In this episode of A Witch, A Mystic & A Feminist, Marlena and Christy explore the journey of Dr. Tera Maxwell, a spiritual mentor and quantum healer, who shares her profound transformation from academia to healing. Dr. Tera's doctoral work focused on intergenerational memories and healing from colonial trauma, but underneath the surface, she was carrying her own baggage. Join us as we discuss her transition into the world of quantum healing and the Quantum GPS method she developed to help people clear their internal blocks and manifest abundance.
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Dr. Tera Maxwell
Happy Day podcast land, you are back with your favorite award winning podcast. Yes, I dropped that in again. And I'm going to continue to do so. It's a witch, a mystic and a feminist. And Marlena and I are joined today by spiritual mentor and quantum healer. Dr. Tera Maxwell, welcome to the show.
Thank you. I'm excited to dive in with you guys.
I know there's so much good stuff. And let's just get started. So you are a spiritual mentor, like I mentioned in a quantum healer. And I kind of wanted to just start at the beginning, because it's the best place to start. So how did you get to this place in your life? How did you realize these, these destinies for yourself?
I had a lot of blocks. So I was in graduate school. And it's kind of like, you know that the thing that especially as the wounded healer, my doctoral work was on intergenerational memories and how we heal from colonial trauma. And so underneath that was this unconscious belief was kind of like, why am I still screwed up? Even though I had like the middle class, I mean, on the outer, it might like has been a foreign partner was an executive. And so you know, I get straight A's like on the outside, it looks good. But inside, I had a lot of baggage. And so I started to study that, like, you know, looking at my mom like this intergenerational trauma, but during the process, having three babies and traveling, I mean, relocating a lot. I had a writer's block. And I wasn't it wasn't that I was open. I was unless there were double blind studies. It was kind of the the woowoo. But this writer's block, I had a friend, long distance she she was like, Oh, let me help you. And in one session, she cleared like the writer's block, more harmony in the home, just how I felt as a mother, like all these things shifted. And, you know, I was a skeptic, but I'm like, oh, so I started to study it. Alongside while I was also getting my PhD. And it was actually part of like, after, when I left academia, because I saw that in academia, you could become a celebrity scholar, like focusing on the problem, like just focusing on where's their oppression, marginalization, and yes, we need to recover those histories and name it and witness it. But if we keep on looking at the problem, that's what we're gonna create. And so I started studying law of attraction, universal laws, and, and I ended up after I finished my PhD deciding I could just do my work, like helping people really transcend the stories, because of because we live the stories that we tell ourselves,
True. Yeah, I think we've all been victim to that. Yeah. Yeah. So I know, I've fallen into that trap. And it's hard to get out of like you said, it's like, there's blocks there. So how, so how do you advise people to clear those blocks? Like, what are some of the things that they can do or that you've done?
Yeah, I mean, I developed a modality, but the quantum GPS method. And so it's like, I think, for me, also, as a wordsmith coming out of academia, I use muscle testing, so I can tune in, and you either believe like, on an unconscious level in your body, I'm open to receiving abundance, I'm open to receiving love, I'm worthy and deserving of abundance. Or you believe the opposite. And that's what we are, we understand law of attraction. And that's what we end up creating. So I look for those and then through, it's kind of like, I have to explain it. It's kind of like, like, how is it when you have a computer, and you have like remote viewing and someone else who could go in and help you clear up your hard drive. That's okay. Basically, what I what I do is help clear up defragment find the malware and the viruses and the unconscious programs, and help people shift. But it's more than just the blocks, it's also shifting our conscious thinking, and literally upgrading to become that version of ourselves that is living our dream.
Well, I know. And I was talking to you a little bit earlier today with regards to I was noticing, with work some patterns that and I thought I worked through them. And I find myself like going back or reverting back to how I was managing or how I was feeling and I am finding these patterns again. So how would you go into locating those patterns and unblocking that and healing that?
Yeah, I mean, a lot of this is it like when I'm in a session? It's it's intuitive, but what I would say is like no matter what, like I do, like I just did a whole workshop on on collapsing timelines, because everything's happening in this Now moment. And so we have timelines from our child. That timelines from our ancestors that continue to like almost redirect and infiltrate the very present moment. So if there's a pattern of like, I'm not worthy, or I'm not, I'm not seeing, I'm not understood, or people are not trustworthy. Like if we have that unconscious belief we're going to create in the present moment. And so like, for for those that are listening, you know, one simple way is to journal about it too, right? To kind of, to go into meditation and ask your guides ask like, what is this connected to? Is there an ER moment? Like, you know, when you're three years old, or eight years old? And sometimes we don't even remember it? Or is it something from family? A lot of times blocks, they just want to be witnessed, and loved, like, witnessed and loved. And, and so it's kind of like, I mean, when I'm working with clients, it's kind of psychic surgeries, because it's, it's also like a cluster. There's many things that are like linked, and then once you can get to the root, it kind of allows other pieces to unravel and make sense. Yeah, yeah. So sometimes it should do Lean. It could be inner child work, it could be shadow shadow work. I mean, there's lots of different ways to tackle it. But the way that you know that you're free, is that you feel neutral. Yeah. You feel, you know, I'll give you an example. I had a client who were working together, she had a partner. And, you know, have you ever been in a relationship and you have the same old conversation? Yep. The same conversation again, and again and again. And, and she said that after like the after we started working together. She felt like she was outside of the story. Like he was saying the same thing. But she was just observing it because she don't Loggerhead that hook. And then from there, I used to, you can make another choice.
Yeah. Hey, well, yeah, I've been, I think exactly where she's been. I've been able, yeah, I mean, like, I've been able to kind of step outside of it. Right? And then making a new choice. Yeah. Which I, I'm like, why am I be? Why am I able to make this new choice right now, you know, because like, in for the past 10 times, we've had this conversation, it's been the same, but then it feels so it feels great. And then you just kind of like you said, I think it's a neutral feeling like a
neutral, where you have the choice of, and I would say also Marlena, it's sometimes what happens that creates more the loop is the negative self talk. I shouldn't be this way or I shouldn't. Like we actually compound it from the actual event of what's happening. And, you know, especially with like, you know, I struggled with an eating disorder for many years. And then it you know, as a mom, I went to, like, compulsive exercising, but never a place where I was okay, I felt free around food, right. And whether it's that or any kind of pattern is that's my expertise on like overcoming a self sabotage that keeps us from manifesting abundance and freedom. But it's like, let's just say like, let's say you want to eat. I used to love carrot cake. And if you eat the carrot cake, but then there's the judgement about it, the good girl, bad girl, like all of that stuff about eating it versus like, what really shifted for me, and it wasn't a one time deal. It was like about six months of the mantra. I eat foods for optimal energy, except when I don't I notice how I feel, okay. And event. So and I'm sharing that because it doesn't have to be around food. It's around any kind of habit. But it was that just the witnessing and the love. Eventually, I lost the desire, because I actually had the belief I could have anything I want. I can I can eat anything I want. And so I don't have a feeling of like, Oh, I better eat this now. Because I'm not gonna get Yeah.
Right. A lot of what you're saying is just really sinking in. I'm like, Oh, that makes so much sense. Which wasn't making sense to me before. And I think that's why probably why I found you because you have a lot to say that, that I probably need to hear.
And there's so many pieces, you know, and it's also like this thing in the office. It is coming up for you like there's nothing wrong. It's coming up for you to transmute to bring awareness to you know, it could be like, Oh, this happened when I was eight years old. And I was shunned or I was criticized and i i made this, you know, I took on this program. And so then you bring in that inner child, you rewrite the timeline. That makes sense.
It does. And so it's interesting that you bring that up because I had I've seen, or I had met somebody in Thailand who is a psychic medium. And she couldn't see a lot of what was taking place when I was a child. And I don't remember a lot of my childhood. And one of the things that she said was that her spirit guides or my, my guides weren't letting her in. And so, you know, it was kind of a protection. Oh, wow. So then I spoke to somebody else. And in that conversation, and it was just, um, who also happens to be a psychic medium. And in that conversation, I was explaining this and how my guides what I was told by this person was my guides were protecting me from you know, and I, a lot of people, you get protected, you forget things. It's your ego protecting you and what Yeah, yeah. But at the time, I was told that I didn't need to work on that inner child work. And then I was told by this other person, that it may just not be time for you, for me to work on it. But we should always work on that inner child healing situation. So yeah, kind of just wanted to get your perspective on that. I'm like, I'm gonna ask everybody's perspective on this, basically, do I continue to avoid my inner child work? It's basically
how long ago was that?
So the conversation with regards to me not necessarily having to work on it, or, you know, my guides protecting me. That was only a few months ago, this conversation of it may not be something that I am supposed to do right now. But you know, in the future, was a conversation that happened last weekend?
Yeah, well, the thing is about the universe, the algorithms are constantly changing. So have you ever gotten a you know, I know, this happens to me, where I will get a guidance of a no, or something. And it could very well, you need a piece or a certain conversation or something else happens? And then a week later, it's a different answer, right? Yes. Because the algorithms are changing based on how we how we show up sometimes you like, oh, I need to have these pieces. So your body knows. Yeah.
So and as you're saying that it's actually making more sense that as certain things have been transpiring, now, it feels like it's time to start really doing the work that maybe I was avoiding, or, or even just kind of aware of, that I needed to work
on. And it may have been, maybe not with that person, right,
some of the things that you also discuss, so I've seen your videos on Tiktok. And you do talk a lot about the blocks, but the ancestral and generational component of it. So I wanted to go a little deeper into that. Again, I think that you came, the algorithm brought you to me because of a lot of the things that because it's interesting, again, I had this conversation about generational and ancestral trauma and with some family members about us needing to work through that and kind of, you know, going deeper into that. So, yeah, you know, some of those blocks that may be coming from our ancestors, can you go into that a little bit deeper? Yeah,
I mean, I would say like one of the biggest manifestation block, and especially with like, I work with high achievers, like high achievers and underachievers, but they're, it's actually both sides of the same coin. But it comes from like, I'm not enough, like not feeling worthy, that there's something wrong with me. Like, just on an unconscious level and often high achievers, so then they seek validation, they seek approval, they get straight A's, they get rewards, want to make a lot of money, like all of these, you know, on the outer because ultimately, at the core, they feel like I'm not enough. And I could share that because that's been that's been my pattern. And and in terms of ancestral ancestral blocks, I mean with with intergenerational trauma, whether there's war, I know like, you know, we both have our ancestors came from the Philippines. And, you know, world I mean, the stories, World War Two, and you have American Colonization, the Philippines, the Philippine American war, this is a lot of my doctoral research, like that imprint, which is completely ignored in American history. That whole colonization, the military presence in the Philippines, and then the Spanish colonization for 500 years and squashing, like indigenous spirituality and then matriarchal society. So it's like you have this And this is I mean, when I'm talking about one particular group of people, their history, but we could I mean, that's just as a sample, right? You know, you name your country, and Western colonization. So first of all, like it kind of the bigger picture my work is helping people unplug from the matrix. So those ancestral patterns are part of what keeps us anchored slaves. Most people, most of humanity were glorified slaves. I don't care if you're an attorney or a doctor, like you could have millions and still slaves, right? It's a form of slavery. And so it's like unpacking deprogramming those, and then we get to choose what are the beliefs even like, the leaving the tribe like that, especially like in the Philippines? I mean, that's a deep program around like the kinship network. And like, can I make this decision? What will my family think? Or that keeps us like, staying in the same? Yeah, the same pattern, right. So around money. I know, like in my family, overspending, like the whole American dream, and I know this is it's not just peculiar to Filipino Americans. You know, many like, and I actually don't even just say, like, people of color, but it's like that, that wanting to live this dream, and then on the outside, you know, we would spend like, you know, have the feast, right? Go into debt. Right. And, you know, have the, like, the cars and all the stuff, the accoutrements of success, but actually, it's still slavery. Right? No, absolutely. That that overspending guilty. So that's also another betrayal, curses, curses, you know, family curses that get passed down. So there's, there's so many different ways sexual trauma, you know, even if, yeah, just in it really comes down to the feeling of being flawed.
Yes, everything that you're saying is just really, again, just sinking in. I'm just like, well, uh, you know, I'm like, Oh, my God, you're speaking my life.
Well, and then we just bring it when we start to bring awareness to it, you know, like, I moved to Costa Rica. And I mean, I was called here. Like, literally, when, as I built my business, I heard I said, like, I could live anywhere. I can live in Costa Rica. And I'm like, why did he even say that I had no desire. But I actually had to come here. Like, it wasn't, I mean, I love the water. But coming here and being around, like, there's so much nature, I'm outside, you know, more than I am inside. And just on peeling away the masks and the layers of the things that we aren't like, I'll just give you an example. Like, so at least my experience in the US, maybe you guys had a different but like, we go out to nature, like we kind of consumed like, Oh, I'm gonna go check out. Yeah, I'm gonna go for a walk. Whereas like, yep, that template of the Earth, like we are athletes, that's our natural state. There's so much abundance, and we are part of nature. And that's a way that creates that separation, like, Oh, I'm gonna go 20 minute walk. Whereas like, I mean, I live. Actually, even this place isn't even close. There's just screen. But it's okay, I go. I'm at the beach. I just got back, like, at least two three times a day. My brand, like, I'm outside. I mean, I'm probably a little like, it's, but it's, but I'm part like, you know, there's not that separation.
Yeah, I mean, we go on hikes, right? Like, we'll travel by car, 20 minutes, 30 minutes to go hike, and then come home, you know, or we go to the mountains or, you know, we we camp in the, in the big trees, you know, that sort of thing. And then we come
home and then well, then there's that sense, like here. I have bugs in my house. I used to, I went to the post of 111 the number of insects in my house at any given time, and probably more. But you know, like, that's it like a program like when you first get there, that like in the West that we've got to exterminate? Like they don't belong in here, and yet. They're part of nature. We cohabitate. I don't
know how I would do with cohabitating. I could I would try. I would try my hardest.
But that was that's like a layer of Yeah,
it definitely because I mean, even coming from I don't know, I live in the suburbs now. And I am very much like, I don't know where it came from. I was thinking yesterday. Why am I so concerned with like, these little bugs like being you know, they're just they're just little bugs from the outside? Not a big deal, right? But like being in the house and I'm like, going around the house trying to scrub them out of here. And I'm like, they don't do it. They're not harming anything. What is my deal? It's just one of those things. I'm like, how did this happen to me it Ever used to be this way, it's a program
like one of the things like when I went to Peru, and I've worked with a lot of plant medicine that's been part of like that de layering. And I remember that the my stress the grandmothers, you couldn't use I was there for like, almost a month, you couldn't use anything that had a barcode. And I love my beauty products. And I'm like, wow, okay, you know, um, now this isn't something that has been pulled away. But I'm like, What, no barcode. But that's the matrix. Like they have, there's 1000s and 1000s of plants for the Amazon for every any, any problem, there's a solution that the universe has provided. So that's just an example of the programming like, like, for instance, I use this moringa oil, which is a tree that grows here, and it's like a superfood. So I've just been using this oil, like instead of like using some fancy cream, but like, you know, it's anti cancer, it's anti everything. And it's just from
No, I like that. No barcodes.
It's funny, you bring that up yesterday, my husband just bought me this, like, plant Encyclopedia of different vitamins that they have, and you know, the uses of different plants versus anything with a barcode. So yeah, you really weren't supposed to, we really weren't supposed to have a conversation today.
That's the thing like as a witch, like the knowledge of like, the medicines, you know, even the idea of like plant medicine. I mean, I'm going I live in a world where it's completely normal and psilocybin, like, if there's something in my daughter's, she's going to the US, she's 19. And like, we just did a mushroom ceremony together and just like a recalibration, and yet in the West, it's like, they call that a drug. Yeah, people take six or seven drugs every day. That's like chemicals, that's bad for your liver. And it's just these plants with integration. And with balance, they help to recalibrate us. They're like, here for us. That's amazing.
I like I know, me, too.
I've been, I've been playing with I have a black thumb. So I've been typing really. But I've been wanting to tap into all of that, you know, because there's definitely a piece in me that feels drawn to it and feels like possibly in a past life in a maybe my ancestors, right? Maybe had something to do with that. And so I, I struggle with it, because I know, I can grow some things and then like, I kill them. So it's very sad.
That's still on my checklist.
Right? Like, I'll get there. Maybe it maybe it's just not the time, right? Yeah, maybe it's not the time.
Well, speaking of growing things, one of the videos that I saw that, and actually it was probably the first video that I saw of yours that really resonated with me was you were talking about manifestation and about a beach that you go to every morning, but there was no shade. And at one point your kids and maybe they were in school or something, but they all planted seeds. And now it's very lush, and there's shade all over the place. And can you go into that story a little bit, because that was when I was like, oh my goodness, like everything that you were saying was really resonating with me with regards to that story in the manifestation as well.
Because when we when we have a desire, in a vision that we want to manifest, the universe is already like in force to deliver that. And what happens is, a lot of times we like I use the analogy of like planting a seed. If we're planning something, we don't just put it in and then dig it out. Wait hasn't grown yet. You know, we'll grow and, and a lot of times with manifestation, we do that we're like, Well, you know, we look at our bank account balance or what's currently in this reality, and then we start crushing it. And to the degree that we are we stay in alignment with that desire, and just show up consistently every day like in our hearts. It'll show up and not to question it because the thing is, is that this life is like a video game. It literally is like you were talking about like what's happening at the office. So if you imagine this is a video game, most people like my kids used to play Roblox. Most people are focusing on just building things, acquiring things and everything. They don't really get that there's another level. And another level, there's infinite levels to the game, but they're just like, building different houses and and so but when you awaken When we awaken, we start to see like, oh, wow, this is a game and there's another level and another level another level. So when we have conflict or something comes up, there's clues that are actually showing us what we Need to get to the next level. And it'll keep on happening. And so sometimes what how that relates to manifestation is when we understand that this is the video game. And okay, I've called in, like, this is my dream, whether it's, you know, your dream home, or the kind of partnership or what you want, like with your podcast and, and the kind of work that you're here to do. It's just staying in alignment with that day by day not being able to be perfect. That the right people and opportunities and things will show up for it to materialize into the physical reality, but a lot of times people, we get hypnotized by current circumstances and events and, and are like, Oh, no, just like pulling up a seat. It's not happening yet.
I was just gonna ask you, do you have any advice for you know, when you're trying to show up and be in alignment? And, you know, you're like, Okay, it's been X amount of time. I don't feel like anything's happening. You know, do you have any advice? To keep stay the course? You know, anything? Yeah, I
mean, I would ask my guides, it just asking, what are the clues? Like, what do I need to shift? Or be? Or what is the next step to be in alignment with with this manifestation, sometimes, or something, we need to let go of, like a habit or, you know, it's not about just like sitting on our couch. And, and like, Okay, I'm just gonna expect this, because we, you know, it's like, just like, you've planted a seed, and you got to nurture it, water it. So it's just getting curious. And I love to like this, what I share with my clients is just looking at everything from the macro perspective. Like, okay, ah, I noticed that this is where my bank account balance is today, even though I'm like manifesting abundance, interesting. And then asking my guides, what's the next thing I know, for me, because I came from a family of overspenders. And just making a mess with money I've made and manifested millions, I've also made a mess with money, like spending more, I didn't matter, whatever it is, I would have spent more it was investment and things, but just that bigness around money. And so, um, one of the things I did over the past couple years, it's just a really deep dive of getting intimate with money, and tracking my numbers and like, kind of repatterning that, because to be a steward of wealth, it's just like any relationship money is, like, you know, like having a lover or a friend, you can just like, avoid it and say, like, I'm not going to, I don't want to look at it, and then just expect it's going to come never gonna call you. And I just, like, you know, like a relationship we write, we cultivate Effort, Right? Yeah. And we show love and gratitude. And how are things today? Well, just, I mean, that's a very finite example of something that for me, I was missing to be a steward of wealth. And so I had to, like repattern them. Yeah.
What about those situations, though, like, and I think this happened for both Christy and I with opportunities that came about that we had been manifesting. But then they either fell away, or they weren't. In our souls, they weren't the right opportunity. And so like having to push those away, but being like, but wait, that was what I wanted, but now it's yeah. Or it wasn't like, I know, this is supposed to happen for me. And is this like having that question? Is this right? Am I saying no, for the right reasons, kind of situation. And I know that recently happened to both Christie and
it's actually just sometimes the universe is God, the Divine is giving you information, so you get more, more clarity about what it is that you do want. So it doesn't mean that you did anything wrong. It's just like, Oh, you just got some more clarity. Like I said, I wanted these things, but I didn't get more specific. It's like dating. Like, let's say you were dating someone and they had like, all of these qualities, but then and they were abusive, or they gaslit or something which was
which is not what you manifest.
And you're actually hard. No, and I know I want these and also the way that they speak to me, so I'm getting more clarity, I'm going actually going to put that out. And so it's a good thing and so just having that this or something better, this or something better and and also not being attached, because manifestation sometimes we get attached. And that actually repels the very thing. Like, it's gotta be this way, you know, we want to try to control. And so part of like our evolution in spiritual awakening is to let go of these attachments, so we can be free. Yeah,
I'm laughing because I have control issues
I'm watching her going oh, yeah, okay.
Yeah, that that right there
that does resonate, especially with this last opportunity that I did manifest. I was able to be detached, which was the first time I feel like I've reached that level of like, okay, you know, if this happens, kind of like cool, you know? Yep, this sounds good. And then it didn't work out. And I thought to myself, Well, did I take a wrong turn? Did I accept the wrong opportunity or like, pursue the wrong opportunity, you know? And so the past couple weeks, I've been really just kind of muddling through that. And I discovered, no, it wasn't the wrong opportunity, just like you were saying, it kind of honed what I actually do want and what I don't want, I wasn't specific enough, which is funny, because I felt like I was very specific. But I wasn't specific enough. And I also had to redefine what it is I truly wanted, like, what I truly was trying to manifest because for me when I was manifesting, you know, it was around money. I was like, I want that, you know, amazing financial freedom, like crazy financial freedom. And, but really what I wanted was the freedom wasn't the financial part of it, it was the freedom part of it. And so, as I'm like working through this, I'm like, oh, you know, it can tie into money. But it also cannot, right, it can just be me being free to do the things that I love. Yeah. And that's a that's a whole different look. So yeah, that's been a journey for me, because lots of layers. Yeah.
Lots of layers. Yeah. Well, we're coming up on time. But I want to be able to give you the opportunity to, you know, what would you like to leave our listeners with? And also plug yourself?
Yeah, yeah, I like to leave with, if you're want to check out more, you know, my whole work is supporting you becoming free how we transcend the stories, how we unplug from the matrix. And I've just done such a deep dive around overcoming the self sabotaging patterns and breaking through the upper limit, ultimately, so that each of us come fully online, in our soul work our purpose or abundance so that we can shift the planet. That's the game, the game that I'm playing, and that my clients play with you because we can not just hope create our own like manifest manifesting is kind of like the dangling carrot of like, yes, because we all want to manifest your dream, but it's ultimately learning how to master conscious creation, so we can co create a better Earth. So that is, and if you want to go to my website, Tara I have free gifts activation so you can start to experience the work. It's not just the talking, and you can start there. And also just send me a DM. This is calling you like I
did. Yeah. Well, Tara, thank you so much for joining us today. Yeah, together. Thank you to the listeners for listening to my therapy session. That was wonderful. And Christy, go ahead and take us out.
Yeah, thank you, Tara. We really appreciate you being here with us. And thank you to all the listeners for joining us on another episode of a witch, a mystic and a feminist. Don't forget to go to W MF to search any past episodes and interact with us. ask us some questions. We'll see you next week. Bye.

Tera Maxwell
Founder of the Affluence Codes™, Dr.Tera Maxwell understands overcoming self-sabotage, as she overcame addiction and bulimia by surrendering to a spiritual path. She is the leading expert on true affluence (defined as inner freedom), assisting leaders, entrepreneurs, and visionaries hitting a financial plateau in their business, to transcend the upper limit and step into the next level of freedom & abundance through soul alignment.
Her scholarly work on colonial trauma and intergenerational memories informs her signature QuantumGPS Method™, a cutting-edge approach to transmuting emotional blocks, ancestral patterns, and limiting beliefs to manifest our dreams. Tera helps high achievers materialize their freedom vision from a place of ease & flow, without the hustle.
She now lives in Costa Rica with her three children and enjoys mentoring leaders around the world, leading transformational retreats with plant medicine, and surfing.