what led me into it. And then the business aspect, I hired my first business coach in 2016. And within nine months, my business took off. And I think part of the ingredients in that which is kind of funny, and a little bit ironic was a bit of naive, like, I was just a bit cocky, and I'm like, Oh, we could do it, I could definitely watch my own $25,000 mastermind, again, and sold out. And I was like, oh, boy, does it again.


Like, what did I just, that's amazing, you know,


it totally changed my life. It brought me into a deeper sense of responsibility and maturity, it was like, holy moly, it was a fast path to growth in some really extraordinary ways. And so in, in understanding and understanding how was I able to do that when people in the mastermind that I was in the cohort had been trying for like seven or eight years to do something even remotely close, and they just kind of weren't scratching the surface? Well, one of the things was that I was really, really willing to be extremely rigorous in my self honesty. What was I doing? And what patterns did I have, okay, that were actually keeping me from being able to fully expand in that way. And that's where the naivety was nice, because like, I didn't have the foresight of how intense that journey was going to be later. Because now as I'm growing like, I have a little bit more of those battle wounds and those battle scars. So it's like, okay, yeah, like, a lot of again and again. But the other aspect of that is that in my family, both sides, mother's and father are all entrepreneurs. So when it comes to psychic abilities, our psychic abilities all show up like a subframe. Every single person has a different unique quality and a different unique, strong suit. And that's actually my favorite part of teaching psychic development is that I get to learn from my students also by witnessing clairvoyantly, like how their internal mechanisms are working. And it's also why I don't, I actually don't teach psychic development, the way that I was taught, which we can get into that in a minute. But


oh, I definitely want to get into that.


The exciting thing for me and recognizing it was like a light bulb went on, because one of my best friends, she was more of a Medical Medium. And I have that to a certain degree, but not in the sense that I would ever label myself a Medical Medium, or like, draw people in for that, you know, but her father was a doctor. And so when she and I were, you know, doing readings side by side and got to know each other very well, because when you're in the quantum field with another person for an extended period of time, you really get to know them. And so it was kind of by raising her encoding that I that the light bulb went on for me. And I was like, Oh, I have the entrepreneurial genetics. I have the entrepreneurial like mindset of willing to take risks of issue with authority. Like, you know, what, that desire to pave your own way it is still learned behavior. Some of it is genetic, and some of it's learned behavior. And so that was really for me, where it was like learning my own encoding and that and of course, Gene keys and human design and Vedic Astrology, it's like everything kept confirming that and so there's a sense of responsibility that in some days is easier to accept with that. And some days, I'm like, I don't want that responsibility. But at the same time, like it's my soul's Dharma, it's my soul is twice to bring the super abundance that we all have access to. And when I say super abundance, it's not like living lavish lifestyle and luxury and like, you know, being in that way. Yes, absolutely. You can have that. But it's more the super abundance that if I can channel a certain element of abundance, and I can teach other people how to do that within themselves in the super abundance aspect. The Super part is that it doesn't just flow through me. It flows into the people I'm connecting with and teaches them how to acknowledge that as well. All, not more of what I see is my own souls Dharma around the calling and what I've also had to learn to master, which of course, has brought all sorts of hardships and creative challenges and all


that extra stuff to


you know, if you want to teach it, you have to learn it from like the bottom, and


you gotta work through it if you want to teach it. Absolutely. Yeah, I did want to mention in this discussion, just listen to you right now. I loved your point of view of manifestation. And there was one specific, I don't know if it was a real or part of your I can't remember I was watching so much of your stuff that you hadn't mentioned how manifesting is sometimes we hold on too tight. We hold on too tight, we hold the Aderholt. We're manifesting, manifesting manifesting, we're holding it so tight, that it can't manifest. You have to your your analogies, you have to put it in the oven, like a cake walk away. And I just thought that was beautiful, because I think so many people misconstrued manifestation as, as long as I keep asking for it, it's going to happen. You have to let it cook. You have to let it bake. You have to be able to walk away, puts, you know, you add all the ingredients, you got to do all the things in order to let this manifestation happen. And I just, I love that. I love that. I think it was so true.


Thank you. Yeah, it's this is this is the tricky caveat of the quantum field is that in this reality, we are taught that our mind has the answers. And if our mind doesn't have the answers, then we go ask somebody or we research it on Google or we find it in some sort of tangible way. Mm hmm. Well, it's extremely limiting. Because if you actually think about it, you have an idea. Right? And and this is also why sometimes manifestations don't come is because you're actually not aligned to it. So let's say like we're in a manifesting circle. And Jamie, you're like, I would like a red Ferrari. I could care less about a red Ferrari. But maybe that yeah, maybe that sounds good. I haven't gone put a reference. But it's not mine. Right? It didn't originate from the core of my being. So that's another like element of the manifestations is like, what are we seeing externally that we are envious of, or we're jealous of? Or we like we're trying to call it in in some way, but it's actually not aligned to our soul experience? Yeah, you know, there's an element of that, too, that comes to manifesting. And then this is my theory, this comes from I call it sitars book of nests. Work is that part of manifesting? When we are truly aligned when we are in our center, and we're in our center consistently, for extended periods of time, this wisdom starts to come to us. I see it as an element of our higher self or our future self that's telling us prepare for this, get ready for this because it's coming make room for this in your life. And so it's kind of like a reverse engineered aspect of manifesting. And that's what starts taking place when we step into the quantum field. And that's where I get really excited.


Yeah, you said pretty much anything about imagination. I'm sorry, Christy, you were you were talking about how imagination some people look at it as like, Oh, you're just a daydreamer. Or you're you know, that's not possible. But imagination actually is, like, reverse. It's coming to you to say at some point in time or at some point in life. This could be your you know, your reality this, it's like little tidbits, little seeds leading you along the trail, versus just someone being a daydreamer. No imagination is actually your soul telling you, hey, hey, look at this.


It's like a timeline possibility. Yeah. It's a tie. It's a possible timeline. And I'm going to explain this in a very personal way, because that's what feels right right now. Okay, we love it. Yeah, so I had a person in my life that I would definitely call a soulmate. We had a very, very strong connection for many, many years. We never had a sexual relationship. And in fact, often it was that we were just never in the same place in the world. We were planning a rendezvous and then COVID happened and things got all sorts of weird but he and I had even talked about like creating a family together and like what that would look like sort of thing and I could see that timeline and I felt that there was a part of me almost living in that parallel reality that was constructing it right like I kind of cultivating it in in a simulation and experience a timeline. but it was like something just kept like not being able to connect not being able to connect. And I think we were both still attached to that idea as a reality. And so there were parts of us that were creating it. But in the last couple of years, just life circumstances and other people have come into our world, our lives, that sort of thing. And I cannot see that timeline anymore. It's like that timeline has dissolved, it's a no longer a possibility. And that's one way that I yeah, that I want to share as an example of if you can see it, it is a possibility. Now the possibility manifesting the possibility of it comes with action and choices, right? You know, you'd have to, like choose to be in the same city with someone would have been making some pretty significant sacrifices. And, you know, being able to actually craft that is a whole different ballgame that goes beyond manifesting. That's like, you're curating your life, right? There's some big choices that need to take place in order to make it happen. But yes, if you can see it, I very much encourage that that is a possibility. And so that's where we can construct it. And it's also where and why people get so hung up on breakups, because you're not actually breaking up with the person. Yeah, right. The reality is that it's not working. That's why the breakup is happening. But the hard ship comes from actually destroying this quantum fantasy that you've created in your head of where that was going to go. And that is like, where the heartbreak happens. It's not necessarily Okay, well, this person, we all every single person we interact with, is going to disappoint us in some way, shape, or form until we neutralize the disappointment within ourselves. So it's like, okay, well, we know that when we get and especially when we get in close dynamic with somebody, there's going to be sticky points, right? But it's that it's the fantasy of what we build that our mind can attach to and sometimes become obsessed to. And that's where you get caught in the Making it Work. You're not addressing trauma bonds, you're not addressing trauma cycles. That's where like tumultuous relationships come in. But it's like, that's where the power of our mind and the power of our imagination can act like discernment is key. Yeah, yeah. And non attachment is key. And then there's one other thing that I want to say about imagination, and this is where I get like, I get so juiced up on it, because I really do believe that it is like the beginning of our indoctrination. It's the beginning of the diluting of our human capacity by the system that we are all indoctrinated in, through public schooling. And it is that we are taught almost immediately, like kindergarten first grade, that our imagination is not real, not to trust your imagination. And that is literally the beginning of the watering down of your soul potential to be a number in the system. And so that's also why I like to use that as an example. Because it can be very illuminating when you start to hear that. And if you go like to first or second grade, and you start to see it, you go, Okay, well, that okay, that's actually a pretty significant piece of the indoctrination. That's a pretty significant piece of me being told not to trust myself. Right, that starts to slip our potential. Yeah. And so if we can recover that, then we start to actually pull ourselves out of the mold. And that's when the experience of awakening and remember starts to go in hyperdrive, because you start claiming all your power back that you did not know you are consenting to give away. Yeah, but you weren't consenting in some way shape or form, otherwise it wouldn't happened. So you get to take our power back. That's this season. Let's claim that this season is we're going to take a perfect


season. Exactly.


Oh my God, so many things that like resonated in that I have a similar story of a soulmate and you know, a timeline that I let go of, right? That just is not possible, ever anymore. Like I just know, right? It's just not possible. Yeah. And then for imagination, right? Like when I started like picking up my pen again, and imagining letting myself imagine and write it down and feel it and imagine worlds create worlds on a page, like things shifted and changed for me so just a lot of stuff in there that that was very, very impactful for me just wanted to share that


Yeah, it's amazing and I do that really does resonate with elementary school and just the young Yeah, learning of that's Nope, don't That's not realistic. Like don't dream it don't think it's, you know, think realistic. That's pretty eye opening and actually very sadly true. It is sadly true.




this hurt me this is about it. Like I can't. I cannot not use my hands if I'm talking about this.


Yep. Yeah,


I mean, and it's so sad because our kids have such vivid imaginations, right? And like, I know, when my kids were younger, I mean, they still do, but, you know, they would just come home with these, I don't know, fantastic pictures of and you'd be like, what is that they draw, they drew a whole world on this page. And slowly that kind of stops, at least how I've noticed with my boys that kind of stops over the years, you know. So it is just so sad, because we really should be, you know, cultivating that and encouraging that. And, you know, keep creating, keep magining keep, you know, thinking you can do all these things because you can and dreamers were telling them the opposite. Yeah, the dreamers, right. Like, and the dreamers are the ones that get told, You're so stupid, you're dreaming, right? Like, it's just a dream. Never going to be a reality. But yeah, we need we need a community of dreamers is what we need so dreamers in the world, let's do that. We're dreamers.


With a business sense. Yes, dreamers. business sense. Like, that's true. That's like, that's what the alchemy comes in this reality. And that's why, you know, the quantum business coach, it's like to be anchored in this reality. And I saw something actually, this the first time I'm talking about this, and I saw it the other day, and I got really excited about it. And it's talking about the new earth, right, it's the shift from the old earth into the new earth, the way that I've seen it. And this started for me when I started reading Dolores canon books in my early 20s. I don't know if you've heard of her, she developed HT quantum healing therapy. Woman is absolutely incredible. So with what she was teaching, there was like, there was a shift from the older than the newer. So we see it almost as like when sperm meets egg, and there's that initial shift that happens, but of the splitting of one cell into two. That's how I see like the depiction of old earth into New Earth that there's a element of this new Earth that has already been constructed. There's already a dimensional, like, let's say location for it. And it's already been constructed a lot of by subconscious programming, but also the fifth dimensional cities that are associated with Earth. So we have Telos we have Thoreau I'm blanking on I'm just gonna leave it at that tell us that it's super strong for me. But when we're shifting into that new Earth frequency, it's like, it's almost like there's a grief and there's a sadness, okay, well, not everybody's coming along, because not everybody has chosen the illumination of their soul. And not everyone has chosen to break out of the slave matrix that were indoctrinated in. So when I was like, 21, was when I saw the vision of my purpose, which is to accelerate and activate as many humans are to facilitate as many awakenings as possible. And so I became very aware of that, but I would see myself almost at like the gateway of Okay, are you choosing? Yes, okay, go, are you choosing not okay, go? Okay, if you're choosing No, like, take some of these classes, okay, you choosing? Yes, like, let's go, I see that, that that's where my role is, it's playing one role in the 3d and one world in one in the five d. And so there's mentors, here, humans that are embodied, that are mentoring the Masters, and there are, you know, it's like, we all have our own specific lane. But that's what I saw mine as. And so there was like a bit of a grief there. Now, what I saw on this interview that I got really excited about it, she said that there are two things that are happening. And the second thing that's happening is that there's another part of the population that is actually anchoring Heaven on Earth reality here. So we're anchoring the New Earth consciousness on this physical planet. And I resonate with that completely. There's something that shifted in my awareness also, when it comes to that. And there's there's so much more that I could go into with this. But I want to be like succinct and poignant. To bring this like illumination because ultimately, it's a choice, right? It's like every single person that's hearing this message gets to choose, are you choosing to shift into the New Earth and or it doesn't have to be an either or it's like an OR are you choosing to also be a conduit of that fifth dimensional frequency and anchoring Not Heaven on Earth reality here, which comes through imagination and daydreaming and joy and like pleasure and laughter and all of that goodness. That's what the Heaven on Earth reality is. Yeah, it's it's the excitement that's here. And that's where that the fear mongering and all the weird stuff and all the chaos and this clown world shenanigans that were just like, how weird is this gonna get? Right? How far can it actually go? You know, right? Yeah, I'm at the point where I was like getting popcorn like what?


Yeah, and now,


it's just so bananas. But it's like, that's the part. Like, in my heart of hearts, when it comes to the quantum business coaching to actually teaching people to anchor that Heaven on Earth reality and to have a lot of money living in their vision, like the broke healer archetype is just we have so much healing to do on that. So much healing to do collectively as lightworkers. It's like, we've all had incarnations, where we've been burned at the stake, we've all had incarnations where like we've been ostracized from society, when you have come into this world with any sort of magical gifts or abilities, I can almost guarantee that you have some sort of wounding that you have to reconcile from a past life where you were murdered for being a mystic, in some way, shape, or form. So it's like, there's, there's just a lot of facets, and there's a lot of elements to all of it. Yeah.


I know, there's so much I love it.


I think the point of it in the whole, like round the world experience that I've been on in my life and following channels and being a channel and witnessing, also how much weird is in the new age, community space and like all of that, right? Literally personality or disorders gone rampant, like, just to be blunt about it, is that there is still like what it comes down to for me and I did mention that we would talk more about the way that I teach psychic development, which is different than the way that I was taught is that for me, the point of all of it is embodiment. It is absolute pure embodiment. And it's not even channeling external beings or external mentors. Yes, of course, we can call and ascended masters. Yes, of course, we can call on Archangels. And I'm telling you right now, there are so many distortions in the field with the amount of darkness that's washing through this planet with the detoxification of the chaos that's happening, that at this point, even in my game, I'm not even trying to channel externally, you know, people ask me, What do you channel and as I channel my higher self, I channeled from the core of my heart and my direct connection to Source. And beyond that there's nothing else do I have guardians and guides and a spirit team around me enjoy interact with the multi dimensional field? 1,000%? Absolutely. But when it comes to like the core principles of safety in ascension and safety, in the quantum reality, it is embodying your higher self at the core of your soul's presence. And so many people are living their life outside of their body. It like the step one is get in your body and be present in your body. Yes, yes, absolutely. The distortion.


Yeah, the spiritual psychosis. And that was something I wanted to ask you as you started going through some of this is because I've noticed with certain people that I've spoken to at times, I'm like, is, I don't want to say is that a reality for you? Because it is a reality for them in what they're experiencing what they're channeling. But can you go into that a little bit more of the spiritual psychosis and maybe what to look out for?


This is such a big question. I know. It's, it's also one that I get really juiced up on because there's, there's a lot of manipulation in in the field of and I'm specifically it's like this and I want to be very intentional with my words on this because I don't want to scare people away from healing at all. The thing about healing is that it is up to the person themselves to use their own discernment to hire the right healer or coach or mentor or choose who they follow. Now at this stage of the game, there are enough reputable people online that have built a reputation Mm hmm like I think my YouTube videos go back like six years you know it's like if you if you want to see consistency, it's there. You want to see baby me baby Samantha I even go by different name like sharing three card readings for three years. You can find it yeah because for a long time and it's not even necessarily to say like longevity is the credibility but at this stage in the game, it kind of is. Now, when it comes to the spiritual like psychosis, okay? The wounded healer archetype is very much a thing, very much a thing. I the first time I went to counseling, I was six years old. That was for an abusive experience I have within my family like I had what I call the accelerated learning path, I had a sexual assault when I was 14, I started drinking very young, I had a lot of run ins with extraordinary darkness very, very young. That's what led me to get my degree in psychology because I had to understand what was going on. But it's also why I was partying so much. It was also why I was dissociating and distracting and numbing so much of these things. And so there's an element in again, same with the like financial stuff, or you know, the super abundance, it's that the universe dishes, us the hardships for us to master that are specific to our souls, dharma. And that's where you know, in marketing, it's like, make your mess your message. Like, hey, like, let's get real about it. Like you're talking soul Dharma shit, like at the basement of your souls experience and the deepest darkest spots and shadows, and even probably entity possession. If you ever experienced abuse from somebody that had a rage fit, what happened was your your spirit, your energy being your aura, there's a fault line in it, there's a crack that happens. And it happens because you dissociate and you dissociate by means of survival. And so what often happens is, that's when another entity comes into your body to take on the trauma, this is how multiple personality disorder is formed, which I will tell you I never learned in psychology, I've been able to see this clairvoyantly by means of the psychic awareness. And so there's certain psychological problems, that you're not able to diagnose them in the 3d, there are certain psychological problems that are going on in the fifth dimension. And the fifth dimension is also the emotional body, the energy body, those parts within us. So EFT, tapping, very grounded way to clear a lot of energy EMDR another very grounded way to clear a lot of energy. If you have not gotten to that point, I actually don't recommend going into the quantum field, right? To be honest, because you do have to have a certain level of psychological resolve, and also having your head like clear and straight on your shoulders. If you go into the quantum field, and you are still fragmented in multiple personalities, but it's subtle, so you're not noticing it. And one way to notice it, it's very easy as like if your handwriting changes, you notice that you have several different types of handwriting, that's one very easy way to know. And so what happens on the path of healing and you can do this in the quantum field, but embodiment, first, embodiment, first embodiment, first embodiment first, because when you have these like gaping wounds inside, that have attracted these external entities by means of protection so that you can survive in this world, that gaping wound is a magnet for predators. It is a magnet for sexual predators. It's a magnet for financial predators is a magnet for all sorts of people that in some way, shape or form are also deeply wounded, and are trying to fill that hole within themselves by basically reenacting the hurt that they experienced. So then what happens is, you get an over aggrandized sense of self because you all of a sudden know how to work in the quantum field. So you have access to a lot of information that a majority of the masses don't get. And so like flares, your ego, excuse my French with this derogatory term, but I call that the spiritual Boehner, when you go ahead and just wave it around, and you're like, we don't want to see that but by law learned, right, okay. The other element of it is like, the safety in all of this comes through your own embodiment and finding your center. If you are deeply wounded on that journey, it's going to be harder to do that for sure. But even then, even darkness has its teaching so you may get involved with somebody who does not have the best intentions for you. And your naivety can be taken advantage of and simultaneously the blessing in it is that's where you find your strength, but you have to find your strength sometimes in it getting so freakin bad that you have no other choice but to rise up and go I can't tolerate This anymore. So there's a certain element of like, choose your path to your journey. But it's why I focus on embodiment, embodiment, embodiment, embodiment, and choosing your highest timeline, which is joy, laughter, amusement. I don't want to say that I pride myself on this. But I get very excited, because in the development of how I like to teach, and how I like to help people heal, is that I have a way. And I think this is just simply because after doing so many years of Shadow Work and pulling myself out of the darkness, it's like, it sucks. Like, you want to relapse, you're like, I don't want to do this anymore. Like, I'm a horrible person. And it's like you're not, you're just focusing on the shame and letting the shame be the development of who you think you are. That's not the case. So if I can bring people into those deepest, deepest, deepest, darkest corners, where things get really, really tense, and like, really icky, and then like, bring some joy, tell a joke, make them laugh. Yeah, like, look, you're in the darkness, but start laughing. Because all of a sudden, you're like on an elevator, where you're bringing the darkness up to the frequency of your amusement and your joy, and it actually will dissipate. Yeah, so you're facing it, but you're facing it with a smile on your face, and you're facing it with authentic joy. You're not bypassing, but you're also not facing it with so much fear that you get stuck there. And that's where people get into depressive cycles and all sorts of stuff. And so I love that you brought this question up. And like I said, it's like it's loaded, right? I'm sure we could talk about this for a long time. But I think it's part of the blessing of why Spirit led me to getting my degree in psychology first, and then developing my psychic abilities, because I do have an awareness of abnormal psychology, what are personality disorders, as they call them, and I'm sure you could find some more fluffy PC way to say it now. But at this point, it's like, it just is what it is. And also understanding how it's formed. And why it's formed. Like, I have a belief that narcissism begins before the age of three, like that, if there's something that happens in a person's life before the age of three, that puts them in a situation where they have to be emotionally responsible for some super heavy life stuff before the age of three, and they do not have the support, or the nurturing, to be able to actually move through that energy and know that they are safe. It's like the ego structure literally starts building before the age of three to protect them from ever seeing that wound. And it can show up in so many different ways. But it's also knowing those things psychologically, that I think have helped me to address those things in the quantum field and in the guided meditations that I lead to help integrate those pieces effectively.


You are so fascinating, and you know, we're running out of time. Is there anything and like we could go on forever. So we'll definitely want to bring you back. And I'd love to have chats with you offline as well. But what would you like to leave our listeners with and then plug yourself give us all of your information, which I'm also going to put in the show notes, your website, your socials, all of that good stuff. But what would you like to leave our listeners with?


You know, I would, I would love to leave our listeners with a bit of a light language transmission. But I think I'd rather plug myself first. Yes, please do we can leave on that. No, you got it. Perfect. Okay, so I'm photography. On Instagram to Tara dot speaks. I've got my own podcast as beyond the physical where we interview beautiful beings who are metaphysical teachers, as well as people who are leading edge in the digital revolution, and how those two industries overlap in a very intentional way the leading edge of human consciousness mirroring the leading edge of the digital revolution and how we can address that safely as well. But right now, the most exciting thing that I can share is that we have a program called build and build is a business development course that brings you from square one to 10k months. And so if you're anywhere in that space, I'm more than happy to chat with you. You can just send me a DM on Instagram and we can get that information to you. Of course we have monthly memberships that start at $27 a month and then your long advanced level certification and psychic development courses as well. So if you're feeling that call, please feel free to reach out me and my team are always happy to meet newcomers that are interested it. And so with that I'd love to share a bit of a light channel so that you can see this experience what is here for you and know that these codes will meet you in your heart space Exactly. As you are ready to receive them. And my prayer as we start this is to simply tap on the light of your monad the monad is that spark that indivisible spark of Source consciousness it's your very unique fractal from your very own creator that exists at the core of your soul. So we're simply going to say hello. Have a soul to soul meeting. ARCA otro noir IKEA try Hi yah, yah, yah try is you to do no or poor chi e or try near Kia Can I Kapoor su Sue's? Yeah, try not Akai yaku Niki up who are who are. And there's a beautiful message coming through as well to our Earth Angels. And these are humans whose soul has had experiences in the angelic realms that have chosen to incarnate here Yes, Earth Angels and bodied angels are very much a real thing. And so if that is resonating with you, I encourage you to visualize the wings that are on your back and give yourself an opportunity to stretch them out right and left. And if you can throw put them all the way up just stretch them all the way up as high as you can. I see a throw no i Our poo on a yacht your car try E or boo I try Nia YAHWAH Pune, yaki, ah Can I, EO up or aka. And this prayer that's coming through is just a reminder that you can release any densities or any darkness that is in your field or in your space, where it is not you it is not your true internal authentic light. So in the moment of unintentional breath, let's go ahead and breathe in through the nose. Hold it for a moment setting that intention to release any and everything that is not you or is not yours, sending that down your grounding cord from your root chakra all the way to the center of the planet. On the exhale, choose releasing, releasing, releasing beautiful, and as we go forth, may we integrate the healing and the lessons received with courage, self love and compassion, or little mini transmission today is complete.


Thank you so much, Sitara. Thank you for joining us on this episode. And for all of our listeners out there. We will be back next week. But be sure to check out our website, w m f for all past episodes and send your comments feedback, and we will see you next week. Bye

Sitara Fe

CEO, Speaker, Metaphysical Guide

Sitara is the soul name of Samantha Fe. This shift into her soul name is creating new resonance and heightened visions that has powerfully intensified the effectiveness of meditative transmissions.

This journey began almost 10 years ago in her early 20s. Sitara knew there had to be more to life than what was in front of her. Her desire to answer some of life's 'unanswerable' questions lead her to the path of deep soulful discovery and healing to being ranked Top 5 Female Psychic and Medium in the US by the American Federation of Psychics and Mediums by the age of 28.

Choosing this path saved her life from a list of numbing coping mechanisms developed by unresolved pain. Today she celebrates her FREEDOM in all aspects and has chosen to teach others how to liberate themselves.

As an intuitive entrepreneur since 2012, has merged her metaphysical expertise with global crypto projects. With a dual background in metaphysics and digital innovation, her insights redefine the business landscape. In her talk, she unveils how to swiftly connect with intuition in 3 seconds. Attendees learn to grasp their intuitive abilities, dormant for years, and harness them for career advancement. By embracing inner guidance, the audience gains unwavering confidence in decision-making, shaping a successful path forward.