Unlock the secrets of your past lives with the wisdom of Corbie Mitleid, who joins A Witch, A Mystic & A Feminist to shed light on the soul's journey across time. As a certified tarot master and psychic medium, Corbie unveils the transformative power of past-life retrieval, a fascinating alternative to the more commonly known past-life regression. Through her engaging stories and swift interpretive skills, she demonstrates how revisiting our past selves can unearth explanations for current phobias, deep connections, and unique abilities. This episode promises to open your eyes to the subtle yet profound ways our previous incarnations continue to mold our present experiences and choices.

Venture with us into the ethereal realms of history as Corbie shares tales of past-life encounters with figures both ordinary and renowned. We discuss how these experiences, though rarely involving historical celebrities, can influence our present understanding of gender, relationships, and life purposes. The conversation takes a philosophical turn as we ponder pre-birth planning and soul agreements, considering the prospect of our dreams as nightly journeys into our former lives. Prepare to see the tapestry of your own history in a new light, as Corbie helps us make sense of the patterns woven through time.

The journey through past lives does not end at mere curiosity; it can lead to profound emotional and spiritual awakenings. We discuss real-life accounts of individuals whose past life memories sparked a passionate exploration of languages, cultures, and lost eras. Corbie underscores the importance of approaching these revelations with sensitivity, whether in therapy or through psychic readings. If you're intrigued by the echoes of your own past or seek a pathway to personal answers, join Corbie and us for a profound exploration of the soul's timeless voyage. Don't forget to connect with Corbie through her rich online presence for more insights into the enigmatic dance between the past, present, and future.

For more information about Corbie Mitleid, you can go to her website https://corbiemitleid.com/.

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00:26 - Exploring Past Lives With Corbie Mitleid

12:36 - Past Life Regression and Connections

16:52 - Exploring Past Lives and Psychic Readings

29:33 - Connecting With Corby Mitly


Speaker 1:

Good morning, good afternoon or good evening. Welcome to this week's episode of A Witch, a Mystic and a Feminist with your hosts, jamie Marlena and Christy. On today's episode, we welcome Corbie Mitleid, a certified tarot master, world-renowned psychic medium and past-life specialist. Welcome to the pod, hi Corbie. Hi Corbie here. Thanks, hi Corbie. So today we're talking about past lives and we should just jump in because we've got a lot to cover.

Speaker 2:

We do so. And for everybody who says, did I have a past life too? I kind of look at him over the glass and say you really think you're smart enough to get it done in one, so not happening. All of us have done past lives, but there is a big difference between what y'all know and what I do, and that's regression versus retrieval. So let me explain. Regression must only be done by a certified hypnotherapist or past-life regressionist, because you are the one untrained, who's going to go upstairs, the akasha, wander around and choose a book and if all of a sudden you choose a very traumatic situation, a grisly death, whatever, they know how to pull you back a little bit so you can observe but not get caught up in the trauma again. That makes sense. What I do retrieval my skill is I can go upstairs immediately and hold down a past life within 30 seconds, a minute. Usually, if you come to me with a situation, an obsession, a phobia, a person or a place that is just you're stumbling over, I'm the one that can go up, find the right book, come down and say here, re-chapter two. It means you're completely safe. It is something that is distant from you enough that I do it at psychic expos, it's safe. You do not want to go get hypnotized in a room full of 2,000 strangers. Right, that's private. No, but past life retrieval you can get done in a more public space.

Speaker 1:

I would have never had I been at one of those conventions, would, never, ever. It just seems too scary, but that makes a lot of sense, the difference between the two.

Speaker 3:

How did you get into past life retrievals? I know that you've been a psychic medium and terror reader, but Been there and done that. Solar franchise.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

The whole point is and you don't need the 30 second elevator speech when Spirit says hello, greetings, here's your draft note, here's your work for us, and you take it, spirit immediately starts ruffling inside you to see what you got, because it will use the skills you already have. Number one theater major at Brown University acted in New York. I understand character arcs, stories. Words are my drug of choice. I'm a writer so I can tell the stories. I have loved history since I was a we thing in single digits. You put that together. And my specific talents that I love are tarot and oracle cards. I love past lives. Why past lives? Well, I have the extra information. There are other people who do past lives and they're good, but if you show both of us the same vision and they don't have a historical background, they're going to say well, you're in a long skirt and it's a big hat with a feather and it's a really fancy building behind you. So this is, I don't know, maybe Europe 17th century, 18th century. I would see the exact same thing. I'd go okay, hobble skirt, picture hat, that kind of ostrich feather, you're in front of the Brandenburg Gate. This is Berlin in 1911 or 1912. On the other hand, do not ask me to do spirit art, because I cannot draw a stick figure with a letter. Not my wheelhouse. But that's why past lives are so wonderful for me. It also helps us with our life challenges, all right. So why don't we remember our past lives? Okay, you're a janitor in Des Moines and all of a sudden you realize you're in Napoleon boat apart. You still want to waltz around with a mop? Nope, bye. If I just pull a past life out of anywhere because you want to know one and it has no specific resonance to this life, you're going to go. Uh, it's just nothing. You know she was making it up. Yeah, couple of examples of why and when it works. Woman came to me in Pennsylvania I was doing a show there years ago and she says I'm really worried about my son. He's 29. He still won't make any decisions without me. He won't live more than a mile away. What is going on? Okay, so within a minute I said all right, I'm seeing 1944, utah Beach. So this is D-Day. He's a soldier, he's on the beach, he's bleeding out from shrimp shrapnel and the leg. You're his commanding officer, you grab him, you pull him behind a dune, you take some shrapnel to put you both lit. And I opened my eyes and she's very pale. She says can you see my rank? I said, yeah, you were a sergeant. She goes, he's called me sergeant. She was three years old so we never knew where that came from, wow. Second story a woman blonde, corn fred out from the Midwest. Has no connection, family wise, with a civil war at all, but she was always fascinated by it. So I went upstairs, pulled down, I say, okay, I'm seeing a whitewashed room, a low ceiling. They're two tall gentlemen, one in military, one in civilians, and they're standing by a rickety iron bed and their heads are bent over because they're too tall for the room. You are kneeling by the bed. It looks like it's a gray dress, maybe 1861 or two. You've got black suitosh around the peplum and the hem and your sleeves and in the bed there is this wizened old black woman and she's dying and all of you are grieving because she had been gotten out of a plantation in Mississippi and she was almost to the end of the Underground Railroad, but she was going to die before she got to freedom. And I opened my eyes and this woman is crying and says that is the exact dream I've had for 20 years. I never knew where it came from. Everything you said I've seen over and over and over again Wow. That's when past lives are important, because if we want to know a past life that matters to us, it will more than likely have something to do with a passion we have now or something to do with our karma. Karma is not bad and good. Karma, based on the work I did with Robert Schwartz in his book series on free, brief planning, is five things Unbalanced energy, healing service, contrast and healing of beliefs. To use myself as an example of the healing, a life before this one I was in Italian-American in Chicago, had an affair with my husband's best friend. My husband was always on the road, got pregnant but had a miscarriage of the child that was stillborn. This was in a Catholic hospital where the nurses, or the staff, were nuns. I was very distraught by this. I basically confessed to the nuns, didn't think it would do anything. When I got childbed fever, the nuns got together and decided that this was God's retribution on me for cheating on my husband. They had let me die in filth, pain, agony. This life I knew at age 13, I did not want children. It was just I knew that if I got pregnant it would be a nine-month parasite and I'd die. Didn't come from my family. Everybody around me was happy with kids, but I stuck to that. Once I did my own past life retrieval, I understood where that came from, that in this life it was more important to re-raise myself after a very dysfunctional, abusive childhood so that I would be the best compassionate healer, teacher, counselor that I knew how to be. Having children would derail me from my own treeverse plan.

Speaker 4:

That's amazing when you have clients that come in to do a past life retrieval. What is the experience like? Is it a meditative state? Do you do a hypnosis type deal? How do you? Not a thing, Not a thing.

Speaker 2:

Seriously, you sit down and tell me this. I say okay, wait a minute, and I literally just the door opens upstairs and it rolls out in my mind like a movie and I tell you exactly what I say.

Speaker 4:

It's that fast, that's amazing.

Speaker 2:

It is. It's why I can do past life galleries the way other people do mediumship galleries, but my mediumship I don't censor. So I'm not really comfortable just being in a room with 200 people because I never know what's going to come out of that. Now. Now is this a PG or an R show? Which version of that story do you want? We're good with R. I do not do mediumship the way a lot of people do. I don't go. Oh. I see a woman in a flower dress handing her roses. Grandma, oh, please. I get their dog texts who they were, their name, the year they died and how old they were, because it gets me the things right away. For example, my father, jerome Richard Dorkin, who died in 2001 at the age of 80, says nothing that gets me into the energy. And then my guides play charades. They smoked, they had surgery, there was an accident, whatever. Once we are sure we've got them, sometimes even before, I will say exactly what I'm hearing from the dead person. So this was in Canestota, new York, about 20 years ago. There was a biracial same-gender couple. The black partner had died and her white widow wanted to speak to her. Now see this face, nice kid from Cherry Hill, new Jersey. I have manners, but as soon as I connected, what came out of my mouth in flawless urban imponics was well shit, I bait my white bitch and I'm like, oh. But the woman in front of me burst out laughing and nodding because that is how her partner, isabel, walked into the house after his death. This is why ego cannot get in the way when you're doing a reading, because if it had oh, I can't say that you would have missed that message. But it's also why the reason I don't do that on stage- Medium shit pays Right. But past lives are generally very, very interesting and okay to talk about in public.

Speaker 3:

I love it. I know Jamie had a past life regression because she was in a meditative state.

Speaker 1:

They walked you through it, right, Jamie?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I was a guide to meditation and I think most of us that have dabbled in it. When I say dabble, I mean YouTube video. Get into the meditative state, something pops up and then we realize we're seeing something and then all of a sudden we realize that so it poof, it disappears and we're like wait, come back. But I really like the past life retrieval because for me my ego does get in the way. I'm like, oh, I'm doing it and I get really excited and then all of a sudden it's gone. That's just interesting to me.

Speaker 2:

You may see something that you don't understand. You would not have necessarily been able to identify the Civil War thing as the year of the clothing, which was a couple of years after they were not buying new clothing. So the fact that clothing was 1861 or two, this may have happened in 1863 or four. These are all of the things that I know to keep. So, yeah, that's why past life retrieval fascinates people. But don't come to me and say I know I was andaline because I can't wear a turtleneck. Do you have any idea how many times people have said that? Really?

Speaker 4:

Yes, really that is nice.

Speaker 2:

And I have always loved Egypt, so I know I was a famous pharaoh. No, oh my God, egypt had people who brewed beer, build things I mean, you're not. I have only run across three famous people in decades of doing this. One of them was Mercy Otis Warren, who was best friend with Abigail Adams and one of the female intelligentsia of the revolution. Kelly Bly, who was an investigative journalist at the beginning of the 20th century, and I did not realize that the person I was reading for, who I never met and it was only over the phone it's dead ringer for her and acknowledged that it was very likely what I was presenting. And there was a woman in Canada who loved photography but couldn't understand why it was black and white that she really wanted. And I found out that she was Jacob Reis R-I-I-S and that is the name of the photographer who took the very, very famous pictures of New York tenement dwellers in the early 20th century, the immigrants, the Irish, the Russians, and she was still picking up on that. But other than that, no, I don't get famous, sorry, we were all foot soldiers more than kings.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I believe that You're saying I'm not a pharaoh.

Speaker 2:

No, jay Malone, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.

Speaker 3:

Well, it's funny because one of the past life regressions that I had done it was just really brief. What I remember and I just I know I was a man and I know that it was in like the 1900s and I was wearing like a cabby hat and a suit and a long jacket and I was walking down the street and I was like I know I'm in New York, but like it doesn't look like New York now, it's just cars driving by but it's like the older time cars, obviously.

Speaker 2:

I'm not a history buff. But you know they look like Model T's or didn't look like Doc had City cars.

Speaker 3:

I don't know what that means. She's like what's the difference? And I was just walking down the street and, you know, very jolly with my friends, and then it just went away and I was like, oh, you know, and I always feel like what you were saying regressions, retrievals they come because they have something to do with your life now, and I was like, but it was so quick, I was like I have no idea what that means and I haven't been able to get back there.

Speaker 2:

It could be that it was just to let you know that you were male in that life, because we have to be on both sides of the fence. You know last life I was female two lives. You know the life before that. I was male, a pilot in World War One and got shot down over Belgium.

Speaker 1:

It all happens Now.

Speaker 2:

How fast do we come back between the pilot and the Italian American was maybe nine months. That's the stuff to do, oh wow.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

She died in 1945. I was born in er 49 and I was born in 55. So it's a little more time space. Also, when you're doing your pre-birth plan, you decide who you're going to be with and why. I was my father's 34th birthday present. We shared a birthday. It was because in most lives he and I are contemporaries, best friends, workmates. Whatever I knew or my higher self knew, when I was planning this life, which was going to be full of problems and dysfunction and learning, I would need a best friend as a father, that soul agreed to come in and do a father-daughter energy exchange with me. That's one of the reasons why you see somebody and it's a click-and-lock friendship. You've known them. You absolutely have.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that's me and Jamie. Yeah, we know that.

Speaker 1:

We know that one.

Speaker 4:

You had mentioned that the story you were telling about the lady kept having that reoccurring dream about the underground tunnel. Our dreams can be experiences from past lives Is there, I don't know how to say. Is there a way to embrace that? Is there a key or how to recognize?

Speaker 2:

that If it feels more real, if you wake up and you are profoundly moved by it, if all of a sudden it's something you don't know, but you have to know about it. As far as the World War One pilot thing goes, I grew up and had no idea about World War One, was afraid of Germans because my father was in World War Two. But I went to the Rundbeck Aerodrome in New York in 1991 and I watched a couple of the German World War One planes fly and there was this soundless explosion in my head as I watched them fly. There were two things. There's a story behind that one and I flew that one. All of a sudden, overnight. I had to learn about World War One. Hearing German no longer scared me. I had to learn to speak it. I would look at pictures of pilots and some of them I didn't like and some of them were my best friends, et cetera. I didn't tweak on this until the guy I was dating at that time said hadn't you noticed there's difference? Then, when I went back and did a past life regression, I was able to see this pilot. You look at a picture of me and him at the same age and you think that it's my grandfather. A lot of the habits that I had that did not come from my family apparently were his. When it's time for us to remember, we do.

Speaker 4:

Wow, we all think about our dreams and how they can be very important messages. Keep a dream job.

Speaker 2:

I don't care if you wake up and you're half asleep and you write down flat fire engine and a Rundbeck Put it there, that's a Rundbeck you may. Seriously. I tell people that when they're learning about mediumship, if that's what you see, tell your client, because you don't know that there is a drawing from their dead grandchild on the refrigerator. That was the last thing the kid drew before he died in an accident. There's meaning there. It is not your ego to judge, you just say it, reminding your clients that even the best of us are only 85% accurate because we're human. The only 100% accurate is God, and God is not doing psychic there readings this week. Thank you.

Speaker 1:

No, maybe next week. I mean, if he was or she was, there'd be a queue around the corner and down the block.

Speaker 3:

Do you find any patterns with retrievals that you've done? Are there any life patterns that you've found?

Speaker 2:

They are as different as we are. They truly are why people want to come in. When I do soul playing readings, which are based on the work I did with Robert Schwartz, the life challenges people come to me. Very often it's why do I feel so alone? Why can't I date the right person? Why am I afraid of success? All of the psychological things. When you look at it, there may be past life information that is useful. The ones that are really interesting are the ones that come to me and say I've never felt at home here, I've never felt at home anywhere. Sometimes they're what I call other. The souls are not completely human. I learned about learning the difference when I wrote for many years for the graphic novel series Elf Quest. I learned the difference between human and other. When that happens, I'll tell them. Close your eyes. I'm going to say two words to you and you must immediately tell me which one you resonate to. And I say in the same tone of voice human, other. And if they're other, their eyes fly open like oh my god, you understand me. No, they don't need to pass life. That's not what it is. They're just a foreign exchange student and they need to know they are seen. If you know the movie powder, it's just like that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I need to send my child to you and they are 19. Okay, um, because for their entire life they have been afraid of birds and they are like I have no freaking clue why I'm so afraid of birds, but like, deathly afraid of birds. Yeah, I'll be contacting what happened. Well, actually they will be contacting you. Okay, no, I'm even little birds that come. Like you know, we're in Hawaii. Little birds come up, yeah, and Running away.

Speaker 2:

We'll figure it out, awesome I have had a couple of people who are afraid of birds and they haven't watched Hitchcock. So okay, we're good right. But one of the reasons why I will not read for under 18 Number one they don't have the ability to understand allegory versus absolute and I'm not going to tell them whether they're going to pass geography If they're coming and they're indigo kids or crystals and they have Spiritual, metaphysical questions. That's one thing. But you know I'm not on the road anymore, but I was on the road for 18 years. So I teach how to be successful at psychic person expos and if you're a reader I tell you that you need to have a children's deck. And people look at me and say, what do you mean? I need a children's deck if I'm not reading kids? And I say, okay, fine, it's a very crowded Psychic there and you're reading for Mom and mom couldn't find a babysitter for a little muffin. So muffin is on her lap and muffin is going, mommy, mommy, mommy, card, card, card. And she looks at you and says, look, would you please let the kid, if all you have is your tower deck, what are you gonna do if it's? Look, muffin. Yeah, I have a little thing called cat wisdom and it has pictures of kitties and puppies and squirrels and the kid finds a little card that takes time to wait, and it's a cute kitty and I make up something and little muffin is fine, and then we get back to the reader.

Speaker 4:

So you know, not as simple as y'all think no, that totally makes sense.

Speaker 3:

So for those that are Interested in exploring past life, retrievals like what, what is your advice to them? Where should they begin their journey?

Speaker 2:

Well, there are articles out there about it. I have a particular tower of spread that I use, that I you can learn which life it was. Is there anybody in this life? What's the lesson? It's not as Tab a and a slot be precise as my going up and doing it, but that's part of it. Look at what you're interested in, look at what you're afraid of. Those are likely keys. Okay, if everybody else wants to go on America round, I mean, they're perfectly fine and safe. But you look at it and start sweating. There is a. Whether it's the horses, whether it's the mechanic, the mechanical ability, whether it's the person in 1932 who ran it, there's a key there. Whenever you have an un-reasoning fear or or delight, like I did with the World War, one planes after knowing nothing. That's a key that there is a story for you there. That's when you either find someone trustworthy, worthy, check the credentials to regress you, or you find someone like me who will retrieve that life for you.

Speaker 4:

So what do you find? I mean, if you have a consensus of what most people come to you and say, this is what I'm struggling with, I find you were saying, like, why do I feel so alone? Why can't I find the right person? Is there like a general question that you get most common and is there a pattern, or is there something similar with their stories, that For past lives or for it Past lives, yeah, past lives.

Speaker 2:

It's very often about relationships.

Speaker 4:

Second is career yeah, I was going to say that would be my number one.

Speaker 2:

Third is illness. Why didn't I come in with this illness or things like weight or depression? So it's not always going to be a past life thing. If I don't get anything, I will tell you. But people are looking for answers to that and, frankly, in this day and age, who can afford any kind of psychological help? And if you can, the waiting lists are years long. So if they want to get past something, they will look for alternative ideas and that's fine. But you really have to get references. You don't know if this person is a Madame Huwab or a Swami Swalanda or if they're real. So please, justy, it doesn't matter if we look good. What I warn people about is what I call glirpy purple, with angel types.

Speaker 4:

Glirpy purple with angels.

Speaker 2:

Hi, I'm little dancing rat, cool. And in here's my sweet guy, arctic Bear. Let's see what you're interested in. You're probably not going to get anything real from me.

Speaker 4:

See what you're interested in. It's cute.

Speaker 2:

So it's Look, I've done fairs for so long. I get to see every single kind of person there is. You want someone who looks like they know what they're doing and doesn't try to say you have to come to me, I'm the only good one, my aura don't stink. Yeah, because that is ego, completely and utterly yeah.

Speaker 4:

We've talked about that before. Marlena has talked about you know different mentors and people that she's matched up with, and one thing I think we've all learned from people we've interviewed is when they want to teach you so that you know and you don't have to keep coming back, and those are the ones that are in it for you to learn and move forward. You don't need me forever Be aware of that's called mentor.

Speaker 2:

Yes, guru, no Right, what is a mentor? They push you a little further than you think you can go, kick you out of the nest a little before you think you're ready and sit in the audience and applaud you for being better at what they do. Perfect example is Meryl Streep, luchiner Oscar thanking her drama professor at Yale. That was a mentor. Guru's are the types like forgive me, esther Hicks, who says I'm the only one who can channel Abraham and I'm writing the same thing in 14 books. Now you can come on a cruise and let me tell you the same thing. That's a guru. You will never be what I am. But are there real gurus? But they're very rare. Yeah, I'm going to ask the Yogananda honorably war that title. But no, most New Age people, no. I have a dear friend who believes what I do, knows I'm good, but says sometimes it's not New Age, it's New Age and it rhymes with sewage.

Speaker 4:

Absolutely right. Newage sewage, new age, new age, yup.

Speaker 3:

That's great. As we're wrapping up here, I do want to touch on. You have a few transformative books that you have written. Clean out your life closet. There's also the psychic yellow brick road and you've got the magic. Who needs a genie? Who needs a genie?

Speaker 2:

All right, Quickly. Number one clarity, adaptability, simplicity and making friends with stress. But I don't tell you. Do everything I tell you, because it all gets better. You write this book with me. Number two this is not how to be a psychic, it's how to find one, how to ask the right questions, how to stay safe If you're nuts enough to want to be in this field too. Every single thing that I learned from 18 years on the road, 45 weekends a year my nickname was the travel channel. This is for you. So that's a genie book. Okay, that's what I do. I teach, I put it out there. Look, I'm 69. I got to teach the next generation because I will not be around at 30 years. I ain't going to be doing this work at 99 years old. I'm doing it I will be retired. So I do say, I will do this work until I'm two weeks dead, at which point I will flip the scientific spirit guide and change my office. But things will change.

Speaker 3:

Corby, you are absolutely fantastic, and so we definitely would love to bring you back and discuss some of your books too, because I know that we can have, in speaking to each other, entire episodes just about each one of your books. So Sounds good to me. Thank you so much for coming on and discussing past life retrievals with us. You are fantastic. Can you please let our audience know how they can get in touch with you or your services?

Speaker 2:

Oh, Marlena, they can't avoid me. They really can't you go to CorbyMitlycom? It's got over 100 articles. It's got my own small podcast. It's got two dozen different readings she can do with me. You look on Instagram, you look on Pinterest, you look on YouTube. It's all CorbyMitlycom.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Thank you for joining us on this episode of A Witch, a Mystic and a Feminist. We will be back next week, but in the meantime, go to our website, wmfpodcom, to catch up on past episodes that interact with us and, wherever you listen to your podcasts, please go ahead and like and subscribe. We would really appreciate it and we will see you next week.