In this episode of A Witch, A Mystic & A Feminist, Marlena, Christy, and Jamie are joined by Emily Harrison, the founder and director of The Akashic Academy. The topic of discussion revolves around the Akashic Records, and the ladies explore it in detail. Emily also provides a special treat to each of the hosts by conducting an Akashic reading for them. Tune in to unravel the mysteries of the Akashic Records with the hosts and their guest.

To work with Emily on accessing your Akashic Records, you can go to her website:

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Emily Harrison



Jamie, Christy, Emily, Marlena


Hello, welcome back to another episode of a witch, a mystic and a feminist. Today, Marlena, myself and Jamie are so pleased to welcome Emily Harrison, who is the founder and director of the Akashic Academy, which today we talk about all things Akashic records. Hint, it's not a record label. It's not a legal term. But she will explain everything in this episode, we get some readings, we get some real great stuff. So let's jump in. So Emily, welcome to the show. Hi, yay. We are so excited to have you.


I've been looking forward to this show, since I listened to one of your episodes in my bathtub and thought, Yes, I want to be here with these ladies. So thank you so much for having me.


I mean, I appreciate that you're listening to us as you're like, I don't know if you're getting ready or if you're relaxing. But either way, I'm all for it.


Christy it was full on High Priestess, salt bath, I was shooting into spirit, I was letting the salt pull the toxins out of my body. And thought, you know, I want to tune in to something and it happened to be one of your episodes. And I definitely felt the soul connection. And again, feel really honored to be here and to share with each of you and your audience more about the Akashic records.


Yeah, so actually, before we dive into what those are, I have to tell you a funny story. I knew zero about Akashic records, so much so that when Marlena sent out the booking for this episode, it was I said, Emily Harrison, and then she usually puts in parentheses, like what the subject matter is, right? So we all are on the same, same wavelength. And it's at Akashic records. And I'm like, Oh, my God, she's with a record. I was like, that's a really cool name for a record label. I'm like, What music do they produce? I'm like, also, how does this align with our podcasts that are well, I mean, we'll figure it out. Go. I'll go with it. And I'm like, so then I'm like, wait, I'm like, Am I just so dumb? So then I had to google right? And then I asked Marlena and she said, Yeah. And I was like, Oh, I feel dumb, but also not. Because it'd be really cool name for a record label. I still stand by that. I feel like that could be like a spiritual record label. Hands down.



Well, I was gonna say I was on the same same boat. As you, Christie. It was the same group text message. I actually thought she sent it to the wrong group. To me, it sounded like legal stuff. I'm like, was this meant for us? I don't understand that.


Because I was also on a business trip. So I was in Southern California on a business trip. And so, you know, Jamie's thinking it's legal records, and Christie thinks I'm with record.


Music. Yeah. So I guess for our listeners would be great. Just get a base of what Akashic Records actually are.


All right. So what are the Akashic records for the audience here today, because they don't really have to do with legal records or a traditional record label. And the other thing that they are not is a physical place where we can go to read these records like a library. Although a library is a really great metaphor for understanding the Akashic records. So let's just dive in. The Akashic records are the realm of consciousness where every detail of your life your past, your present, all possible futures has been recorded. But here's the kicker, it hasn't been recorded from the same perspective that we experience life as humans, right. And notice I use the word perspective, we have perspective, meaning that we've experienced a certain side of an issue, we don't play all roles, or we're not necessarily all characters in terms of showing up to our life. But when we tap into this god mind, or this god level intelligence, we experience something called omnipotence, which allows us to understand from all perspectives, so I might have a fight with my daughter that have a teenage daughter, and she likes to pick fights with me. And she teaches me a lot along the way. And I have a certain perspective of how I see that conversation, when I go into my Akashic records, or this soul level intelligence. And I understand now from not only my perspective, but her perspective and where she was coming from, I can lay down the grievance, the anger, the frustration, whatever victimhood I was bringing into that experience, and see from her perspective as well. And that's just one way that we use the Akashic records, but because they are recorded from this neutral perspective, or this perspective of unconditional love and zero judgment, we have the opportunity to see things that are unseen, or that we miss, as we are incarnating as human. So yeah, I see everybody's just already starting to grasp that right now. and tell me tell me what's landing or what, where you feel like, hey, wait a second, give me a take two on that one. Tell me Tell me again in a different way.


Well, if everybody was able to do that, like your example of your daughter, and you right, if everyone was able to step outside themselves and see the argument or the conversation from another person's perspective, how much better would this world be? Right? Like how much more of a comment we'd be at a family table, eating together in a community, where we were able to lay down our weapons and lay down our, all our biases and all that. It would just be I mean, utopia, maybe I don't know. But Amazing, right? It's just amazing. Yes. So that's super exciting.


You're feeling it, you're getting it. I have chills all through my body, as you're saying my Clairsentience is going off like crazy that like yep, yep, yep. This is just one reason why society needs to remember that we have access to this level of technology. And Christi, it's not only used for helping us to understand perspective of other humans. But really, we can understand our own subconscious patterns. And that plays a huge role when it comes to healing ourselves. Whether it's emotional, physical, mental, whatever is playing out in our field, it's causing us to create dis ease in our life, because we're creating everything we experience. I know, I'm, I'm still stepping into my mastery hood and are certain areas of my life I still like to blame other people for things going wrong in my life. But the truth is, I'm creating every single bit of whether it's creating dissatisfaction in my job, or whether I'm continuing to create narcissistic relationships and to participate in them, or whether I've created emotional or physical dis ease anywhere from depression to physical illness, inside of my body. Those are subconscious energetic patterns, vibrational emotional patterns that are playing out in my life. And if I don't know what they are, if they're existing in my subconscious or below my awareness, I have about zero chance of being able to understand them and to choose something different in my life. So the Akashic Records helps illuminate these aspects of our life that are playing out in our subconscious or below our awareness. And once we learn how to extract this information, there are infinite number of things that we can learn to do and how we can uplevel our society with the Akashic records. My other favorite reason to tap into the Akashic records, is that we can tap into our genius mind and extract the highest level of creativity, which this is the realm that Nikola Tesla, Steve Jobs, Albert Einstein all tapped into, I would say your results may vary. Here to get, you know, Quantum Formulas, I'm a genius. Yes. Wow. Yes, we actually all of us are. And once we learn to tap into this higher realm of creativity, we exit the ordinary mind, and we tap into the extra ordinary or superconscious intelligence, that's when we have access to our full potential as human beings.


So and this is my perspective, from what we were just discussing, you're saying, Okay, what do you what are you tuning into what's hitting you? What's what's resignate? resonating? resignate? You know what I'm trying to say? Anyways, I'm resonating. I can't speak today.


You're welcome. I shot that into your mind, Jamie, that was telepathy at work here.


totally got it. I keep hearing what keeps popping, in my mind is intuition. It's almost like you have the bigger picture, when you tap into your Akashic Records perspective, and then it's listening and being able to act upon what you're observing. So I did watch a few of your videos, and I kept hearing, listening to your intuition being a little more intuitive, being able to tap into that and hear it more. So I guess, what keeps popping in my head is bigger picture outside yourself, and observation and being able to tap into what that other layer is? The 100, if that makes sense.


So, yep, intuition is our ability to know something instantly. And that's what we're doing in the Akashic records is that we're downloading intelligence. There is a different form of communication that happens inside of the Akashic records, though, rather than verbal speech, like we're experiencing right now. So I feel a guide coming in right now just Emily, you go sit over there. Let me just take over from here. So I'm just gonna start rattling off what's coming through. And the first thing that the guides are wanting to share is the understanding that everything is energy. They want to say sound is a particular vibration and energy that stores and transfers knowledge. So that would be an example of how we're talking and communicating here together, right? Light also stores and transfers knowledge. So there are such thing as light codes or you hear people talking about light language, there is intelligence that is transmitted through this type of energy. Now, how we communicate in the Akashic records, we use our psychic senses, all which happen within the imagination. And we have Claire audience, which is clear in her hearing. And Jamie, based on some languaging that you've used, my hunch is that Claire audience are clear in her hearing is one of your top Claire's, because you've said I keep hearing, and then you talk about listening. So those are clues that your inner hearing is really alive in your field. Now, when we begin to use the Akashic records, all of our Claire's turn on, but we usually have a predominant one when we start. And for me, if I listen closely enough, you already know what your dominant one is. And you tell me through the languaging, I would say your second one is clear voice or clear inner vision, because you've mentioned the bigger picture, or what you see is the bigger picture. Right? So that's our inner visual awareness is our clairvoyance, we also have clairsentience. Now I talked about getting the chills, like my clairsentience, all going off in my body truth indicators. Sometimes that feels like the chills or their mind go right there. It can feel like a sensation or a temperature shift inside of the body. That for me means that Yep, truth is being spoken here in this moment, and my cells are responding to that energy. And then there's clear cognizance, which is a clear knowing. And that can look like all of a sudden, we just have this bigger awareness. Like we downloaded a huge file of information. And we have a knowingness that we didn't necessarily have before. And as you do this work more and more, you can begin to fine tune and understand how each of them are working, which one your predominant one is. And there are really simple exercises that we can all do that began to uplevel all of those different psychic senses. So I'll make sure that I give you links that you can that we can send the audience to be where they can tap into some of these free resources.


I'm writing this down by the players


taking note. I love it. Yeah. So that's, that's how we communicate in the Akashic records is through our imagination. And since everybody has an imagination, guess what, everybody can use the Akashic records, you're not allowed to say, No, I'm not psychic, or I wasn't born with that ability. Because we all are born with that ability. One thing that I feel really alive to share right now is that I don't feel like I was one of these people who were born fully awake, meaning, I don't remember having a crazy psychic experiences at two years old. I mean, I saw some ghosts and some weird things in my house. And I felt like maybe I had telekinesis because I would look at a leaf far away, and I couldn't make it move. And one time, I shared this with my girlfriend, Lisa, who basically told me I was full of it. And I instantly shut down that that ability, right? So we don't necessarily have to be born into this incarnation, feeling like all of our psychic abilities are on but we're all wired with them. So when we learn how to train, our psychic abilities, we we can turn all of them on. They're aspects of our DNA that are currently lying dormant. Have you heard scientists talk about we have 12 strands of DNA, but only two of them actually work. The rest is junk DNA. Yeah. So this junk DNA is connected to our sub dimensional layers of reality. So it turns on aspects that allow us to experience more of the electromagnetic frequency, then we are experiencing with our five senses. So the electromagnetic spectrum of frequency, that's all the different kinds of energy in the universe, from light, color, sound, physicality, X rays, gamma rays, infrared rays, all of the different energy, right, with our five senses, we can perceive point 00 3% of the electromagnetic spectrum. So that's 3000s of 1%. Wow, we're missing quite a bit of what's happening here. But when we begin to turn on our intuitive skills, our psychic skills are Claire senses, we can take in a lot more of that information. And that's how we communicate in the Akashic records and you don't just open the records and the information start flowing. And you start communicating, right? There's there's a trick to getting it to work, because the Akashic records will only give you information that you are ready to receive. How do the records know what you're ready to receive? You ask a question. Okay. Oh, but all over my body. And one of the reasons that this technology is coming back into human awareness right now at such a fascinatingly high rate, I mean, the Akashic records are the number one Google search and metaphysics and quantum physics. But for humans, we need to have a template a physical construct to understand something in our 3d world before we can conceptualize it in the higher realms or in the 5g or in our superconscious intelligence. So the internet is a symbolic representation of what the Akashic records are. And just like you use the internet, you don't just turn your computer on and connect to the internet and get the information that you're looking for, you need to use a search engine like Google, or something that calls forward the information. And then you have to type in what it is that you want Google to bring you information on. And if you type in something that's really general, like a red Corvette, you're gonna get about a million hits. But if you get really clear, 1967 hard top, and I always use this analogy, and I don't know, I don't know jack about cars, and I don't even know, like at 1967 car hardtop Corvette is even at thing. But I wouldn't know if I typed that in right, the the intelligence would come back to me. So the Akashic Records work the same way and we have to ask questions. Furthermore, the more specific the question, the more specific the answer is, that comes back into our imagination.


Okay, so where did the Akashic Records originate from?


Oh, that’s a great question. There's evidence of the Akashic records all throughout this planet in terms of the earliest Sumerian some civilizations into more modern day religion, I grew up really Southern Baptist, and was immersed in Sunday school, and, you know, church camp at the summer to summer times, and Wednesday night studies and revival. And so I started a lot of the Bible. In the Bible, it's known as the book of life. However, the Native Americans talk about the song of the spheres, meaning the galactic origin of the Akashic records. So it's similar to the god energy in that it's always been here. And it was created at some point. So I know that these are somewhat contradictory statements, but in our modern day understanding of our history, and, and even our hidden history, in terms of what hasn't fully been revealed to humanity, about the origins of civilization on this planet, there has been evidence of the Akashic records throughout all of it. Now, interestingly enough, in my own records, my guides and we have Masters teachers, loved ones and guides that we have access to in the Akashic records, my guides, share with me that there was an origination point in the Akashic records, it goes back so so far that I, I would trace it back to galactic center, or before our Milky Way galaxy was even born and created. But the interesting thing is that many people who come into my field to work with me, my guides will say they're an original scribe of the Akashic records. Oh, yeah. And, and sometimes they drop things into my field. And I don't exactly know what all of it means. For a while.


Do I need to be working?


I mean, it makes sense. And when it comes to the idea of how we're creating our lives, like we talked about taking full responsibility for everything that we are creating, there is, there's one way to understand that of oh, we are the original creators, inscribes, the Akashic records. Or we can look at that through a slightly different perspective and say, I have been the original creator and scribe of my life, and I will continue to be for all of my incarnations. Like that.


So you, and sorry, I'm just processing everything you're saying. Yeah, but kind of going back. So anyone can pretty much tap into their Akashic records, like it's not blocked from anyone, right?


Everyone can do this. And there are there are some things to keep in mind when we're doing it because we don't all get the same level of information as we're going in. Alright, so here are a couple stipulations that if you want to practice and play around with this, you got to know these things. And that is you must be willing to take full responsibility for everything that you are creating. And you will not get anything to be like, Yeah, I can't use the Akashic records. If you go in and ask why your neighbor is such an a hole. You probably you're just gonna you're gonna be like, Yeah, I didn't hear anything. But when you take full responsibility for Hey, why do I keep a track? and people in my field that are creating disturbance for me. And we must also recognize that everything is here to teach us. And so it might be really valuable to frame the question, hey, what am I supposed to learn that I missing? From the fact that I keep drawing people who are creating disturbance into my field? What's in there for me? Where's that gift within the wound? So how we ask the questions is really, really important. We cannot play victim in the Akashic records. Otherwise, we're not going to get information that's really helpful. Coming back in another aspect to getting really high level information from the Akashic records is directly related to how much we're willing to love ourself. And here's why every human has access to all the intelligence in the universe in the galaxy. This can be weaponized, meaning we can use this to control or manipulate each other. We can use this to extract technology that might be destructive for the planet. So how do we know how do we ensure that we're not going to mess ourselves and each other up by having access to this intelligence, because at one point in time, during the time of Atlantis and Lemuria, the Akashic records were physically located here on the planet. And that's exactly what happened is, intelligence was extracted from the space that was used to weaponize and destroy. So the Akashic records, I'm gonna like it, it is similar to AI like, and like us, for that matter. I mean, we're always getting smarter. Our consciousness is always expanding, because that's the nature of consciousness is to continuously expand. So as we realize, oops, use the Akashic records to destroy the planet. Sorry about that, guys. As we continue to uplevel. What shifted after that time was one, the records were physically removed from the planet. So humans that had fallen from this level of grace didn't no longer had the ability to easily access this realm. And now they're located in what's known as sevens dimension, space time, or eighth dimension, space time, depending on what Bing is telling you where they're located. But I will tell you, they're also located within your DNA, everyone carries a copy within the DNA. And there are physical points along the planet in including the core of Mother Gaia. And I work with the Mitchell hedges crystal skull, which is one of the 13 crystal skulls on the planet, we can talk about that a little more later. But that's technology that came from Atlantis. And the schools are physical record keepers too. So we are becoming privy to this intelligence being physically located on the planet. However, until we go through a self purification process, where we really truly vibrate to a frequency of unconditional love for ourselves and others, we don't get the highest level of access coming in. Because when we truly love ourselves, that's when we can ensure that I see the god energy within you the Goddess energy within you. And I can ensure that this intelligence is going to be used for my highest good, but also the highest good of everyone and everything connected to me. So we must really learn to see that God Goddess energy in ourselves and in everyone else. And what stops us from seeing it in ourself is that we've got trauma from our childhood, where we just were holding shame, blame, guilt, all this stuff, right? We don't know the truth of what our mission is here on the planet. And we're caught in this 3d system, where a lot of us are going to jobs that we don't really love where we're slaved to these jobs, because we've got to keep the lights on. And, you know, we've got to make money for this society to function. And so it feels like, I gotta go to this job, so that I can live this life and make sure that my family has the things. This is just modern day slavery. Yeah, and if we haven't figured out what our real mission is here on the planet, it's impossible to love ourselves. We've got this level of frustration and anger that tends to come out on our kids on our spouses. And that was definitely me. Before I found this modality of the Akashic Records was, I had a lot of unprocessed anger, for not fully being able to understand and express myself, self expression is huge. But I also carried ancestral anger that was alive in my genealogy and passed down in my DNA, and that would come out in the most undesirable ways. And it had this effect of like I said, everything, everything is constantly moving our consciousness is something that's continually expanding, but we're either in a state of expanding and growing, or we're going the opposite direction. We're digressing. Nothing ever stays stagnant. So we're moving in some direction. And for me, I wasn't moving in a direction where I was healing my anger, I was moving in the opposite direction. While I was just getting deeper and deeper into it, I had less and less control over it. And so I needed to use the Akashic records, it was one of the first things that I dove into, and really began to heal in myself in in the self purification process that we go through, and was learning how to alchemize my anger, and alchemy, we know from ancient times as well, is a lot of us think of alchemy as turning lead into gold. But when you look at the bigger context, what we're actually doing is we're taking something that's in a state where it's corruptible, and we're increasing the frequency, increasing the amount of light or love or positivity in a situation so that it becomes stable. Okay, I feel dramatic pause here, let me know what questions you have about that is sinking in.


But I just have such a random like, this is totally off base. But I keep asking you like, as you're talking, I keep asking questions in my head and you keep answering. Like I'm about to add, I don't like it's not really happening. So I just had to throw that out. It was just a lot it because I was thinking about healing past life karma and things like that. And so going into the Akashic records, you can find what you've been dealing with either ancestral trauma or past life karma to kind of heal that in this lifetime. Correct?


Yes. Yes. Oh, and my, my whole my Clairsentience is going off my whole body's buzzing. Yeah, let's dive into this a little bit deeper, but I'm not exactly sure where to go. You want to do some me tapping in for you guys right here on the air.


That sounds more fun. That's good.


Yeah. I mean, and here's the thing. We're vulnerable on this on this show all the time. So yeah, very vulnerable.


And I, I'm like on the same lines that what Marlena was saying is I'm hearing like, okay, so we think about all this healing we have to do in this life, right? Like, I already have to dig into all the stuff in this life that I need to heal in and move forward from to accept unconditional love. Now, not only that, I need to start looking at my past lives and what maybe that could have be affecting me right now. Like, this is work. This is work. And I'm sure we'll get into it. But I'm very interested in and how we start where we start. So yeah, it's a lot of lives to cover here.


Yeah, a lot of things. Okay. So I'm already getting things coming in for Marlena and Jamie. And the interesting thing is that the intelligence will ride on the frequency of your voice. So as Marlena was talking about some stuff coming in, as Jamie was talking, I got some stuff coming in. I want to get some stuff flowing in for you, too.


Yeah, yeah. Just well, so I was, I was gonna chime in. So I had my first like, kind of interaction with ancestral remembering. So I'm part of a writing group, and we were doing writing prompts on the mother wound, and which was huge. And so for me, I'm like, I don't have a mother wound. I don't know what I'm gonna write about this month, I have no idea. And so. So I basically wrote through a portal that month, I didn't have the words for it. But the woman that runs this whole writing thing, she's like, You are ancestral, remembering, like you are pulling from your ancestors, and you're writing their wounds. And I was, and it was, it's like, so crazy to look back. And I'm like, I don't even know, when this was where it was. But I know it was my ancestors. And I'm like, pulling from that. And it was amazing. And I want to go back there, I don't necessary want to go to that portal necessarily was a little bit dramatic. But like, I want to, I'd like to go back to at some point, because it was just an I really just didn't have the words until she said it to me. She's like, this is what it sounds like, you know, from all your writing. And I'm like, okay, maybe. And then as I sat with it, and like, I think you're right, I think you're right. And yeah, that is so I don't know


for all of you, so if it's okay, can I just work backwards since Christie just a little bit and that's what's really alive in the field. So what I was hearing is that you're definitely a healer, Christie and you in modern day context, you we all hear a lot about the power and the potency of telling our story, and how healing that can be and your ancestors didn't have that voice. So by you going back in writing the story, it was naturally beginning the healing process in terms of how you are able to share and to witness and to see this. So the guides are just saying Feel that gratitude right now from your ancestors. And that's going to help in terms of the drama that you see. Because my hunch is that you're like, that's it like she can take it get like, like you going down on battlefields before and you've seen this incredible. Like, it's it, I feel you it feels pretty intense, like massacre kind of energy, a lot of persecution, kind of energy, especially within the divine feminine. And it feels like it goes all the way back to Eve. But they're bringing me really into the Magdalene and the Mary's and that energy with Yeshua, right now. And I'm getting chills all down. I,


I have chills. All right.


So one of the I said, I was


gonna say, especially since so you've said healer, and one of the prompts was something about healing. And I was like, I'm not a healer, I don't know anything about healing. And my, my writing took me to a place of actual, like, mixing things together, like to heal, and to be whatever this person needed me to be who they needed me to be to heal this person and, and get them in a safe space. And I'm like, but in my current life, I'm not a healer. I don't know anything about herbs and like, Do you know what I'm thinking? Like? Yeah, well, right. But in my mind, right, I'm, of course, I've got the two parts of me. But in my mind, I'm like, now like, you're not but in my mind, I was like, Yes, you are, this is where you were, this is where you have been, this was where you will be. And this is where you will find your peace. And you're like, I mean, really, my healing to is healing others. And so I just Whoa, man, you can


just go to have putting stuff together. You have it in your ancestry.


And that's exactly what to do. Yeah. Make it up as you go. When you say Christie, I don't know how to be there. I'm like, All Hell Girl none of us do. It's about making it up as we as we go along. And one of the easiest things to do that I wrote down was I wrote how to heal it like the how behind it, one of the easiest things to do is just to call light in. So if you're in one of those scenarios in your mind, or in your writing, where it's just like, oh my gosh, this is intense, call light, because remember, light holds intelligence. And that intelligence holds the bigger perspective about why they chose to go through this your ancestors, because we choose to go through everything that we experience, because there's a gift, there's a learning in it. And so the only time it feels really frickin traumatic, is if we don't understand the bigger picture of what's happening. So when you just call light into a situation, that's one of the simplest ways to bring in what's missing, because Because anything that is unhealed, it's because it's not whole, or we're not observing it in wholeness, we're observing it in a fractal are only a portion of the energy that's there. So once we can bring something into wholeness, then it naturally heals itself. And in the quantum field, all we need is light in the 3d in the physical realm. That's where this idea of herbs and SAVs and yeah, and the things that have, like when you think about chemistry formula, and you're trying to balance them and make them equal and a whole, there are physical things on this planet in this realm that can help do that. But in the quantum field, all you need to do is add light, but play with it. And yes, listen, and or write or ask, but things will pop into your mind and you will make it up as you go along, you will assimilate from different ideas that come into your


mind. Yeah, and I feel like I've been doing that a lot more at like, just after that. So I'm gonna


keep it up, keep it up. And that's a great transition into Jamie's because Jamie what the guides are sharing with me is that you have a success ceiling, meaning there's only a certain amount of success love, joy, resource, health opportunity fight, like there's only a certain amount that you will allow in, because anything else makes you feel unsafe. Like you either triggers your unworthiness or you feel like it's going to be pulled out from underneath you. So you've actually found this balance in your own life by saying, Oh, this is this is all I'm gonna hold. If I hold any more it's going to tip over. So I'm so you're creating this block. Right? Now I had this too. I had a success ceiling in my life. So before I did this work in terms of Akashic records and training people in the Akashic records, I was an actress in Hollywood. I grew up small town, Missouri. I quit Missouri life when I was nine and I quit. I headed to Hollywood to become an actress and and I started working pretty much right away in Los Angeles. And the soap operas came after me. And I was like that, Oh, hell no. That's not why I'm here. I want to be Angelina Jolie, right? And so I turned down Bold and the Beautiful three times. And then I fell in love with a guy. And he had a whole shit like we I mean, we all have issues, right? He had a lot of them though, including previous relationships that had blown up for him. And so I was really in love with him. And I wanted him to propose to me and to marry me, and dude wasn't doing it. So subconsciously, what I did was I got pregnant with our first child, make sure that I was keeping him now keeping him in keeping him in and tow here. And I also shared I grew up really Southern Baptist immersed in the church, which that was a no, no, you don't go live with your boyfriend and get pregnant by your boyfriend before you're married. And you've got all the commitment stuff, right? So I hadn't had a spiritual awakening at that point in time. So in my own mind, I was out of alignment with what my moral compass was. And so I had to negotiate and justify why that was okay. But there was definitely this incongruence in my life, and the in congruence continued to grow and to expand. And so after I had had Jack, our first child, I was still waiting tables at night, going to auditions during the day. I remember I would have to get my waitress friend over here to watch my tables, why I went up to the manager's office and pumped my breast milk, which just was like, this is not why I quit life on Missouri and moved to Hollywood. And so when bold in the beautiful the soap opera came asking, again, they said, Hey, we hear you just had a baby. We've got a great role the woman that you would be replacing she wants to me three years in a row that you can come I'm like, Alright, great. You got me. Let's go. And so again, I was in in congruence with what I actually wanted yet, in the 3d world, it seemed like this is a good solution. This is a good way out. And so I was making justifications in my life. And I sent everybody all my friends back home and family in the small town Soap Opera Digest magazine, so they could follow along. I wasn't six months into this contract before they were ready to fire me. I didn't fit in the the audience a hated. I mean, I was like the one of the main characters on the show. And it we hadn't had been Jennifer, up until this point, and then all sudden, it's Emily. And they're like, Wait a second. Where's Jennifer? We love Jennifer. So the producers wrote my character off to medical school. And I wasn't working, I had all my days free. And so a friend comes over for lunch one day and says em, when are they going to bring you back on the soap? You're such a great actress, and I'm lying. But yeah, they're gonna bring me back really soon. You know, they're just letting things calm down. Ding dong, there's a ring at the door. It's the most big beautiful bouquet of flowers I've ever seen. I can barely carry this base of flowers in. And the note says, Thank you for your commitment to the role of Bridgette forester, but we're recasting the role. Basically, you're fired with flowers, I know. And my friend says, Oh, who are they from? What's it say, and this was probably one of the best acting jobs I ever did in my life. And like, he says, they're gonna bring me back, it's from the producers are going to bring me back soon. And I held all of this in until the screen door shut behind him. And the moment that latch hit 26 year old Emily, I just collapsed on the floor sobbing, I was humiliated. I felt like a failure. All of the incongruence that I had tried to justify was just smacking me in the face. And I didn't have the tools to deal with us. And it wasn't just my job. It was also on this unmarried mother. And I'm just like, Fuck What happened to my life. And I said in that moment, if this is what success looks like, I don't want it. I didn't say it consciously. But my soul said that. And that's where I created a success ceiling in my life. And the guides are saying, Jamie, open up your mind right now and take a deep breath. And on the exhale, stay present to the exhale, present to the exhale, present. The exhale when you arrive at the end of the exhale, notice the first memory that comes into your mind. And that's connected to where your success ceiling came from. Cool. Okay, so I'm like, great, that makes sense. Thanks for Thanks for sharing. Now, what do I do about it?


How do I break through this stupid ceiling?


Well, so for me, I had to make up medicine and to tie in where we left off with Christie. I had to make it up. There wasn't something that already existed in my mind. So I said, Great. What do I do? And what came into my mind was the intelligence that comes from Chinese medicine from Dallas medicine. That tells us that our soft tissue store somatic memory, meaning my lungs were storing sadness. My heart was storing unforgiveness. My stomach stored the worry, my kidneys were storing this fear. And my liver was storing anger. My great make sense. How do I get it down? The next thing that pops into my mind is EFT tapping, which I love to write. But EFT tapping works on meridians certain parts of the body and you say certain things as you do it. They're like, Screw all that just tap on the Oregon. Alright, and I like to call up that energy. It's almost like your fingers become magnetic and it's pulling this stuff out. Like okay, make sense. And then they say, and you need a transmutation tool, a tool of alchemy, right? Something that turned something from this corruptible energy into something stable into something desirable. And I knew two tools. I need the violet flame, which I use for everything Violet Flame is the energy of Moses in the burning bush, by the way, and that bush that was burning that wasn't really burning, but this big flame and compensate, right. It wasn't the Acacia Bush, spelled a cautious same word. But that's what type of Bush it was. Yeah, so there's really powerful connection here with this energy. But I use the violet flame for everything. So I'm like, Ah, I'm going to use the other one I know, which is hope. Oh, no. pono Oh, yeah. Yeah.


No, because I was just singing. See, you keep saying everything that I'm saying in my head. Because I was like, Jamie, all you know, and I was gonna tell you this offline. But I was like, Jamie, I can work with you with EFT tapping an HoH opponent pono. because that in itself is just Yeah, it does wonders.


Yes, wonders. So my guide, say do five rounds for five days. I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. And thank you on each of the different organs. And that was the quantum medicine that I needed. And within eight months of that, Jamie, I had quintupled my income. I had removed the success ceiling, it was gone gone, though. So here are the important keys for you. That is going back to figuring out when you put this success ceiling on. And I also the guides are bringing me back to you mentioned something about oh crap, I got stuff in this life. I got stuff in past lives. How far back does this go. So the truth is, anything in our past lives, there is a pattern or energy that we can work with in this life that's connected to it. So if you get it cleared in this lifetime, you don't really need to go back and cleared. All Connected. It's like once you pull the wheat out from the room pulls


it out, I have to say this immediate emotions, as you can see, when you were saying what your guides were telling you because I do have a certain level of success and success in, in my job in my marriage in my finances, I have an I don't know why it's this, I've set this bar, that this is good enough. This is good enough. As long as I can put food on the table, go on a vacation here and there. Have a date night with my husband once a week. This is good enough, I don't need more. But it also forces me to stay in a job that I don't I dread every day. So it's that level of maybe I just need to suck it up. And I don't really deserve more. Because that's just being greedy. To me. That's what my brain says. That's just being greedy. I have a house, families healthy, I can do the things. I don't deserve more. Why would I don't need more, we're fine. And then I go back to the whole job thing. And I need to find a new job. And I don't even know what that is anymore. So yeah, that made just it just brought raw real emotions when you said that because it's exactly how I feel. And always have Yep, always have


Yep, that greed energy is really I was just thinking somewhere along the line. Someone told you that was greedy. Or you told yourself that that was greedy. So again, your telepathy is right on point. And that's right where it is that that we need to work. What I'm hearing right now is this is one way that the darkness or our shadow works. And the truth is, this planet is a planet of abundance. Nature shows us that everywhere. And what happens is when we don't claim that which we really want, we are not only playing small and we suffer the consequences of playing small within our psyche and with within the vision of our potential and what we really have. But we also keep the rest of the planet in darkness because there were good people do good things with money. And right now, and money is a resource that is being controlled by a lot of dark forces. So when we settle for not being in absolute flowing abundance and prosperity. We are actually keeping the rest of the planet in darkness and not doing our own work to claim what it is that is our destiny to have and to experience in this lifetime.


I love that is actually I was sitting here going, Oh, if I didn't make more money than I could do more charity work and I could donate and like, I could do all these things because again, it's like my brains like you don't you don't need this, but you could do good things with it. That's what I'm like starting to transition to. Oh, good. Okay,


so let me just uplevel you there. Let's just get started out of there. That's what I am. I am energy is powerful, claiming that's what I am transitioning to go.


I am doing this.


You heard it here she is.


Yeah. Cool. All right. So Miss Marlena aren't yours we're gonna go into your past life. And they are definitely bringing into the field, this idea of victim and you being a victim, and repeatedly, repeatedly, repeatedly being a victim and lifetimes and you're a lawyer now in this life, right? I'm not I'm


not a lawyer. I just tell lawyers what to do I run a law firm.


Okay, gotcha. I felt like there was some kind of illegal connection there around justice, and around how you are. What the guides are saying right now is that you are executing your life purpose in the timeline that makes the most sense to you right now, in terms of your human, the 3d part of you, but you're really young, you're in a man's world have a lot of masculine energy and the masculine energy is very wounded. Right now, when it comes to this idea of victimhood. They're taking me back to ancient Egypt, which was the last time we experienced a matriarchal society, which is where the divine feminine energy, which is where we get the intuition, where we get that that healer aspect of ourselves where the visionary was highly exalted in society, we had Oracle's that their wisdom and counsel was sought after. And when this matriarchal energy fell, and the patriarch took over, there was an imbalance of energy. And now we have even in all of us, where the majority of society right now is right handed, because that's our masculine side. And we have an overabundance of masculine wounded masculine energy in this in this current society. So you have this that has just been carried over from lifetime to lifetime to lifetime. And this is you're beginning to let go of it, you're not taking on the victim role so much, it's like you're working with it in this higher realm. But they want you to work with it in this higher realm in the feminine aspect of you, rather than in this man's world, they want you to be able to use your intuition. Use your psychic skills, not having to have logic for the decisions that


you make. Yay.


Oh, my God. You are just Yeah, hitting the nail on the head on that one.


Needs logic. Cool. Um, they're saying you have a specific question about something do you about about what we're talking about with you in the victimhood? Well, what's the first question that comes to mind for you?


It's not even a question. It's more of a statement that I don't feel like a victim, at least in this lifetime. I feel like I have victims all around me, and trying to pull them out of or not even trying to pull them but you waiting for them to pull themselves out of their own victimhood kind of thing. But I for me, personally, I don't feel like a victim. That makes sense.


Yeah, I 100% it makes sense. And that's why I was feeling that you've played that role enough times before and you've gotten out of it, that you want to get people out of it in this lifetime to and the current constructs that we have to get people. It's like your soul has this desire to use. I'm gonna call it magic. But it's only magic when we don't understand how something works. It's really this divine healing from the feminine intuition and empowerment, and learning how to empower people to see their own patterns and then make different decisions for themselves. And they're saying you have a way that you've done this many times that works for you. I don't know if you have created methodology around it, meaning, I call it like, microscope again. So success leaves clues. When we make a big shift in our life that is positive, it may feel like oh, that was a stroke of genius, or Oh, I got lucky or about time or whatever. But if we microscope in and really look at, what are the decisions that I made along the way that led me here, there is repeatable methodology that you can share with other people that will bring them out of wherever the victimhood that they're currently in and bring them into the victor in their life. And so what the guides are saying is that I love I love the weaving of everything through here. So we talked about, you know, making up your own medicine. And then we, you know, with Jamie, we talked about, I got to share my personal story about how my medicine worked. And then Marlena, they're saying, you have this medicine, this protocol within you very specific that takes people from victim to Victor. And it can be repeated and used. And they're telling me there's no situation that it can be used in, whether it's relationship or whether it's health, or whether it's financial, or whether it's shifting jobs, it works for everything. But it currently doesn't exist here on the planet in the way that you can bring it through. And so it's a unique medicine that needs to come through you. And I feel like it's about five steps. Okay. Cool. So


I'm trying to think and I think I have an idea of what the guides are saying. So I wanted to know them. Like, let me let me make sure I need to get into my Akashic records to make sure that this is what we're talking about.


Yeah. And I'm, I'm also seeing TED talk, I see like, they're showing me Brene Brown and how she just fully has shifted the consciousness of society by inviting us back into vulnerability, which there's so much strength in is that your mission shifts society in a similar way.


It's so I have a feeling my mom's on the other side of this going, Oh, my God, because I had a reading. And in this medium reading, I was told that doing TED Talks and things in that aspect are what is a part of my soul's journey and where I'm going to be in the future? type things? So yeah, so I was gonna


say didn't really talk about this. You had?


We talked about this? Yeah. I mean, we've talked about this before, like on the podcast, like, why don't


I discuss that part on the podcast? with you guys? Yes,


no, maybe not. But discuss. We all kind of thought that was your journey. Yeah,


I was like, Okay, we've heard this before.


I think I kept that part quiet. Because of now we're stepping into the playing small, because it's one of those things that kind of frightens me. All right.


And so now I'm hearing the guidance eight, keep going Emily, hit it on home, hit it on home, it's one thing to be able to tap into the field like this and to get information that's so healing, and so confirming and so helpful for my fellow humans. And it's cool to show off a little bit. Because all of you can do this. By the way, I've just got gotten really good at it, because I've practiced it a lot. But here's what makes me a hell of a coach and a mentor. I want to go back through each one of you. And I want you to share back with me what really landed for you. And then I want you to tell me what your action steps are. So this isn't just a crew reading that you got one day. But I want to encourage you to make a commitment to use what you learned today to change your life. And if you take just a few moments to get clear about that. You're still going to have your own freewill and your choice whether you follow these action steps, but you're also using your own innate guidance and intelligence to guide you on what the next steps are for you. And if we don't put this into action, it's just entertainment. Yeah. Cool. Okay, so Marlene, Oh, tell me what landed for you. And what action steps are you going to take? No,


it was the five steps like me having that magic. And it really resonated, like I got the chills throughout my body like, you know, so knowing that I have that in me. And so finding that and bringing that forth to everyone else like yeah, that's. So the first step is me finding those steps.


So when I've gotten similar information, I just go into my Akashic records, and I ask and I just write whatever comes into my mind, I don't have to logically understand it first. It doesn't have to make sense. I just trust and write down whatever is coming into my field.


Yes. And back to what you were saying in you being an excellent mentor. I can attest to that as you have been mentoring me through the Akashic records and learning how to tap into them. And so I'm not only a client I'm not only I'm not only podcaster, but I'm a client.


Cool. Thank you and and you know where to find me if you need extra help and support you to shoot me a message and I got you. I got you. I know. Cool. All right, Miss Jamie, how about you? What landed in? What are you? What do you get to do about?


Well, am I maybe that's the question I have, because I wrote down the tapping meditation. And I mean, really, it's like, it's kind of like, where do I start? And I do I just start with meditation and journaling, like, what am I focusing on? And because what what did hit me, as I said before, is when you said you have that success ceiling, that just hit hard, because it's so true in very different levels of success, not just job, but I own life, my happiness, it's like, it's enough. Good. It's not that it's bad. I'm very happy. But I'm very unhappy. In my career world, I wrote down the feeling of unworthiness. Because if I need or feel like I'm worthy of more, I get into the greed. I feel like I'm being greedy now. Happy, I'm healthy, my family's good. Why do I need to be greedy? So I really, I want to focus on feeling worthy of more, and that it doesn't mean greed. I mean, I can do good things with more for your community. I'm a big community person. But yeah, I really don't not quite sure where to start, like when I don't know. Is it just through meditation and writing down? Things that come in? I?


Well, that's the second time you've said that you put a question form, which means I want confirmation when I'm tapping. Correct. But I think you do know exactly where to start meditation and journaling, meditation and journaling. And you can ask yourself questions like, How can I feel more worthy, and begin to get clear on what it's going to take for you to really learn to hold that vibrational frequency? You could ask the question, What about worthiness feels uncomfortable to me? Anytime somebody goes cool. Write that one down. That one's gonna be a good one for you. It's good exploration.


So true. Because I feel again, worthy, like more than this means greed in my brain. And I don't feel like I need more. So why do I not feel worthy enough of being more? Good? Oh, yes. Yes,


you're welcome. I miss Christie, what landed for you, and what do you get to do about it?


Okay, so what landed for me is I've seen some shifts in my past lives. And because of that, I have the tools to help heal. And I'm gonna get very specific here for a second, I've been challenged. In finding my voice, I'm a writer, and in finding what kind of writing really is me. And so when I write for, I don't want to say encouragement. But the writings that I do, that are more focused on encouragement, and healing for other people, and more focused outward are the best writings for me, like, I feel the most proud of them, they come out easily. I never have writer's block when I'm trying to write them. So I feel like I need to focus on that. And I need to focus on the uplifting bringing my energy bringing my light and the light to my words, and to continue to share those words with the world. Currently, I'm doing that on Instagram, and it feels very weird and self promoting, and it's sticky, and I hate it. But I'm gonna continue to do it. And then also that I already have not just my writing, but I already have the tools to help heal. And I've always had this little thing in the back of my mind. And I never knew if it was just because I was brought up in the church, but it was you can change the world. You will change the world. You are here to bring light to the world. And you need to continue to do that. And when I stepped away from the church, I really did think it was okay, I need to get rid of that because that's just church talk. But as I've deconstructed and gotten back into my spiritual journey, and now here, it very much so is like, you do have this light, you do have this purpose. This purpose exists for you. You are this purpose like you are one in the same. It has nothing to do with your church upbringing. This is what you're here for. And you have everything to help make this world better and to heal the people in it. Yes.


Oh Christy.


Man You guys are also saying think of yourself as an Oracle. As somebody who shares this kind of wisdom, and to keep doing it, they're saying it only feels icky and self promoting, because you created that construct to protect yourself in a past lifetime. I did. And maybe even in this lifetime, too, because you spoke out at one point in time, and similar to how Lisa told me I was full of shit because I had telekinesis. Like, Oh, you think you can move the leaves Emily? Fine, right? Something similar. So you created this persona of of having it feel icky. The other thing? Oh, yeah. So when I was in Los Angeles and acting, how I started meditating, and going so deep into my own consciousness was, I was a really great actress in my head. But then I would show up in the audition room, and I would stop. And I'd be like, why is that? Where's the disconnect here, and I was getting it was because I was getting nervous and in my own way, and so I realized I needed to do things, to help me cultivate my own subtle energy body, which is where the meditation started, which is where I started Tai Chi Chi Gong doing things that really helped me have a command over my subtle energy body. And it was, the more I meditated, the more jobs I would get. So the more I would meditate. And then the more I would meditate, the more my consciousness would open up. And I was interested in all things quantum and I became a groupie, oh, this is actually a fun little story. I became a groupie have a podcast, I listen to it every single day. John Burgos, the beyond the ordinary show, and he had all kinds of quantum healers on and I would listen to them. And similarly, Christie, I would, I would get really excited about what I was learning. But in the back of my head, I heard this voice thing, you can do that too. You can do that, too. And a really cool thing is I was in Hawaii, with my kids in Maui on spring break. And John Burgos, reached out to me and asked me to be on his podcast while I was there, like.




so we got her first I just


I just, I just invite you to see yourself in my story. And then for me, we I mean, we have a lot in common. I like to share Oracle kind of intelligence that helps people and inspires people. And then I just weave in my own personal stories. And then there is Yeah, so any part of what I do that feels alive and inspired, I don't own that I don't own the copyright on or I haven't patent how i It's all free intelligence and information and inspiration. So if any of that feels alive for you, right handed over you, thank you.


Yeah, I'm just like I'm so blown away, really was not expecting an Akashic Records reading. So thank you so much for that. So let's promote you a little bit because, or a lot of, because, Jamie, because like I said, I've been working with you. We had our like, pre podcast interview meeting a couple of months ago. And ever since then, that's when I started actually working with you in tapping into the Akashic Records ourselves versus going and getting an Akashic reading.


Yes, yes. So there are a couple of different ways that you can work with me. I will do Akashic Record readings one on one, meaning it's just you and I. However, it's not a one off reading. It is a two session package. And we dive deep over the course of 30 days, you're gonna get homework in between each session, because my hope is for you, ladies who are experiencing this and everyone in the audience who is experiencing it, you're tapping in on just how powerful this realm of intelligence is, and what's at stake, when we use it to its highest potential, it helps us tap into our highest potential, but only if I as a mentor and guide and a reader require you to show up and to really be devoted to the process. So I don't do one off readings, because there's no way that we can get into shifting the things that you really came to me to shift in one session. So there's a one month package that you can dive into what I really love to do, though, and what I'm really here for is teaching people how to do this for themselves. So my highest level of genius is being able to teach you how to do this for yourself. You can either take the training self study, or you can take it in a masterclass version with me, but I will teach you in 15 weeks, everything that I know inside of the Akashic records you Then when it comes to advanced level activation and work when it comes to really tapping into our sole mission. This is where I take people into the vortexes of the planet. And I just got back from being in Sedona working with a private client right now who is calling forward blueprints from the Akashic records for free energy technology. And so we're going into the vortexes and being in certain places where these codes get activated. And it's, it sounds like it's really like a grand kind of technology for the planets. First of all, it's not really new, the technology is already here on the planet. We are working with some scientific aspects. But it's not just scientific. It's also the work on the human level, the microcosm that we as humans who hold this wisdom need to go through and in our own personal expansion, clearing the areas where we've held the trauma, getting clear on what our magic is, so that we can access it. So it's, it's not just about getting what we feel like we need to create the blueprint, it's about what within me do I need to subtract, I need to get out so that I have clear access. And it's not I have a couple clients working on like crazy technology like that I've got a zero gravity exploration happening to anti gravity, which is part of spaceship technology. But then I also am helping my clients write books. So I have one of my VIP clients lost his wife 11 years ago to cancer. And so he's creating a field guide for men whose partners are diagnosed with terminal illness and all the different aspects of how they need to show up not only clearing their own stuff, because they're going to be face to face with their own fear and trauma. And most men just check out they don't know how to show up in this space, but also how to support your partner through this process. And that already is cool enough. But then there's an LMS, where I'm teaching him to channel his late wife so that she has a voice in this as well. So there are projects that I can work on with my clients. And we're taking them into the vortexes, either Sedona or Mount Shasta where there's a higher level of PCO electric energy, which naturally raises our consciousness that allows us to clear out all of what's holding us back in our 3d life or our ordinary life, and to really create and step into a new timeline. And, Jamie, I can't tell you I mean, I shared with you about some of my clients who are doing unique things. Not that this isn't unique. It's just there are a lot of people in my field right now, specifically women who are leaving their old jobs and creating new ones. And the only reason I say it's not unique is because it's it's a faff right now it is an energy that is moving through our collective


movement. Thank you, man. It is and it's so inspiring. But again, my brains like how do you do that? How do you Yeah, what do I do? Where do I start?


KAUSHIK record? And yeah, that's what records Yeah, and really, yeah, starting there is step one. And then my records have given me methodology like I shared with Marlena, hey, find the five step by step that gets you from point A to point B. methodology to take people from point A to point B, in terms of making those timeline shifts, those quantum shifts, you're literally being invited to leap into a new timeline of your own creation.


It's it's crazy that you say that because Marlon and I have talked about this at extent for a while. And I keep telling her I said, I, I feel like I'm on the cusp, like I'm right there. It's right there. I see the clear vision, I see it. When I meditate, I see the same picture in my head of where I feel like I'm going to be it's right there. Now it's how do I get there? Yeah, how do I do it?


And so I'll just encourage anybody out there who's curious check out the website, the Akashic We have an incredible library of free resources for those of you who feel like you're just still dipping your toe in and if you feel called to dive deeper but you're not quite sure where to go or what that looks like. Explore on the website, then send me an email Emily at the Akashic and let me know that you are coming into my field from this podcast and I will personally get on a call with you. And we will figure out what the next steps need to look like for you or where the best starting point and ending point for that matter. Like where do you want to go? What is it that you want to create and we can have that conversation together?


Emily, you're so amazing.


Awesome. I love


we love you too. Oh, yeah, thank you.


Yes, your energy is amazing. I'm like, Oh my gosh, you just glow you go. You do thank you radiate light. It's amazing.


Huh, I received that thank you.


And then you also have your membership as well, right? The ether.


Oh, yeah, we have a monthly membership, that is only it's 22 bucks a month 2222. And you get to come into a private Zoom Room with me where I'm training once a month on some kind of esoteric study. Right now we're studying the seven hermetic principles I teach on alchemy, it's, it's a powerful space to be in. And my other might, one of my favorite things about the ether is that you get daily texts, reminders that bring into your awareness, oh, you might have got caught in the loop of 3d life, you might be pissed off at your boss right now. And given away your power, why don't you just come back here and breathe for a second tap back into your bigger vision. And those kinds of daily reminders help us to cultivate the skill of not getting subtly caught in the 3d but always being in command and control of our vibrational frequency, which that's where miracle consciousness becomes available. And we can create whatever we want to create. But we got to stay in charge of our own energy frequency and stop giving away our power. And that is something that has become habitual. For most people, it is giving away the power. So these daily text reminders, pull you out of that, the 3d matrix where you've gotten caught and bring you back into your own innate power and intelligence.


And I am a member of that as well. The Zoom calls, the monthly zoom calls, you know, I really enjoy those. And you're working with you with that as well. So you're just you know, you're an amazing person. You're an excellent mentor. The other thing about Emily is, she checks in on me, she'll send me messages, she'll send me emails, you know, checking in, how's my training going? You know, what do I have questions on, you know, and she also knows, like, at the right time, when to contact me. So you're welcome. So that's a fun party trick. I just, I can't say enough about you, you've really helped me in part of my healing, where I've been feeling stuck and stagnant. So one, training me on how to tap into my own records and figuring out where, where to start, basically. But then also for this, this reading, where I was like, Oh, well, now you call him as out. So I


can't hide for exactly, no playing small, small round. And we kind of went into wherever the guides were taking us today. And you each got an individual reading, which was so fun. I love that too. But normally on these podcasts, people asked me about my story. And I tell them about when I quit live in Missouri, and I went to Hollywood and how all that shift happens. And just one thing that I want to share about that experience was I grew up in a town of about 3000 people, where you pretty much you if you go to college, you learn to become a teacher, and you come back and you teach in a town and there you know, there are lanes that we stay in, and I broke completely outside of that box and really created for myself what I wanted to create and people thought I was batshit crazy, quit in college at 19. And she went to Hollywood. Why? Like that's Korea. And in my Akashic Record, which by the way, I only told you the job about getting fired. Google me I did

I had some great jobs that I actually got on there, right? Yes, she does. But


what I learned in my Akashic Record training was that's a part of my blueprint is to go from this small, obscure everyman kind of energy and play big, no excuses for playing small. And so when people come into my field, there's an assimilation. There's a transference of that energy that I can share because I've done it myself. Yeah,


I like that play big. Yes, my big


thing and also you guys can see Emily she has been featured on Gaia TV, she has an excellent episode on there. So for those of you that subscribe to Gaia TV, go in the search type in either Emily Harrison or the Akashic Academy. Either way, it'll pop up but yeah, I obviously I love you and I appreciate you ELP I love you. So thank you so much for being here with us.


Thank you, Emily. This was amazing.


Yep. Thank you for having me. I knew sitting in that bathtub and that salt bath,


right there. Yep, that's right.


Good. All right, Chris, you want to take us out?


Thank you all for listening to this wonderful episode of witchy mystic Anna feminist. We will be back next Tuesday. Don't forget to check out Emily on all the platforms and support her and go and like and listen to I don't know all of our things to WMF Send us a question. We'd love to answer it on air. And we'll see you next week.

Emily Harrison Profile Photo

Emily Harrison


Emily is the Founder/Director of The Akashic Academy, a modern day mystery school, dedicated to sharing knowledge that is empowering humanity to find personal freedom through the Akashic Records. By accessing the Akashic Records people can discover their Soul’s mission, the root cause of physical and emotional dis-ease, and learn to find unseen solutions to their most challenging life circumstances. Emily was named one of the five most innovative business women by Entrepreneur Magazine and has been featured on Gaia TV, HBO, Netflix, Thrive, The Huffington Post, and on stage at Harvard University. Working with Emily can include learning to read your own Akashic Records, attending an Akashic immersion retreat to Mount Shasta, quantum jumping into a new timeline, and participating in Emily’s latest creation, “The Ether” which is an online membership community designed to help you hold the frequency of miracle consciousness.